In case you already own it... Loopy does great time stretching.
What Stiksi said. Also, love the lead line you played on the akai.
I don't recall what these were. Some third party sound pack? Do you know where they were from?
Nice! Thanks for making and sharing this.
I do as dendy suggests. Works pretty well for my purposes. It would be sweet to have a native three band filter plugin expressly for this purpose that was aware of its two partner instances so that you could adjust the bands on one instance and the other two would auto-update.
Yep. Even for non-synthesized drums, it's easy to load a sample into obsidian and leave it 'flat' so that it can have it's own channel. Can do this with Slate too. NS is forgiving about resources.
Reason Compact is AB compatible. You might be able to load it there and then point NS2 MIDI Instrument at AudioBus. I haven't actually tried this. Presuming that works, when you're ready to mix down, you have two options. * To use the NS "Mixdown" function you'll need to capture the AudioBus audio into Audioshare or…
Sounding great so far (three tracks in). Love the image/poster.
Ha! I didn't realize username here === artist name on spotify. For other dolts, a linky: https://open.spotify.com/track/7dgkpVYzHEnBKnaaMSbE5p?si=H9LxT08JSkKtg3p99-zQ9Q
Oh god, that mix! ¡¡¡¡LEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!
Sounding good so far. I don't remember my FB login any more. Can you post a screenshot from the group for context?
Agreed. I also love the bit at 0:16 where there's two kicks by themselves. Wondering if you considered doing that again after the 2:45 delays, just before the beat comes back in? Like, everything cuts for 2/4 bar with two kicks alone and then the new melody and the beat comes back. Might need to insert a time sig change of…
holy shit. That's a gold record, no? :+1: Link?
And you can still download NS1 for Windows and Mac from the main website.
Spaceship cockpit synthesizer wonderland! :love:
Like. So hold MUTE + double tap pad == solo. :+1:
Brilliant. :+1: Next time someone doesn't understand what I'm saying on a forum I am absolutely going to say "Sorry, packet loss I guess." and move on. :)
I've had good fun using a 1/4 speed sequence on the BSP as the transpose source for one or more Quantum sequences. Since the pads are still active, can also intersperse manual transpositions. I notice you have a BCR-2000. I haven't tried it yet but as I understand it, you can set it up so that the BCR and Quantum…
What Drez Said.
Totes. Was just trying to drum a way without adding a new UI item.
Wait, what mockup?
I'd like to see this as well. Maybe holding mute and tapping a pad (while mute is held) would work for this? Presuming "if a pad is tapped while mute is held, switch to that pad and we're not in mute mode when mute is released"
Slow down! This. Zones+Layers alone would be valuable all by itself. Think the trickiest bit would be extrapolating the best spots for the 24 zones if the original SFZ has say, 36 zones or 61 zones or... Which to drop, which to stretch, where to center them, etc. Then, you can try to sort out how modulations (etc) might…
Reverb, delay and chorus are not the most common effects used on synthesizers since... forever. mmmmmmk. :)
Same. And now it'll be the same for me. ¡Dammit @klownshed!
I haven't investigated the MIDI part of this. Would be interested to hear if it's something you can grab as a glob or whatever. I imagine it's not plain text but yeah, haven't really looked into it. ctdata?
Yep. The length of the waveform will determine the root note. I use the Adventure Kid single cycle waves a lot. Always have to tune them manually. Thankfully, that's a lot easier in NS2 than it was in NS1 since there are multiple oscillators. I set one OSC to SAW or something, press a note and then tune the single cycle…
I love sequencing NS2 with both of those! Quantum is really a dream with NS because NS is so easy to set up multi-timbrally and Q is so quick to get parts going with the scale and draw modes. Once you get down with Quantum's multiple tracks/parts and clock dividers... magic. For 'Berlin school' type stuff, you gotta check…
It seems a very cool program but there's one bit to keep small timers like me out: From https://blog.soundcloud.com/2019/02/19/beta-release-of-soundcloud-premier-distribution/