Thanks 37, that does do the job pretty well, though requires jumping through about 10 hoops before getting there! So sad to hear NS2 is not being developed anymore... assigning tracks as input to other tracks would be so much better.
@SlapHappy no other midi info. As I said, It is clunky. IOS import export and restrictive folder access etc is a pain in the butt... and I'd have to name a file, find a place to export it, then do that, then go to the clunky import on NS2 to find the midi and import it. What would be an obvious solution is to do as you can…
Hi, thanks for the quick response, in the first method, if you go to Manage MIDI files, I see the midi file name but I want to use the file, and there seems to be no way to "get" that file. Double tap and drag drop do not do anything. In the second method, yep, that works, thanks... not very intuitive. I'd say it could be…