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  • The key in the filename thing is so Obsidian knows where to set the root key of a particular sample in a multi-sample patch.
  • It's possible—it's just a lot of steps. You can save the OBS patch (or slate kit), the mixer FX chain and export the MIDI for the track in question. First two will be available in any project immediately. The third (MIDI) would need to be imported manually. Sadly, other mixer settings (like send levels, or volume, etc)…
    in Copy tracks Comment by Will August 2019
  • No. The three Obsidian effects are the most commonly used on synth patches and this allows the effects to be saved with the patch and loaded in the future (on any vanilla NS2 install). Quick access to stack up any number of mixer insert effects (internal or AU) is different feature. As is the ability to save/recall a mixer…
  • "worst layout failures" is maybe a little strong :) but I too would love to see something like a channel strip for the given instrument. For quick volume adjustments (as in the original post), the Instrument Dropdown set to VOLUME works fine for me. On that same screen, if you select the MUTE/SOLO tab, you can jump…
  • Since it's defaulted to AMP ENV, AMP ENV's "Level" knob is essentially the gain knob.
  • I've found the fastest way to do this is to use the Instrument Dropdown, having set it to the 'Volume' tab. Same for soloing the current track. The nice thing is that it goes away so easily. https://www.blipinteractive.co.uk/nanostudio2/user-manual/CommonControls.html#instrument-dropdown
  • Interesting question. Can find data on total number of users but having trouble finding data on average monthly streams per service. Couple more interesting stream related reads (including questioning per-stream payout vs volume, etc): *…
  • My secret hope: Matt went with this layout to make it easier to support scale based piano rolls in the future. It looks similar to the way Korg Gadget looks (which, presumably, is because Gadget supports custom scales in the piano roll).
    in Parts Editor Comment by Will August 2019
  • For the nerdy/willing: $('table > tbody > tr > td').css('border', '1px solid #555'); in your browser's console make those tables a little easier to read by adding some borders.
  • Got slightly updated rates from https://www.digitalmusicnews.com/2018/12/25/streaming-music-services-pay-2019/ Here's how many plays on each service it would take to get to 20 bucks as well as how many it would take to get to $17,664 which is the US minimum wage. YIKES Service $ Per Play Plays to reach $20 Plays to reach…
  • Nice. If you put it on github or similar, I'd be glad to help.
  • If only it were as simple as "just implement last touched ala Reaper." That's saying "just do this thing that a fairly large group of developers working on a desktop DAW for well over a decade have done." Considering the number (and quality) of features already in NS2, it's probably fair to presume that if this was a 'just…
  • The ability to save and recall a mixer channel is definitely on the TODO list. That would allow you to recall a channel with the routing, instrument, FX, etc... all set. No idea the priority level but it's on there somewhere. As The Dendy™ said, you can quickly save and recall entire FX chains in the mixer for now. Maybe…
  • For it to work like it did in Eden, you want to use this third "global" slot. That's basically a 1:1 with Eden because the effect is applied globally. Applying them per voice (by using WS in filter slot 1 or 2) is new fangled sweetness for Obsidian.
  • That's curious indeed. Have you tried a hard reboot of your iPad and then loading NS immediately to see if it's still happening? Are the buffer and sample rate settings the same across NS, AUM and BM3?
  • Not currently but it's been suggested before and is somewhere on the proverbial list.
  • It was built for NS1's TRG but http://luktown.org/random/trg/ might still be helpful for the initial arrangement of sounds/pads. Matt was kind/clever enough to add TRG import to Slate. Since it's for TRG, it's pretty limited as compared to Slate: only 16 pads at a time, no velocity layering, etc. Text copy and paste would…
  • Perfect. One tweak... Step 3.5) Tap 'samples' in the top right of the window. More in the manual: https://www.blipinteractive.co.uk/nanostudio2/user-manual/Slate.html#browse-samples
  • epic. just epic.
  • Maybe worth a mention... I was probably the most vocal about wanting a 1:1 for Obsidian controls during beta but the more I used Obsidian, the more I realized how cumbersome this would be in practice. Obsidian just has a metric shit ton of parameters! Certainly more parameters than 120 available MIDI CCs would cover. For…
  • Possible compromise briefly discussed during beta: use a set of fixed MIDI CCs to control Obsidian parameters. Then you could 1) map a hardware controller to any OBS parameters (by programming the unit itself) and 2) use additional MIDI Instrument tracks if you wanted to automate any parameters above 10. That is, nothing…
  • I've read breakdowns of Music for Airports for years but having the simultaneously loopable example tracks makes this the best one yet.
  • What Stiksi said! That snare sound doesn't use any samples?
  • I've seen this when using LINK. If there's another LINK enabled app in the background and Project A set the tempo to 100, when you load Project B and LINK is enabled in NS, Project B will 'respect' the LINK session's tempo of 100. Rebooting the iPad would close out the LINK session. Could it be this?
  • Man, the creations section is fire lately. This is great.
    in New Creation Comment by Will July 2019
  • Fantastic set of sounds and changes.