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  • @Cinebient Thanks for the breakdown. Got me to googling... Indeed, looks like the ratio between simplicity and power is pretty golden! https://www.soundonsound.com/techniques/arp-nouveau Looks like I need to boot up Logic again... :)
  • I use the iConnectAudio4+ and it's pretty great. The config app is the polar opposite of the smoothness of NanoStudio though! Total meh experience but it works. You can route digital audio between devices easily. I think it's actually 12 (96k) or 16(44/48k) total channels max but I've never actually tried this because I'm…
  • Not familiar with Logic's arp (even though I own logic!). Would you describe what's better for you about it than say Rozeta's Arp? Totally. I know that saving and recalling a mixer channel (which might be a parent channel with several child channels) is on the proverbial TODO list but not sure the priority/possibility.…
  • Not at this point, no. It would be fun to have!
  • You can also copy and paste those things between projects. Feels like magic.
  • Kinda of symmetrically pleasing that we were all two months apart.
  • Yeah, that's sorta what I mean about another Moog virtual analog—it'd have to be something really special to cover territory Model 15 doesn't already beautifully cover. The original Animoog (and Filtatron) developer was Chris Wolfe (who also made Jasuto). He was employed by Moog at the time. No idea what he's up to now.…
  • It won't work with transport stop/start but you should be able to enable LINK in Patterning and Nanostudio to keep everything in sync with cakewalk. That is, MIDI clock from cakewalk->patterning and Link from patterning->NS.
  • Classic frustrating MIDI non-standards. C0 != C0, because, MIDI. Actually, because Yamaha but anyway... Glad you got it sorted.
  • No idea but I hope so. Their apps sound amazing. I hope they have the funds/motivation to do something new (ala Animoog) instead of another digital port of another analog synth. That said, I'd probably jump on some of their classic modules in AUv3 format.
  • It occurs to me I've never actually tried Bram's Mozaic in NanoStudio. You could easily create a note remapper in there (or ask someone else to make one for you). Then, I think, once you save that as an MIDI effect chain preset you could load it on a Slate track whenever you wanted to control it from your pads. Could maybe…
  • Yeah. This is exactly the frustrating part of using long samples in Slate. Until audio tracks or other tools become available, I tend to slice long samples up and assign them to several pads to get round this. I generally do it by hand but I imagine ReSlice or similar would make quicker work of it.
  • What stiksi said. 100%. I also think there's no harm in wishing-out-loud for features either. It's when people start throwing 'fanboy' at people who have a different opinion or insisting an insanely capable app like NS2 can't be taken seriously because it's missing xyz-feature that things go goofy.
  • For these sorts of different-version-of-an-existing drum sound type effects, I find it's easiest to copy the pad to an unused slot, adjust the sound/fx/sends/whatever and trigger that MIDI note instead of the main one.
  • I used to feel the same way about having an Obsidian-native arpeggiator. Now I think I'd rather have the ability to bring up MIDI AUs as a new tab directly on Obsidian's PERFORM screen. They'd work like audio inserts so the OBS keyboard's output would be sent to the MIDI AU(s) and the MIDI AU's output would be sent to the…
  • +1. For resampling, a mixdown set to "Song Loop" works well but sampling external audio, timed record would be incredibly useful.
  • Good news? You can bounce to audio now with the Mixdown feature. Just solo the track(s). Tempo changes will be respected. You can bring the mixdown back into the project via Slate pad or Obsidian sample, if'n that's your thing. Once audio tracks land, you should be able to bring it in as a stand-alone audio track.
  • I do it like @LeeB but agree this would be a handy feature (particularly with the auto-splitting bit).
  • That is a thing of beauty.
  • Not at the moment but something like this has been discussed. Would certainly be handy. :+1:
    in Keyboard Comment by Will October 2019
  • You can host the AU Drum Machine in AudioBus or AUM and record the MIDI to a MIDI Track in NS. Once captured, you can move the MIDI clip to an AU track and edit away.
  • I haven't tried it with BM3 but so long as it supports LINK, you should be good to go. There's actually no need for Audiobus (though it certainly helps to smooth some stuff out like app switching). You can just use Virtual MIDI, LINK and Background Audio with both apps. For recording the MIDI, I usually just have some…
  • If you're using an external MIDI controller, you can also set any number tracks to listen on the same MIDI channel. On each track's Input Settings page, set the same channel and then make sure 'Track receives MIDI when:' is set to 'Always'. https://www.blipinteractive.co.uk/nanostudio2/user-manual/Mixer.html#track-io
  • Aha! Good point. Clever fellow. Yep, for sure, a proper MIDI MUTE is the goal. Glad the workaround at least kinda works for now.
  • You can also save the Mod Matrix panel alone via the Hamburger menu and load it up on any patch (though that would likely change the patch's sound because it would reset existing modulation routings). https://www.blipinteractive.co.uk/nanostudio2/user-manual/Obsidian.html#modfx-page Edit: WWWWWWHAT? I never realized there…
  • Isn't that what the OP is looking for? Mute the clip but keep any audio tails from mixer effects? I guess that doesn't cover release tails though.
  • For live use, you could consolidate your MIDI clips into a single clip and then use the "select clip and double tap properties" shortcut.
  • Matt, did you take over Wim's account? :) This is exactly why it didn't make it into the release. It seemed quick and easy when we first discussed it but quickly became bigger than a breadbox once the edges were considered.