eden sound banks
in NS1
on the old forum resources page i came across some links to a few eden banks, something like korg triton, kawai, kurzweil, garden, etc., but they were dead links.
does anyone have them or a working link please? are there anymore known about and available? thanks
That's a good idea. I'm having intermittent internet right now, but give me some time and I think I should be able to gather up some of those. It might be nice to set up a NS1 resources sticky somewhere that we can easily find this sort of thing. Stay tuned.
I remember buying the Garden ones many moons ago, they got lost in the digital realms of time !
@SlapHappy great, thanks again!
@jumpercollins ar thats too bad!
One of them is still available here: http://www.platinumaudiolab.com/sample_libraries.php?type=order_nanostudio_ios_soundbanks
If you are searching patch banks for old hood NS1 they i would suggest you look at these
audio demos:
buy: https://sellfy.com/p/QBEG/
audio demos:
buy: https://sellfy.com/p/qqAl/
Just found one of my own banks that I’d shared. Hope it still works 🤞🏼
https://www.dropbox.com/s/x0qiyn5v3edgyh0/Good to go.nsp?dl=0
And another, this time a Drum Kit made from Eden patches
I kept the original NS on my old iPad. Haven’t tried yet, but can I export the Eden soundbanks and move them across to NS2?
Unfortunately Eden is quite different from Obsidian. You can move samples and you can recreate Eden sounds in Obsidian but there’s no direct import to NS2 from NS1. TRG kits on the other hand work just fine in Slate.
Hey NS1 lovers !
I still use NS1 over NS2 for all my projects.
It is extremely fast To work with, sounds amazing.
It is easy to program the sound you are After and the interface is so intuitive.
Ok, it lacks audio tracks. Thats is not a biggie for mr, but i know many people that are going mad over this missing feature in NS 2.
I my opinion BI should have ”converted” NS1 to work on 64 bit devices and instead of rebuild everything from the ground up.
I think they should have developed the audio track feature for this ”New” NS1.
I know several musicians that just LOVE the sound of NS1 and get them inspirered to make music with it. But in NS2 the magic is GONE. I am very sad to say this because i had so much hope for NS2 when it was released and i waited so long for it.
I know that some people and even magazines think that Obsidian is one of the best soft synth for the IOS plattform. Maybe it is one of the most feature packed synth but i still dont get it. It doesnt sound inspirering to me at all.
The feature i missed in Eden and were waiting for was the better modulation Matrix and the support for multisampled sounds.
Obsidian got that but it dont help due to the lack of feeling and warmth.
That is what I believe makes a great software or hardware synth!
The sounds must reach out to your heart and make you want to write music!!
It doesnt matter how many feature there is if you dont have any inspiration.
I just remeber what Avicii used to say to follow musicians WHY he used the cheap and almost toylike(at the time) FL Studio instead of industry standard Daws like Logic Pro, Pro Tools, Cubase etc. He said that FL is fast to work with and gave him inspiration and his music Ideas were never far away from being created because he was so familiar with it and that is what i am talking about here.
I am not saying that NS2 is a bad tool for everyone, but for me it lacks the things i love in NS1.
NS1 made my music better !!
Thank you Blip Interactive for NS1 and NS2 (i want to believe that in a not so far future,
Obsidian gets the Eden ”Mojo”).
Best regards,
I'm glad to hear you're still getting on with NS1 and sad that you're not getting on with NS2.
But you've actually hit the nail on the head with this point because NS2 came to be because it wasn't possible to add audio tracks without a complete rewrite of NS1, just like porting NS1 to 64bit would have been a huge undertaking. All the extra stuff in NS2 is just Matt's ambition. I would love Eden as an IAP for NS2 but so far we haven't had any luck turning Matt's head.