@Blip Interactive said:
Yes that's fair enough. The story is that I really really wanted to get audio tracks in for launch but in the end I had to make a call on quality vs. features. I'm totally aware that audio tracks are essential for many, so I've tried my best to lay my cards on the table so people understand what they're getting now.
Once the audio tracks are complete, it will allow me to offer the app at a lower price than DAWs with audio tracks for those who don't need them, and (via IAP) and at similar price to the other DAWs for those that do.
Many need audio tracks, but then that opens up a can of worms for other needs, such as freeze, time stretch etc etc.
Personally I’m happy with NS2 as it is regards features. The only things I would like adding for ease of use are:
Mini timeline.
AU midi recording to timeline option.
A button on the AU fx page to help set the fx when not using an external keyboard and when no midi is recorded yet.
Project saves in iCloud.
But stability is more important and I don’t want to lose that for any feature
I don’t think you could ever try and compare it to PC based DAWs. My Daw struggles most of the time on a high i7 machine with 16gbs of Ram. What NS2 allows me to do ( and well) is sequence all those lovely samples created on said DAW with mountains off effects and resampling.
I love the fact I can sit in a hotel room 1000’s of miles from home and produce without lugging a laptop, sound card, and keyboard. Or sit at an airport making beats.. I think sometimes we forget how lucky we are to have all this stuff and people like Matt making cool programs.
Haha, we’ll see Looks promising though so far. Just a few too many holes for me to get reeeally excited about using it for now. I can fully see how a lot of other users aren’t missing those things though. Good news is that’s it’s nothing that can’t be fixed or added and the overall workflow and design is good so far.
@Fruitbat1919 said:
1. Mini timeline.
2. AU midi recording to timeline option.
3. A button on the AU fx page to help set the fx when not using an external keyboard and when no midi is recorded yet.
4. Project saves in iCloud.
I would like to see:
Free flowing multiple AU, like in AUM.
AU MIDI recording and saving MIDI to other tracks.
The missing MIDI port ( for Xequence and others)
Loads and a saves of everything from and into the Files App, to using any document provider I want. I don't use iCloud, but would use DEVONthink To Go.
Ahh, and of course all of AudioBus support that's possible :-)
I could never understand the constant “Vs” between Beatmaker and NanoStudio. They are two different apps with very different workflows. Yes both developers are both Matt’s and they’re both great at what they do. Stop comparing and bashing one app for the other. I can tell you that Mathieu is very happy for Matt and wishes him much success with NS2.
@TwistedGenetics said:
I don’t think you could ever try and compare it to PC based DAWs. My Daw struggles most of the time on a high i7 machine with 16gbs of Ram. What NS2 allows me to do ( and well) is sequence all those lovely samples created on said DAW with mountains off effects and resampling.
I love the fact I can sit in a hotel room 1000’s of miles from home and produce without lugging a laptop, sound card, and keyboard. Or sit at an airport making beats.. I think sometimes we forget how lucky we are to have all this stuff and people like Matt making cool programs.
Quite a defeatist outlook? Take best bits of bm3, Auria, Stagelight, ns2. Put em together = ableton. Kind of. It’s not the hardware that is dictating which features these apps include. For some reason each dev keeps missing out alternate features from each other, that are frustratingly staple on desktop.
Not sure how you’re having issues running a daw on an i7 with 16gb ram? Weird... surely it’s the plugins that are stretching it, not the daw?
I find creative life is better when I let the tools drive to a certain extent so I am just abandoning any expectations I had for how I might have used NS2 and am just going to explore it and experiment with incorporating it into a whole ‘new deal’. The current batch of ten tunes I am finishing is the result of about ten different workflows so I am screwed anyway.
@Audiogus said:
I find creative life is better when I let the tools drive to a certain extent so I am just abandoning any expectations I had for how I might have used NS2 and am just going to explore it and experiment with incorporating it into a whole ‘new deal’. The current batch of ten tunes I am finishing is the result of about ten different workflows so I am screwed anyway.
Yeah the Vs thing is silly. BM3 is a great app that is missing some important features for myself (AU midi record and an easy way to get midi out as tracks). NS2 is a great app that lacks a few features I would like too (mainly mini timeline, AU midi record).
Beyond the above they both have great use scenarios that make them better than the other. Both cost me less than I’ve wasted in a pub many times in my life
@Fruitbat1919 said:
Yeah the Vs thing is silly. BM3 is a great app that is missing some important features for myself (AU midi record and an easy way to get midi out as tracks). NS2 is a great app that lacks a few features I would like too (mainly mini timeline, AU midi record).
Beyond the above they both have great use scenarios that make them better than the other. Both cost me less than I’ve wasted in a pub many times in my life
FWIW, @Blip Interactive i ran a quick comparison test between BM3 and NS2. I had four instances of Aparillo running in BM3, the same in NS2, plus 2 instances of Obsidian. After about twenty minutes of playing and editing and sequencing BM3, it had a hard crash and i lost everything.
I then opened NS2 and performed similar operations and you know what...that file is still up and running 9 hours later...and i don’t think I’ve bothered to save.
You’ve created a very stable and powerful app. I look forward to going on this journey with you as it evolves and matures. Beautiful work on it. Thanks for being so active in the community with your creation and forthcoming with your plans.
I’ll be using AB to do my midiFX routing until we get it internally...the extra step will be worth it. At least i can get the Midi data into NS2, whereas with BM3 I’m totally unable to regardless of the hack.
You have t manually highlight them all in BM3. Here u just tap select all. Little lazy Things I know but it all helps in speed flow. Velocity in BM3; u can select all but still have to manually turn down each events velocity after the fact one by one when within the edit / pattern window. In this I just select all in one tap, and then drag down one cursor and boom all the velocity levels within the pattern edit / piano roll goes down simultaneously. I guess the crackling is due to having a 2016 iPad Pro vs the newer ones.
@blueveek said:
Out of curiosity, what are the features present in NS2 that you missed in BM3? (of course apart from Obsidian).
For starters yep the built in synth. Also select all feature. The automation. Changing velocities on a whole bunch of notes effortlessly. The lack of crackling noises when I load a bunch of Zeeon AUs or Model D. For now that is all I can think of that I dig in NS2 that I took longer to do, and /or didn’t like in BM3
Automation, select all and changing velocities on many notes already exist in BM3 as well, so I'm not sure what you're referring to there exactly.
Personally never got any crackling with AUs, but that's subjective.
For me the biggest thing that I like is the piano roll. It's pretty freaking phenomenal.
@LucidMusicInc said:
I gotta say that BM3 made a major error by incorporating everything into the bank framework. Banks should have been for samples instruments and tracks for audio and AU synths or external midi.
+1 for this from me as well, NS2's approach of treating sampling and synthesising as different things is much better from an UX point of view.
What's in there is finished, and hopefully finished to a high standard with no significant bugs. I've tried to publicize it as 'there's more I would like to add' so people are as clear as possible on what they are getting and what they're not getting. I'd rather have no customer than an unhappy or disappointed one.
I'll only add all the stuff I want to add once I'm happy that it is also finished to a similar standard.
Number 1 priority for me is a rock solid, stable, bug free platform to build upon with happy users not losing their work.
Aside from the possible toggling of the tracks up top to a mini timeline while in the mixer window. I have no bug issues yet. After figuring the basics of the app, I’ve come up with some pretty dope material without any issues and or the feel of lack of creativity or functions. Coming from Ableton and FL usage for years this is nice n “flowy”
I’m still pretty happy with BM3, except for the fact that it now doesn’t record AUV midi. But, of course, neither does NS2. But I’m patient, and I’m looking forward to both fixing this deficiency. One thing (among many) about NS2 that I like/liked quite a bit - I was able to jump in without reading the manual or asking questions on this or the AB forum. Always a good sign! Really looking forward to continuing to explore NS2.
@nkdvkng said:
You have t manually highlight them all in BM3. Here u just tap select all.
That's not true. Double tapping on the "select" tool selects everything.
@nkdvkng said:
Velocity in BM3; u can select all but still have to manually turn down each events velocity after the fact one by one when within the edit / pattern window. In this I just select all in one tap, and then drag down one cursor and boom all the velocity levels within the pattern edit / piano roll goes down simultaneously.
Again not true, you can drag all of them at once in BM3 as well.
This isn't to belittle either NS2 or BM3. But in a post about "jumping ship from BM3", I feel obligated to point out inaccuracies in feature sets
@flockz said:
And to be fair, if people don’t want to hear these kind of opinions then they should stop trying to compare it with bm3 and posting these kind of threads and making it some kind of weird ‘vs’ thing. Not everyone is going to be able to produce using only ns2. I’ll probably be using both. Until one or the other finally nails it..
I never started this post as vs thread. Simply one where I find that as someone who comes from the background in hiphop that bm3 partially aims to appease and with an extensive history of samplers (I’ve owned the mpc2000, 2000xl, eps16, asr 10 etc) I have a particular workflow and speed I like working at. In trap music you have to pump out material quick and crisp. Bm3 just started updating again late this year and still I have issues with particular AUs etc. intua is a whole team, this app is made by one dude and it’s far more stable for me in the vain of say GarageBand, but with far more usage than GarageBand. I’ve seen you on the BM forums, I know you’re a diehard. Trust this isn’t supposed to be a flame war or anything negative. Just me stating that this is what works best for me and why I find it better for me.
Haha, we’ll see Looks promising though so far. Just a few too many holes for me to get reeeally excited about using it for now. I can fully see how a lot of other users aren’t missing those things though. Good news is that’s it’s nothing that can’t be fixed or added and the overall workflow and design is good so far.
Yep in the end that’s what it is in the end. Some things flow well in our way of making music and others work better. It’s like food. We all have our preferences lolol
Well I never object to learn something new. So I appreciate you dropping that knowledge for sure
@echoopera said:
FWIW, @Blip Interactive i ran a quick comparison test between BM3 and NS2. I had four instances of Aparillo running in BM3, the same in NS2, plus 2 instances of Obsidian. After about twenty minutes of playing and editing and sequencing BM3, it had a hard crash and i lost everything.
I then opened NS2 and performed similar operations and you know what...that file is still up and running 9 hours later...and i don’t think I’ve bothered to save.
You’ve created a very stable and powerful app. I look forward to going on this journey with you as it evolves and matures. Beautiful work on it. Thanks for being so active in the community with your creation and forthcoming with your plans.
I’ll be using AB to do my midiFX routing until we get it internally...the extra step will be worth it. At least i can get the Midi data into NS2, whereas with BM3 I’m totally unable to regardless of the hack.
@nkdvkng said:
You have t manually highlight them all in BM3. Here u just tap select all.
That's not true. Double tapping on the "select" tool selects everything.
@nkdvkng said:
Velocity in BM3; u can select all but still have to manually turn down each events velocity after the fact one by one when within the edit / pattern window. In this I just select all in one tap, and then drag down one cursor and boom all the velocity levels within the pattern edit / piano roll goes down simultaneously.
Again not true, you can drag all of them at once in BM3 as well.
This isn't to belittle either NS2 or BM3. But in a post about "jumping ship from BM3", I feel obligated to point out inaccuracies in feature sets
Btw sorry for my sensationalist headline lol. I’m used to making titles and things for marketing my music to nab people in. All love for bm3 and all the wonderful iOS apps that allow us to make great music on the go
With stable Au support, the Obsidian Sampler Synth and Slate that supports audio clips that can hold loops of long duration and my existing sample library I should be able to manage without needing to sample new content,especially in light of the fact that Synthmaster player is about to go AU.
I’m very happy with Obsidian though, 3 voices of any kind of Osc with Unison makes a very interesting and powerful sound.
I suppose about resampling (mixing down parts) is a viable solution as well.
@Blip Interactive Wavetable synthesis is very popular now. Don’t forget to top up your IAP store so we can continue to support your development efforts!
@flockz said:
And to be fair, if people don’t want to hear these kind of opinions then they should stop trying to compare it with bm3 and posting these kind of threads and making it some kind of weird ‘vs’ thing. Not everyone is going to be able to produce using only ns2. I’ll probably be using both. Until one or the other finally nails it..
I never started this post as vs thread. Simply one where I find that as someone who comes from the background in hiphop that bm3 partially aims to appease and with an extensive history of samplers (I’ve owned the mpc2000, 2000xl, eps16, asr 10 etc) I have a particular workflow and speed I like working at. In trap music you have to pump out material quick and crisp. Bm3 just started updating again late this year and still I have issues with particular AUs etc. intua is a whole team, this app is made by one dude and it’s far more stable for me in the vain of say GarageBand, but with far more usage than GarageBand. I’ve seen you on the BM forums, I know you’re a diehard. Trust this isn’t supposed to be a flame war or anything negative. Just me stating that this is what works best for me and why I find it better for me.
I’m definitely not a bm3 diehard Daws are daws I’ll bail on any of them if something better shows up. Ns2 has potential for sure. But so does bm3. Like I said in an earlier post I’ll probably use both until one or the other tidies themselves up and adds the stuff they’ve said they will and see which one fits best in the end..
FWIW Intua are tiny too But how many people worked on something isn’t something Im going to factor in when assessing or using it...
I’ve got no horse in the race except my own workflow, I’ll be happy to see any daw/dev succeed in their vision and use anything that allows me to work as fluidly and organically as I’m used to on desktop. Bm3 and ns2 are both pretty close. Remaining optimistic!
@nkdvkng said:
You have t manually highlight them all in BM3. Here u just tap select all.
That's not true. Double tapping on the "select" tool selects everything.
@nkdvkng said:
Velocity in BM3; u can select all but still have to manually turn down each events velocity after the fact one by one when within the edit / pattern window. In this I just select all in one tap, and then drag down one cursor and boom all the velocity levels within the pattern edit / piano roll goes down simultaneously.
Again not true, you can drag all of them at once in BM3 as well.
This isn't to belittle either NS2 or BM3. But in a post about "jumping ship from BM3", I feel obligated to point out inaccuracies in feature sets
Yah I am seeing a lot of people lately who quit BM3, frustrated with it, then point out things it doesnt aparently do that clearly it always did.
Could be a lot of reasons for this, either bailing because of layout/workflow or worse yet crashes, but it could also just be... them.
@flockz said:
And to be fair, if people don’t want to hear these kind of opinions then they should stop trying to compare it with bm3 and posting these kind of threads and making it some kind of weird ‘vs’ thing. Not everyone is going to be able to produce using only ns2. I’ll probably be using both. Until one or the other finally nails it..
I never started this post as vs thread. Simply one where I find that as someone who comes from the background in hiphop that bm3 partially aims to appease and with an extensive history of samplers (I’ve owned the mpc2000, 2000xl, eps16, asr 10 etc) I have a particular workflow and speed I like working at. In trap music you have to pump out material quick and crisp. Bm3 just started updating again late this year and still I have issues with particular AUs etc. intua is a whole team, this app is made by one dude and it’s far more stable for me in the vain of say GarageBand, but with far more usage than GarageBand. I’ve seen you on the BM forums, I know you’re a diehard. Trust this isn’t supposed to be a flame war or anything negative. Just me stating that this is what works best for me and why I find it better for me.
I’m definitely not a bm3 diehard Daws are daws I’ll bail on any of them if something better shows up. Ns2 has potential for sure. But so does bm3. Like I said in an earlier post I’ll probably use both until one or the other tidies themselves up and adds the stuff they’ve said they will and see which one fits best in the end..
FWIW Intua are tiny too But how many people worked on something isn’t something Im going to factor in when assessing or using it...
I’ve got no horse in the race except my own workflow, I’ll be happy to see any daw/dev succeed in their vision and use anything that allows me to work as fluidly and organically as I’m used to on desktop. Bm3 and ns2 are both pretty close. Remaining optimistic!
My bad for the misunderstanding. It’s all love! 🙏🏼🙏🏼
@flockz said:
And to be fair, if people don’t want to hear these kind of opinions then they should stop trying to compare it with bm3 and posting these kind of threads and making it some kind of weird ‘vs’ thing. Not everyone is going to be able to produce using only ns2. I’ll probably be using both. Until one or the other finally nails it..
I never started this post as vs thread. Simply one where I find that as someone who comes from the background in hiphop that bm3 partially aims to appease and with an extensive history of samplers (I’ve owned the mpc2000, 2000xl, eps16, asr 10 etc) I have a particular workflow and speed I like working at. In trap music you have to pump out material quick and crisp. Bm3 just started updating again late this year and still I have issues with particular AUs etc. intua is a whole team, this app is made by one dude and it’s far more stable for me in the vain of say GarageBand, but with far more usage than GarageBand. I’ve seen you on the BM forums, I know you’re a diehard. Trust this isn’t supposed to be a flame war or anything negative. Just me stating that this is what works best for me and why I find it better for me.
I’m definitely not a bm3 diehard Daws are daws I’ll bail on any of them if something better shows up. Ns2 has potential for sure. But so does bm3. Like I said in an earlier post I’ll probably use both until one or the other tidies themselves up and adds the stuff they’ve said they will and see which one fits best in the end..
FWIW Intua are tiny too But how many people worked on something isn’t something Im going to factor in when assessing or using it...
I’ve got no horse in the race except my own workflow, I’ll be happy to see any daw/dev succeed in their vision and use anything that allows me to work as fluidly and organically as I’m used to on desktop. Bm3 and ns2 are both pretty close. Remaining optimistic!
My bad for the misunderstanding. It’s all love! 🙏🏼🙏🏼
@nkdvkng said:
You have t manually highlight them all in BM3. Here u just tap select all.
That's not true. Double tapping on the "select" tool selects everything.
@nkdvkng said:
Velocity in BM3; u can select all but still have to manually turn down each events velocity after the fact one by one when within the edit / pattern window. In this I just select all in one tap, and then drag down one cursor and boom all the velocity levels within the pattern edit / piano roll goes down simultaneously.
Again not true, you can drag all of them at once in BM3 as well.
This isn't to belittle either NS2 or BM3. But in a post about "jumping ship from BM3", I feel obligated to point out inaccuracies in feature sets
Yah I am seeing a lot of people lately who quit BM3, frustrated with it, then point out things it doesnt aparently do that clearly it always did.
Could be a lot of reasons for this, either bailing because of layout/workflow or worse yet crashes, but it could also just be... them.
I have never used BM3. If it has a lot of functions that people can’t seem to find, that says something to me. Functionality/features need to be balanced with great UI/UX. This is an area I think that NS1/NS2 excels at. Balance of features with UI to create smooth workflow. If there were a whole bunch of features that I don’t need that crowd the interface (and I don’t know if that describes BM3 or not so no need to defend it anyone) then I might as well go back to desktop. Just a thought to help clarify what I think some people might be enjoying about NS2 compared to whatever app/program. And I could be wrong about that. I am not comparing or adding to the this alp vs another app, just trying tonpoint out a positive aspect of NS2.
@nkdvkng said:
You have t manually highlight them all in BM3. Here u just tap select all.
That's not true. Double tapping on the "select" tool selects everything.
@nkdvkng said:
Velocity in BM3; u can select all but still have to manually turn down each events velocity after the fact one by one when within the edit / pattern window. In this I just select all in one tap, and then drag down one cursor and boom all the velocity levels within the pattern edit / piano roll goes down simultaneously.
Again not true, you can drag all of them at once in BM3 as well.
This isn't to belittle either NS2 or BM3. But in a post about "jumping ship from BM3", I feel obligated to point out inaccuracies in feature sets
Yah I am seeing a lot of people lately who quit BM3, frustrated with it, then point out things it doesnt aparently do that clearly it always did.
Could be a lot of reasons for this, either bailing because of layout/workflow or worse yet crashes, but it could also just be... them.
I have never used BM3. If it has a lot of functions that people can’t seem to find, that says something to me. Functionality/features need to be balanced with great UI/UX. This is an area I think that NS1/NS2 excels at. Balance of features with UI to create smooth workflow. If there were a whole bunch of features that I don’t need that crowd the interface (and I don’t know if that describes BM3 or not so no need to defend it anyone) then I might as well go back to desktop. Just a thought to help clarify what I think some people might be enjoying about NS2 compared to whatever app/program. And I could be wrong about that. I am not comparing or adding to the this alp vs another app, just trying tonpoint out a positive aspect of NS2.
@SlapHappy said:
Yes agreed! And same for people confused by NS2. But I do note people saying they feel NS2 was easy to jump into without RFTM. How did you feel?
Yeah it’s mostly been intuitive, nicely designed and logical. I’ve used a lot of daws so few surprises. I’m hoping for some more RTFM things being added in future though
Many need audio tracks, but then that opens up a can of worms for other needs, such as freeze, time stretch etc etc.
Personally I’m happy with NS2 as it is regards features. The only things I would like adding for ease of use are:
But stability is more important and I don’t want to lose that for any feature
I don’t think you could ever try and compare it to PC based DAWs. My Daw struggles most of the time on a high i7 machine with 16gbs of Ram. What NS2 allows me to do ( and well) is sequence all those lovely samples created on said DAW with mountains off effects and resampling.
I love the fact I can sit in a hotel room 1000’s of miles from home and produce without lugging a laptop, sound card, and keyboard. Or sit at an airport making beats.. I think sometimes we forget how lucky we are to have all this stuff and people like Matt making cool programs.
Haha, we’ll see
Looks promising though so far. Just a few too many holes for me to get reeeally excited about using it for now. I can fully see how a lot of other users aren’t missing those things though. Good news is that’s it’s nothing that can’t be fixed or added and the overall workflow and design is good so far.
I would like to see:
Free flowing multiple AU, like in AUM.
AU MIDI recording and saving MIDI to other tracks.
The missing MIDI port ( for Xequence and others)
Loads and a saves of everything from and into the Files App, to using any document provider I want. I don't use iCloud, but would use DEVONthink To Go.
Ahh, and of course all of AudioBus support that's possible :-)
I could never understand the constant “Vs” between Beatmaker and NanoStudio. They are two different apps with very different workflows. Yes both developers are both Matt’s and they’re both great at what they do. Stop comparing and bashing one app for the other. I can tell you that Mathieu is very happy for Matt and wishes him much success with NS2.
Quite a defeatist outlook? Take best bits of bm3, Auria, Stagelight, ns2. Put em together = ableton. Kind of. It’s not the hardware that is dictating which features these apps include. For some reason each dev keeps missing out alternate features from each other, that are frustratingly staple on desktop.
Not sure how you’re having issues running a daw on an i7 with 16gb ram? Weird... surely it’s the plugins that are stretching it, not the daw?
I find creative life is better when I let the tools drive to a certain extent so I am just abandoning any expectations I had for how I might have used NS2 and am just going to explore it and experiment with incorporating it into a whole ‘new deal’. The current batch of ten tunes I am finishing is the result of about ten different workflows so I am screwed anyway.
Haha, I hear ya. iOS is fracturedsville.
Yeah the Vs thing is silly. BM3 is a great app that is missing some important features for myself (AU midi record and an easy way to get midi out as tracks). NS2 is a great app that lacks a few features I would like too (mainly mini timeline, AU midi record).
Beyond the above they both have great use scenarios that make them better than the other. Both cost me less than I’ve wasted in a pub many times in my life
The voice of reason 👏
FWIW, @Blip Interactive i ran a quick comparison test between BM3 and NS2. I had four instances of Aparillo running in BM3, the same in NS2, plus 2 instances of Obsidian. After about twenty minutes of playing and editing and sequencing BM3, it had a hard crash and i lost everything.
I then opened NS2 and performed similar operations and you know what...that file is still up and running 9 hours later...and i don’t think I’ve bothered to save.
You’ve created a very stable and powerful app. I look forward to going on this journey with you as it evolves and matures. Beautiful work on it. Thanks for being so active in the community with your creation and forthcoming with your plans.
I’ll be using AB to do my midiFX routing until we get it internally...the extra step will be worth it. At least i can get the Midi data into NS2, whereas with BM3 I’m totally unable to regardless of the hack.
You have t manually highlight them all in BM3. Here u just tap select all. Little lazy Things I know but it all helps in speed flow. Velocity in BM3; u can select all but still have to manually turn down each events velocity after the fact one by one when within the edit / pattern window. In this I just select all in one tap, and then drag down one cursor and boom all the velocity levels within the pattern edit / piano roll goes down simultaneously. I guess the crackling is due to having a 2016 iPad Pro vs the newer ones.
+1 as well
Aside from the possible toggling of the tracks up top to a mini timeline while in the mixer window. I have no bug issues yet. After figuring the basics of the app, I’ve come up with some pretty dope material without any issues and or the feel of lack of creativity or functions. Coming from Ableton and FL usage for years this is nice n “flowy”
I’m still pretty happy with BM3, except for the fact that it now doesn’t record AUV midi. But, of course, neither does NS2. But I’m patient, and I’m looking forward to both fixing this deficiency. One thing (among many) about NS2 that I like/liked quite a bit - I was able to jump in without reading the manual or asking questions on this or the AB forum. Always a good sign! Really looking forward to continuing to explore NS2.
That's not true. Double tapping on the "select" tool selects everything.
Again not true, you can drag all of them at once in BM3 as well.
This isn't to belittle either NS2 or BM3. But in a post about "jumping ship from BM3", I feel obligated to point out inaccuracies in feature sets
I never started this post as vs thread. Simply one where I find that as someone who comes from the background in hiphop that bm3 partially aims to appease and with an extensive history of samplers (I’ve owned the mpc2000, 2000xl, eps16, asr 10 etc) I have a particular workflow and speed I like working at. In trap music you have to pump out material quick and crisp. Bm3 just started updating again late this year and still I have issues with particular AUs etc. intua is a whole team, this app is made by one dude and it’s far more stable for me in the vain of say GarageBand, but with far more usage than GarageBand. I’ve seen you on the BM forums, I know you’re a diehard. Trust this isn’t supposed to be a flame war or anything negative. Just me stating that this is what works best for me and why I find it better for me.
few other things. But it’s early days. A lot of potential.
Yep in the end that’s what it is in the end. Some things flow well in our way of making music and others work better. It’s like food. We all have our preferences lolol
Well I never object to learn something new. So I appreciate you dropping that knowledge for sure
Btw sorry for my sensationalist headline lol. I’m used to making titles and things for marketing my music to nab people in. All love for bm3 and all the wonderful iOS apps that allow us to make great music on the go
When can we “pre order” those audio tracks
With stable Au support, the Obsidian Sampler Synth and Slate that supports audio clips that can hold loops of long duration and my existing sample library I should be able to manage without needing to sample new content,especially in light of the fact that Synthmaster player is about to go AU.
I’m very happy with Obsidian though, 3 voices of any kind of Osc with Unison makes a very interesting and powerful sound.
I suppose about resampling (mixing down parts) is a viable solution as well.
@Blip Interactive Wavetable synthesis is very popular now. Don’t forget to top up your IAP store so we can continue to support your development efforts!
I’m definitely not a bm3 diehard
Daws are daws I’ll bail on any of them if something better shows up. Ns2 has potential for sure. But so does bm3. Like I said in an earlier post I’ll probably use both until one or the other tidies themselves up and adds the stuff they’ve said they will and see which one fits best in the end..
FWIW Intua are tiny too
But how many people worked on something isn’t something Im going to factor in when assessing or using it...
I’ve got no horse in the race except my own workflow, I’ll be happy to see any daw/dev succeed in their vision and use anything that allows me to work as fluidly and organically as I’m used to on desktop. Bm3 and ns2 are both pretty close. Remaining optimistic!
Yah I am seeing a lot of people lately who quit BM3, frustrated with it, then point out things it doesnt aparently do that clearly it always did.
Could be a lot of reasons for this, either bailing because of layout/workflow or worse yet crashes, but it could also just be... them.
My bad for the misunderstanding. It’s all love! 🙏🏼🙏🏼
I have never used BM3. If it has a lot of functions that people can’t seem to find, that says something to me. Functionality/features need to be balanced with great UI/UX. This is an area I think that NS1/NS2 excels at. Balance of features with UI to create smooth workflow. If there were a whole bunch of features that I don’t need that crowd the interface (and I don’t know if that describes BM3 or not so no need to defend it anyone) then I might as well go back to desktop. Just a thought to help clarify what I think some people might be enjoying about NS2 compared to whatever app/program. And I could be wrong about that. I am not comparing or adding to the this alp vs another app, just trying tonpoint out a positive aspect of NS2.
Or it could just mean RTFM
Yes agreed! And same for people confused by NS2. But I do note people saying they feel NS2 was easy to jump into without RFTM. How did you feel?
Yeah it’s mostly been intuitive, nicely designed and logical. I’ve used a lot of daws so few surprises. I’m hoping for some more RTFM things being added in future though