Ability to save or add more audio FX with the patch.

Just bought NS2 after a long time waiting for the best moment and I love it. Long time user of NS. But saving the preset didn't save the fx from the channel and the one included in the patch are only the Reverb, MultiFX and Delay. I would love to see the distortion save too like with the 5th Planet from NS1 and other fx in that matter.


  • edited August 2019

    you cannot save mixer FX chain with Obsidian patch cause hey are basically two totally separated things... you can save FX chain on its own ..

    BUT - you can use all waveshaper ovedrive/distortion models inside filter section of Obsidian (and on Slate pad too !) ... there is "WS" filter mode which is basically waveshaper (+ lofi).. you can either use it in slot A or slot B, in this case distortion is applied individually ot each played voice, or you can use it in third filter slot, which is applied at once on all playing voices together...

    so let's say - leave filter1 as "LP", then chsnge type of filter 2 to "WS" and now you can choose variant - Tube, Soft, Hard, Enhance, Sine, Tri, Lofi"

    In this case also don't forget that Filter Env is by default mapped to both Cutoff 1 and Cutoff 2 (and same with XY pad) - somyou probably want delete this mappimg and remap it just to Filter1.

    Now you have Filter -> Distorion route whih is saved together with patch :-)

  • Oh yes, I forgot about the WS filter, will try this after I wake up! Thank you!

  • edited August 2019

    @Equivalent said:
    Oh yes, I forgot about the WS filter, will try this after I wake up! Thank you!

    you're welcome :-) Btw. not much people know that, but the "sine" and "triangle" waveshaper modes are actually "hollow" and "zingy" modes from 5th Planet :)

  • Great stuff dendy!!

  • edited August 2019

    or you can use it in third filter slot, which is applied at once on all playing voices together...

    For it to work like it did in Eden, you want to use this third "global" slot. That's basically a 1:1 with Eden because the effect is applied globally. Applying them per voice (by using WS in filter slot 1 or 2) is new fangled sweetness for Obsidian.

  • @Equivalent said:
    I would love to see the distortion save too like with the 5th Planet from NS1 and other fx in that matter.

    The ability to save and recall a mixer channel is definitely on the TODO list. That would allow you to recall a channel with the routing, instrument, FX, etc... all set. No idea the priority level but it's on there somewhere.

    As The Dendyβ„’ said, you can quickly save and recall entire FX chains in the mixer for now. Maybe using an Obsidian patch name like "FooBar +FX" and then saving the FX chain as "FooBar" where the +FX in the patch name is a reminder to also load the FX chain would help?

  • @Will said:

    The Dendyβ„’


    We’re so lucky to have trademarked The Dendy and not just some cheap knock-off version.

  • @WinConway said:
    Have to be honest here, the effects on Obsidian just simply need replacing with a rack where the user can load any number of native effects, I know Matt doesnt like AU much, so the native is fine, but what is there now is just not enough and going back and fore to the effects stack on the mixer is tedious at best.

    I agree, if you doing lots of sound design I find it a bit weird jumping from the patch your working on to the mixer channel to add 3rd party effects.

  • edited August 2019

    reasons why there are just 3 FX slots inside Obsidian are from 80% just UI related - to have it simple starightforward, one-screen based without need of scrolling or some weird deep menu diving ..

    As i know, one of main issues is top line which is default "MULTI-FX > DELAY > REVERB" route - which works effectively also for drag'n'dropping order of those 3 effects (i'm suspicious that nobody is aware you can change order of effect by drag'n'drop their names in that top line)

    Some mockups how to alter UI in that section to have ability in some straightforward not-messy way to add new FXs to chain, remove them and reorder would be great .. UI is always biggest issue with most new features ...

  • Take out the silly three native effects page

    No. The three Obsidian effects are the most commonly used on synth patches and this allows the effects to be saved with the patch and loaded in the future (on any vanilla NS2 install).

    Quick access to stack up any number of mixer insert effects (internal or AU) is different feature. As is the ability to save/recall a mixer channel with any effects and the instrument all set. Both would be great but neither replace the reason for keeping the native effects page.

  • @WinConway said:

    That is simply untrue, trying to guess what are the most common effects is a complete nonsense, you mean to say, most common effects for you and other testers ?
    Because they sure aren't common effects for anybody I know, but then maybe Obsidian is only designed for a specific subset of users ?
    Well of course it isn't, so "most common effects" is a nonsense term.

    The two most common effects in any modern bass chain, EQ and compression, and multiple instances of them, in fact we can add in a third, saturation and multiple instances of that too, yes there is a weak EQ in the filter section and also waveshaper, but again are we saying that all waveshaping and very limited EQ should be done with no filters on the synth.
    Again it is a nonsense to claim "most common effects"

    It was a poor choice to have only those three effects, and anybody involved in that choice needs to understand that, just agreeing with every design decision and moving on leaves an unfinished feel to any product.

    Reverb, delay and chorus are not the most common effects used on synthesizers since... forever. mmmmmmk. :)

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