I feel basically the same, and agree with the two killer features: Obsidian is awesome and ultra-efficient, and MIDI editing is just better with NS2 than anything else, once you get it down. I really wish my MPC One had NS2's MIDI editing interface instead of the direct manipulation interface it has. I'd still love audio…
These are great! Looking forward to more!
@otis Ridiculous tone aside, I'm not sure why you think Matt's "not doing it". Everyone involved has said that he is working on audio tracks now. Dude has a track record of taking his time and delivering at a high quality. He's also got a dedicated beta testing team that helps catch most of the bugs before they make it out…
In the Audiobus forum thread, Jim said AU is coming (and price will raise at that time). So hopefully it will integrate nicely with NS2 in the future. :-)
Excellent, thanks.
In one of the other threads, someone also suggested keyboard shortcuts, a la Patterning 2. That would be extra cool, but I'll happily settle for just being able to enter text. :-)
NanoStudio filters all CC messages (and MIDI channel info) sent to AUs. That makes using some AUs a big pain and appears to be the same issue here. Hopefully that restriction can be lifted at some point, but some comments from dendy made it seem like that might be a pretty serious change.
Roger that. Thanks for confirming it as an issue, WinConway and dendy.
Even just being able to type text (e.g. when naming a project, track, or patch) with a keyboard would be a very welcome addition! I've got one of those keyboard/case things, so my keyboard is always attached. NS2 is the only app I use regularly that doesn't work with it. But yeah, basic keyboard shortcuts would be awesome…
Just tested BeatHawk with a similar setup in AUM (MIDI source -> MIDI C&F x 2 -> BeatHawk) and it worked as expected, so I'm not sure what's going on. Thanks again for trying to help!
Thanks a lot for the response, Dendy! Unfortunately, that's exactly how I have things configured and BeatHawk is still only receiving MIDI on Channel 1 (BeatHawk actually labels the channels 0-15, so Channel 0 in BeatHawk)... I can tell the MIDI in to BeatHawk is on Channel 0 because if I go into BeatHawk's settings and…
Huge +1 for physical QWERTY keyboard support. NS2 is the only app I use regularly that doesn't support it.
Would buy! Ideally they'd also come with some Obsidian patches that make good use of them.
I have a track with StepPolyArp Unit on it and I'd like to send arp octave and order change commands (CC 19 and 20) to it. If I understand this thread correctly, that's not possible?
I've got an 11" and I'm amazed at how much difference this makes too. Also super excited about two of the little quality-of-life improvements: touch velocity on the main pad screen in Slate and demoing notes on the piano roll.