Small display bug
If you have the solo/mute or volume view open from the instrument drop down then tap the play settings drop down the instruments drop down switches to the au/instrument/keyboard view.
You can instantly see the keyboard appear beneath the play settings drop down.sheet thing. When you close the play setting sheet you are no longer in the mute/solo tab.
This is inconsistent with the rest of the UI.
hm.. yeah his is a bit strange but don't know what to do with it - any change would make it just more strange..
solo/mute/volume is just dropdown menu of nav bar item, which appears over actual page ...
play settings is also just dropdown menu of navbar, same like mute/solo/volume screen - if you have active navbar item dropdown, item itself on navbar is white
navbar can display just one dropdown at time otherwise it would be messy .. so tapping settings opens it's dropdown and logically closes previously opened dropdown (which was mute/solo/volume screen), so last active app section appears...
But in use the behaviour of the instrument setting sheets can be annoying.
The mute/solo and volume modes take up the whole screen and look like they should behave like a mixer tab. But they don’t.
If you use the volume or mute solo sheets as compact mixers you are constantly taken out of that view and into the instrument view.
Perhaps those two sheets make more sense as compact mixer views instead. They look like they should behave like proper screens not drop down sheets as they take up the entire screen. Conceptually a sheet makes much more sense for a window that doesn’t take up the whole screen.
The main mixer quickly becomes unwieldy when you have more than a dozen tracks or so, making the compact views potentially quite useful.
The instrument drop down sheet tab window view type things look like they should work as compact
Feature request. Proper compact mixer view.
yeah exactly that's main reason why it may be a bit confusing in some moments
Totally yes, view with just inserts, or direct access to all send knobs from mixer view - various alternate views - would be pretty handy...