@Stiksi :3 =) !
=) All Possible Tips!
i guess thats the extent of APT's here!
what about a mixdown or tracks/parts pasted into a slate pad/s? (not tried but i hear slates pads got 2 hours each) then its just mixing and effects. doesnt rule out obsidian for extra of course.
but i needed that monkey muse magic
well my pet monkey traded my ipad for nuts and bananas
i saw some app store reviews say they lost access post ios11, hope they find this :)
B) thanks all. a TIA for future additions, maybe. this thread'll be useful for reference. (edit: was away for a bit, sorry apparent lateness)
@Will B)
@SlapHappy great, thanks again! @jumpercollins ar thats too bad!
on the old forum resources page i came across links to a few eden banks, something like korg triton, kawai, kurzweil, garden, etc., but they were dead links. does anyone have them or a working link please?
@SlapHappy happy to report it worked thanks! @"Blip Interactive" thanks for looking into it! is the answer from slaphappy the one referred to?
i still have ns1 on ipad air 2 ios 11/12. there is a project and a custom patch. can't start ns1 so can't can't access via nanosync. it will not show up in itunes apps file sharing docs either. (32bit app that current pc itunes geared to 64 bit ios ignores?) is there a way around this? i wonder if its possible to make ns1…
nanorry fields forever