Jumped ship from a different app
Shout out to my dude @3sleeves first and foremost. I’m an all in one box type of producer since back in the MPC2000xl days. I was hooked on BeatMaker 3. I must say that shit DAW is definitely on another level. I can see Matt put in hella work these last 6 years. It shows. It’s the little things. I’m glad to be a part of the community and mad love to you all.
P.s. where is the note repeat? 😫😫😫
-nkdvkng (naked Viking)
Also the ability to select all, and move notes up and down the piano roll in octave(s) with one button makes me love producing on my iPad even more. That was one of my biggest uses in FL studio. So happy that’s included
Out of curiosity, what are the features present in NS2 that you missed in BM3? (of course apart from Obsidian).
I tried around over a year with BM3 before I could do anything in it at all!
No joke.
With NS2 I could start without the manual, within minutes.
Of course only basics, but that was different with BM3!
Getting MIDI into and our of BM3 was quite difficult.
I shared the MIDI from AudioShare to NS2 as first try - and it simply worked.
Still need to check if NS2 handles Drum MIDI like a regular DAW, or like BM3, which separates the different instruments onto different tracks - very bad for exchanging MIDI.
But let me add, I am a MIDI type, not a Sample type.
I used to be heavy into samples but I’ve moved onto producing for Trap artists so MIDI is my go to as well. But I’m glad we can sample and import samples at least in NS2 if need be.
BM3 is deep. I think getting good with that helped me dive into NS2 faster. But this program seems to be far deeper than BM3
For starters yep the built in synth. Also select all feature. The automation. Changing velocities on a whole bunch of notes effortlessly. The lack of crackling noises when I load a bunch of Zeeon AUs or Model D. For now that is all I can think of that I dig in NS2 that I took longer to do, and /or didn’t like in BM3
@nkdvkng Yo man, thanks for the love!
I'm guessing you didn't get much sleep last night either, like the majority of this forum's users
I'll be trying to make some NS2 videos soon.
I’m about to take a nap now. I slept two hours only since NS2 dropped lol @3sleeves
Yeah man, this 9 to 5 is cutting into my NS2 time...sleep is postponed until further notice.
I just cant drink coffee anymore (ulcers and all that) if not I would be up non stop.
I think Im using my first NS2 beat in the istandard beat battle Wednesday and for illMind's pass the aux on Monday. Ns2 loooove!
Automation, select all and changing velocities on many notes already exist in BM3 as well, so I'm not sure what you're referring to there exactly.
Personally never got any crackling with AUs, but that's subjective.
For me the biggest thing that I like is the piano roll. It's pretty freaking phenomenal.
Lot of potential in ns2 but it’s missing so much functionality in lots of areas right now. B3 and NS2 seem like they each are great at what the other is poor at. Excited to watch both develop. Race to the finish....
I gotta say that BM3 made a major error by incorporating everything into the bank framework. Banks should have been for samples instruments and tracks for audio and AU synths or external midi. The fact that you can’t compose midi in BM3 without assigning either an IAA / AU or dummy sample just seems convoluted. What’s especially weird in my case is when I make an AU track the “pad” stops sounding notes when I select another pad. It’s a bug probably and I haven’t got time for BM3s eccentricities anymore. Even just playing samples crashes the app. Don’t know why and don’t care anymore. Too many unfriendly design decisions by Intua. Sounds very harsh but it’s the truth. They need to step up their game.
The two kings that started all are together again

+1 for this from me as well, NS2's approach of treating sampling and synthesising as different things is much better from an UX point of view.
I see it exactly same way ! BM3 was for me epic dissapoontment, and i did a lot tracks in BM2 !
I'm pretty happy that NS2 is going in almost all directions completely different way ... As i know Matt, it will stay this forever and that is good. This way those two app doesn't competite at all, everybody can choose that which better fits his workflow and needs. Just some users need to understand that trying push one to be other is going agains he wall.
BM3 deserves the praise it gets for being the first of its kind. I like the per pad FX and macros. Unquestionably the sampler is nice. Interesting how the scene and pad song arrangement works. Patterns are cool as well. Banks could save patterns etc etc, But with all the interchangeable parts it’s not surprising why the app is often unstable.
I’m in complete agreement. This is why I finally deleted BM3 - and It felt great! I couldn’t be more pleased to now move ahead with NS2 at a speed of understanding that I never could achieve with that other ... thing.
I like a lot of ns2 so far. But it’s pretty damn dull in comparison to bm3. And miles from Ableton, Bitwig, Reaper..
I’m not sure why you had issue with the bank system as a home for synths in bm3? You could simply just load a synth to a track in song view, and treat it as track, totally ignoring the pads/bank....
looking forward to both apps evolving but no way I could flip to ns2 as it is. Just doesn’t do very much right now and some big things missing or underwhelming at present. Obsidian is cool but no shortage of great synths out there for sound design. Im more interested in modern daw features and a fully rounded environment without gaping holes...What’s there is mostly pretty good though so we’ll see how it goes.
Huh? Even the dev is saying it’s a minimal release at present.
He’s just put 6 years into this, doing everything in his power to make it stable and bug free and you say it’s dull. Not a bit harsh?
I find it far from that!
I said dull in comparison to mature apps with far more creative functions and flexibility. Dev would probably be the first to agree, at least as an optimistic customer I’d hope so. Its been publicised as being far from finished so yeah of course it’s dull compared to software that I mentioned. But it’s solid and has a lot of promise. The more interesting functions and features will arrive in time.
I'm not here to be a blatant fan boy or evangelist but ... dull? I'm just not seeing this. Ah well, to each his own. I'm glad you dig Bm3 - alot of people do. I hated it. But then again, I really like ModStep and people hate that.
However, you're not going to make many friends coming to a forum for a specific app and mildly insulting that app. You'll likely just get harsh feedback.
BTW - I am a fan boy, but hopefully a level-headed one.
All the best @flockz , I hope you find what you're looking for in NS2 eventually (not being sarcastic, I mean it).
What's in there is finished, and hopefully finished to a high standard with no significant bugs. I've tried to publicize it as 'there's more I would like to add' so people are as clear as possible on what they are getting and what they're not getting. I'd rather have no customer than an unhappy or disappointed one.
I'll only add all the stuff I want to add once I'm happy that it is also finished to a similar standard.
Number 1 priority for me is a rock solid, stable, bug free platform to build upon with happy users not losing their work.
Just stating facts. Like I said, I like most of what’s there at launch and I’m probably going to be using it for certain types of tracks. At least some initial midi work maybe. But there isn’t very much there at present for contemporary creative daw work in terms of a powerful and complete creative environment. Let’s be honest...
But a lot of people won’t miss those kind of things and literally just wanted a stable multitrack midi sequencer on iOS, so I can see how this might feel like Christmas came early, and that’s great. I imagine that ns2 has higher long term ambitions than appealing only to that crowd though.
And to be fair, if people don’t want to hear these kind of opinions then they should stop trying to compare it with bm3 and posting these kind of threads and making it some kind of weird ‘vs’ thing. Not everyone is going to be able to produce using only ns2. I’ll probably be using both. Until one or the other finally nails it..
Got to be the right way to go to be honest. I use many iOS apps that have lots of issues and the frustration can be high. NS2 is superb and really only needs a few little tweaks here and there to fulfil Most of my wishes. Ease of use and rock solid stability are often the most important features on iOS - too many devs try and throw lots of features in and then seemingly ignore stability.
Yes, add more if and when you can, but never at the risk of stability!
Yes that's fair enough. The story is that I really really wanted to get audio tracks in for launch but in the end I had to make a call on quality vs. features. I'm totally aware that audio tracks are essential for many, so I've tried my best to lay my cards on the table so people understand what they're getting now.
Once the audio tracks are complete, it will allow me to offer the app at a lower price than DAWs with audio tracks for those who don't need them, and (via IAP) and at similar price to the other DAWs for those that do.
What’s there at launch is really promising. Excited to see where it’s at in a years time. It’s not just audio tracks/timestrech etc though for me that are making it feel limited. Automating aufx (manually and via midi au), no aufx inserts per individual slate pad, awkward resampling process to slate pads, having to setup macros for basic synth automation....a few other things. But it’s early days. A lot of potential.
That's the take home message, right there!