Some feedback, containing interesting points.



  • edited December 2018

    @tja said:
    So, please let's stop to discuss if Obsidian is "good enough" or not.
    That's realy not important.

    So then ... contribute something important to inspire conversation in the direction you feel is interesting. The conversation is going to go where the participants are intrigued to go. Trying to control a topic just by saying you’d like it to be different isn’t likely to be very effective.

  • Matt is a smart designer. Any all-in-one solution (I believe that is what NS2 aims to be first) is limited. Limitations are not always a bad thing. Limitations force creativity.

    This has been said before but, a good tune or piece or whatever will sound good on a massive (Massive) synth or a more "limited" one. I think alot of the next part of the work goes into making the absolute best within the compromises we are forced into ...

    The great part about NS2 and the ios platform in general, is it gives us the choice to use whatever synth we wish. Want to have the absolute "best" analog emulation and grind your ipad to its knees? Go ahead. Want to use a more mild emulation or synth on resources and move happily along with no pops and clicks? Go ahead.

    I'm sure if I took the time and had alot of patience, Obsidian would be plenty of synth for me. I'm just a peasant. But, knowing myself, i'll throw alot of stuff into the mix and will need to try this and that and ... heck, that's the fun. Choices, compromises, limitations ... therein lies the creativity.

  • @kinkujin said:
    Matt is a smart designer. Any all-in-one solution (I believe that is what NS2 aims to be first) is limited. Limitations are not always a bad thing. Limitations force creativity.

    This has been said before but, a good tune or piece or whatever will sound good on a massive (Massive) synth or a more "limited" one. I think alot of the next part of the work goes into making the absolute best within the compromises we are forced into ...

    The great part about NS2 and the ios platform in general, is it gives us the choice to use whatever synth we wish. Want to have the absolute "best" analog emulation and grind your ipad to its knees? Go ahead. Want to use a more mild emulation or synth on resources and move happily along with no pops and clicks? Go ahead.

    I'm sure if I took the time and had alot of patience, Obsidian would be plenty of synth for me. I'm just a peasant. But, knowing myself, i'll throw alot of stuff into the mix and will need to try this and that and ... heck, that's the fun. Choices, compromises, limitations ... therein lies the creativity.

    What this guy said. 👆

  • @kinkujin said:
    Matt is a smart designer. Any all-in-one solution (I believe that is what NS2 aims to be first) is limited. Limitations are not always a bad thing. Limitations force creativity.

    This has been said before but, a good tune or piece or whatever will sound good on a massive (Massive) synth or a more "limited" one. I think alot of the next part of the work goes into making the absolute best within the compromises we are forced into ...

    The great part about NS2 and the ios platform in general, is it gives us the choice to use whatever synth we wish. Want to have the absolute "best" analog emulation and grind your ipad to its knees? Go ahead. Want to use a more mild emulation or synth on resources and move happily along with no pops and clicks? Go ahead.

    I'm sure if I took the time and had alot of patience, Obsidian would be plenty of synth for me. I'm just a peasant. But, knowing myself, i'll throw alot of stuff into the mix and will need to try this and that and ... heck, that's the fun. Choices, compromises, limitations ... therein lies the creativity.

  • @number37 said:

    So then ... contribute something important to inspire conversation in the direction you feel is interesting. The conversation is going to go where the participants are intrigued to go. Trying to control a topic just by saying you’d like it to be different isn’t likely to be very effective.

    I though to have done this already, starting with the creation of this topic and other postings here.
    But anyway.

  • I think Obsidian was designed to not have a certain "characteristic" to its sound. That's the beauty of it. It's neutral which means more flexibility with sound design and mixing rather than being stuck to a certain characteristic (which can always be introduced via third party plugins).

    For example, Klevgrand have some really ripper plugins such as DAW Cassette and ReAmp which both can potentially induce analogue characteristics if you so wish. I need to explore this further. :)

  • @jwmmakerofmusic said:
    I think Obsidian was designed to not have a certain "characteristic" to its sound. That's the beauty of it. It's neutral which means more flexibility with sound design and mixing rather than being stuck to a certain characteristic (which can always be introduced via third party plugins).

    For example, Klevgrand have some really ripper plugins such as DAW Cassette and ReAmp which both can potentially induce analogue characteristics if you so wish. I need to explore this further. :)

    100% Hilarious.

  • edited December 2018

    @flockz said:

    100% Hilarious.

    Well, it wasn't my intention to be "100% hilarious" but rather share my enthusiasm about Obsidian.

  • @jwmmakerofmusic said:
    I think Obsidian was designed to not have a certain "characteristic" to its sound....

    @Zupi said:
    Call me idiot (don’t you dare), and I am not a sound expert (no, really) but regarding the Obsidian I believe it was not build to have some character as many analog reincarnations through some kind of distortion, analog modeling, sound irregularity etc. so you will be able to use all the possible frequencies and destroy them by yourself.

    Of course this is only my view but I think there are at least 2 people here who can confirm that. You know who you are.

    No, not you... not you either... nope,... no...

    Anyway, bottom line, easily worth the half if not more of the app’s money, but am afraid in standalone very few would care to buy it.

    Now I need to find one more so I won’t be feeling like idiot. =)

  • @Zupi said:

    Now I need to find one more so I won’t be feeling like idiot. =)

    Okay, that is freaky. :lol: I read the first post, skipped to page two, and wrote my above post. I had no idea I was repeating what you already said. 😱 What are the bloody odds? Now THAT is hilarious. The result of wanting to be social but also rushing so I can get back into the NS2 environment. I'm glad you and I are on the same wavelength though mate.

  • Yep, it’s cool trying to be social like we do. I am just worry for the rest that are already social and their tolerance. =)

  • @Zupi said:
    Yep, it’s cool trying to be social like we do. I am just worry for the rest that are already social and their tolerance. =)

    Lol. You mean people who socialise more than make music?

  • I think Obsidian was designed to not have a certain "characteristic" to its sound

    100% correct :)

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