Stick & Garrote: Numbers Game
Putting together a harder hitting album "Irreversible Consequence" and this is the first track from that.
I've been mixing this track for a long time and I'm still not completely sure if it's banging hard enough. But I'm actually really happy with the main pad/organ sound I made in Obsidian. It's got that mass and motion that's necessary to carry the simple theme.
Details: Composed in NS with mainly stock devices, AUs used are ShimmerFX, BLEASS delay (used as a pitch shifter) and K7D. The noisy riff that starts the track was made using @dendy 's Neutron multisamples.
Mixed in Ableton Live and I've added a couple tracks of Wavetable and Serum to the mix. I also used a couple Operators to beef up the kick. But mainly it's effects and EQ that I've done.
Banging tune, definitely it
Thanks, appreciate it!
Very nice! @Stiksi
WOW ! Holy mother of f**k this is SOMETHING !! True wall of sound, it is banging just as hard as needed, i can almost see big openair party with people jumping to the beat with hands in the air
LOT of energy !
Thanks guys @anickt and @dendy !
Yeah, that's probably not gonna happen, I've been trying to make a live gig happen for a couple years but I just don't have the drive to learn to play these live
Also, I would probably chicken out if I had to do it solo.
That’s bangin’ hard enough to me! Def has a good party energy.
No need to play live. Just DJ your own tracks. Isn’t that the way it’s done now?
epic. just epic.
Thanks @SlapHappy and @Will 🙂
Yeah, I actually hate it when an electronic act does a dj gig without calling it a dj gig beforehand, or like one chinese artist I saw recently, has a bunch of controllers on the stage and then spends the entirety of the gig absent-mindedly turning this knob, tapping that button and not affecting the music at all, and doing this across his own music and then playing records by other artists and STILL doing the same knob fondling. A little insulting to the audience.
I want to do what M83 does on stage. Helps to have unreachable goals I guess. I posted this M83 gig on the AB forums just the other day and it helps illustrate my point. This vs. random knob fondling.
i like performaces of Keby .. nice compromise between live played parts and parts played from sequencer ... it's a fun to watch him but also music is great
Yes, it’s annoying that I’ve never seen him live even though he lives in a neighbouring city 🙁 I love his original stuff.
Haha, the club he plays that piece of Vice at was my wife’s favourite club when she was in High School. It’s tiny!
Btw. at the beginning someone is yelling ”My armpits are so sweaty right now!”
The Chinese Poser sounds horrible. Keby is doing a good job - not sure if I’ll ever be coordinated enough to play 2 keyboards at once. M83’s concert is lively in a way that only a band with energetic people can be - and the editing helps that video a lot.
For me, and my certain to fail aspirations, the ideal one man behind synths (OK he has a couple of assistants) is JMJ on his Electronica Tour. Not sure if the graphics changed at each show, but I have noticed a lot of different graphics/lights in YouTube clips that were not at the show I saw. Certainly not a boring show with just a guy behind synths. I found his show to be far more entertaining than famous rock bands that only ‘entertain’ the audience by prancing around on stage. The combination of JMJ’s great music & visuals is almost overwhelming. However it probably takes a lot of money to pull this off. JMJ has had decades of sales & concerts to fund such a show - the rest of us can’t touch that. Still nice to dream....
So in Finland artists perform in saunas...? 😊😊
Thanks for the translation. Must’ve been funny and a crowd pleaser. Or... was that not intended to be funny? Still, I woulda laughed. After Stiksi translated it of course.
It was just Random Guy from the audience, Kebu doesn’t say much 🙂
I’ve never been much of a Jarre fan but that looks pretty amazing and you can pretty much count on his sound being superb so it must be a very profound experience for the audience.
Btw, the M83 gig’s editing did an amazing job of approximating what it felt like being there, you can never really catch the whole feeling but I could relive some of it by watching, which wouldn’t have worked with a stationary camera.
Absolutely. The M83 video of the show is quite fun, and I bet it was a great show in person.
That is hard dynamic to achieve, but it is really nice to see artists putting the energy in to making their shows so entertaining.