Mixer Gain in patch window
not sure if anyone else finds this a bit of a chore... if I’m designing a patch to fit with a song or scanning existing patches Im constantly going back and forth to the mixer to adjust levels. It would be cool if there was a fader in the patch editing window which linked to mixer track to save going in between pages?
That would be useful
You can adjust your AMP ENV level, or Global Filter Output, or individual OSC levels, all of which achieve the same thing. The Global filter level is safest because it comes in after the other filters.
We were actually wondering at one point whether Obsidian really needs three different gain staging controls but honestly they all have their place and use. 🙂
in most cases, AMP level is ideal for adjusting patch volume... Though, there are 2 exeptions
In these 2 specific cases only right place to adjust overall patch volume is global filter gain knob
Imdividual oscillators gains are for something different, as soon as you use dilter with ovedrive, changing oscillator gain changes the shape of somd comming out of oscillator...
I would love the option to be able to pop out the channel strip for whatever device is currently on screen on the side of the screen from literally anywhere. You do a long press on something, a dedicated button, whatever. I think it would help out a lot. You could solo, etc right from that screen and then pop in when done.
Yes, that’s actually quicker than turning on the Global filter and then adjusting the volume. You CAN bypass AMP with OSC 1 but it’s probably a one-in-a-thousand chance someone would want to. One of my thousand patches uses that routing, that I know of. I’d use it more if I could bypass AMP for all OSCs and just control individual OSC volumes with envelopes and LFOs. I was thinking more about the waveshaper in Global, which is very common for my own patches.
But why do you prefer the Gain knob instead of the Output knob? I find it curious because Gain only exists in the EQ filter. I mean I use Drive as my volume knob but that’s just because I usually like the overtones it adds to the sound and it fits my style, but it’s not for everybody.
I've found the fastest way to do this is to use the Instrument Dropdown, having set it to the 'Volume' tab. Same for soloing the current track. The nice thing is that it goes away so easily.
Aside from building a patch from scratch, an easy solution is needed for when one is browsing through hundreds pf patches and one can’t hear many of them over the track. One might want quick access to a mini slider for the current mixer track. A feature toggled on/off in settings for those who would be annoyed by it.
do you know that you can reach track inserts tab with just 2 taps from Obsidian screen (or generally from ANY place of whole NS) , and you can jump from mixer inserts list back to Obsidian with just plain single tap ?
Ok i know.. 2 taps is worse than 1 .. but i'm suspicious you are using some method for switching betweeen Obsidian and mixer detail insert list which involves 2+ taps for both directions jumps
There is more way how to get from one screen to other, make sure you are using the most effective one 
Obsidian -> Inserts list
Inserts list -> Obsidian
Not as such, you can map to it and AMP ENV is mapped by default, but it doesn’t have a dedicated knob if that’s what you mean.
Since it's defaulted to AMP ENV, AMP ENV's "Level" knob is essentially the gain knob.
"worst layout failures" is maybe a little strong
but I too would love to see something like a channel strip for the given instrument.
For quick volume adjustments (as in the original post), the Instrument Dropdown set to VOLUME works fine for me. On that same screen, if you select the MUTE/SOLO tab, you can jump directly to that instrument's mixer channel. For me, just adding 'INSERTS' and 'SENDS' as quick buttons to that dropdown view would scratch most of my itches.
I think maybe you are the one having difficulty with the English language. If I say, your communication skills are the worst, how does that make you feel? What if I say your attitude is the worst? I could say the way you speak is a failure that needs fixing, no ifs, no buts, just a failure, harsh, no, just reality, needs fixing, move on.
You speak as if everything you say is matter of fact and is not a suggestion. Opinions are offered, not demanded as if any other possible way is moronic. Because of the way you choose to communicate, I’ve decided to not read your posts. You might have a lot to offer the community, but I wouldn’t listen to a person talk to me or others like this IRL so I’m not going to do it here.
i like that mockup ! I'm just afraid if Matt does this, then shitstorm about BM3 ripoff will start :-) But, definitely THIS would be very VERY handy !! both left tabs and keyboard .. damn't .. pretty nice idea !
Nobody cares about a rip off, they just want a good solution.
@dendy is this area going to be vertical scrolling on the iPhone version?
no, it's designed the way that it fits without scrolling ;-)
Actually some iPad UI details were from beginnig designed with iPhone compatibility in mind
NS2 is a mobile DAW first. It’s not trying to be a studio DAW but can be used as one.
Agreed. I can’t wait for the iPhone version.
Wait, what mockup?