Obsidian World Instruments IAPs

I'm going to open up a topic that I hope will be considered/addressed. My current workflow when it comes to world instruments is to create the loops in Beathawk and port them over to Slate. This is fine and dandy and all that, but what I'd really like is to streamline my workflow by not having to rely on Beathawk. I need instruments from Greece, Turkey, Middle East, Celtic (Scottish and Irish), Asia (Japanese, Chinese, Balinese, Indian, etc), Native American, Ecuadorian/Brazilian/South America. Call these packs World 1 and 2 (and 3 if you need to break these up in three parts).

On a side note, I'm still waiting for a harpsichord. Perhaps this can be addressed in an Acoustic 3 IAP pack. Can you please develop such packs please? :) Thank you.


  • edited July 2019


  • So... I have BeatHawk but I haven’t used it. Looks promising with the sampled instruments and kits. I think this thread would be more productive it we talked about creating Slate Kits and Obsidian Patches from BeatHawk samples. I’d be willing to create some. That way once the work is done, no more need to create loops. Mostly. Want to collab on this effort? I’m hoping to creat some Mongolian/Inuit fusion jazz/trap. 😀

  • @SlapHappy said:
    So... I have BeatHawk but I haven’t used it. Looks promising with the sampled instruments and kits. I think this thread would be more productive it we talked about creating Slate Kits and Obsidian Patches from BeatHawk samples. I’d be willing to create some. That way once the work is done, no more need to create loops. Mostly. Want to collab on this effort? I’m hoping to creat some Mongolian/Inuit fusion jazz/trap. 😀

    Lol. I use Beathawk and own all the packs, and if I could get the AU to behave, I'd simply use the AU within NS2. However, the AU never remembers what sounds I'm using, so when I reopen a project, I have to select the patches within each instance of the AU all over again. This problem isn't unique to NS2 however but rather Beathawk itself. So, at the moment, I create loops in Beathawk to port over to Slate (at least for the "real" instruments).

    I also tried to export Beathawk samples into Nanostudio 2, but trying to get the loop points in Obsidian to match flawlessly at zero crossings is a pain in the arse. What the sampler in Obsidian needs is loop crossfading so the loops can loop smoother. Then it could work for sure. :)

  • @jwmmakerofmusic said:

    Lol. I use Beathawk and own all the packs, and if I could get the AU to behave, I'd simply use the AU within NS2. However, the AU never remembers what sounds I'm using, so when I reopen a project, I have to select the patches within each instance of the AU all over again. This problem isn't unique to NS2 however but rather Beathawk itself. So, at the moment, I create loops in Beathawk to port over to Slate (at least for the "real" instruments).

    I also tried to export Beathawk samples into Nanostudio 2, but trying to get the loop points in Obsidian to match flawlessly at zero crossings is a pain in the arse. What the sampler in Obsidian needs is loop crossfading so the loops can loop smoother. Then it could work for sure. :)

    Yes, I’d love to see a Crossfade feature that magically created smooth looping samples. I say ‘magically’ becasue I don’t understand the science involved. I think I bought one or two of the BeatHawk sample packs but found BeatHawk difficult to use also, and abandonned using it. I’m looking to increase the pallate of sounds available to me and I’m thinking for many sounds that might mean making incredibly long samples a la Scott van Zandt. SynthJacker has a limit currently of 10 seconds. If this were increased to 30 seconds or higher, it would speed up the process significantly. There are so many things I’d like to have sample-based Obsidian patches for that it is pretty overwhelming to know where to begin.

    Creating short loops or just some long pads for a per project basis is how I have been working up to now. This gives the effort context and helps me avoid feeling like I am totally wasting my time. I can imagine it would be challenging to make a lot of sample patches and then perhaps not ever or even just rarely use many of the patches. It’s such a chess game.

  • @jwmmakerofmusic said:
    I also tried to export Beathawk samples into Nanostudio 2, but trying to get the loop points in Obsidian to match flawlessly at zero crossings is a pain in the arse. What the sampler in Obsidian needs is loop crossfading so the loops can loop smoother. Then it could work for sure. :)

    Loop crossfading would be a pretty great addition!

  • @SlapHappy said:
    I’m hoping to creat some Mongolian/Inuit fusion jazz/trap.

    This sounds so epic! I gotta hear how it comes out!

    @jwmmakerofmusic said:
    Lol. I use Beathawk and own all the packs, and if I could get the AU to behave, I'd simply use the AU within NS2. However, the AU never remembers what sounds I'm using, so when I reopen a project, I have to select the patches within each instance of the AU all over again.

    What is Beathawks deal with this? Most annoying issue ever! Before NS2 I was using Cubasis and spent like a week creating kits in BeatHawk, thinking I would have usable kits across all iOS hosts. It seemed smarter than settling for one DAW at the time, since each one at the time had its own set of issues. Then, after all that, I make a bunch of music on a creative run and reload it to bounce em out and all the settings have been reset! Unacceptable. I haven’t touched it since, and it’s a shame because I bought every IAP up to that point, because its got really really good sounds!

  • So if BeatHawk resets every time you use it, I have to think of it as a single use app, unless I am prepared to reconfigure it each time, is that correct?

  • I haven’t used BH in a while. Don’t you have to save a project and then load it the next time you start up BH because doesn’t automatically come back in its previous state as you might expect?

  • Yes, that’s what I am gathering from what @jwmmakerofmusic said. So I’m thinking if I try to use it, I have to make a complete set of samples each session and not rely upon State Saving with BH.

  • edited July 2019

    Basically, Beathawk occasionally remembers what sample patches are being used per AU instance. However, more often than not, it won't remember. If I were to use Beathawk as an AU within Nanostudio 2, I'd name each track with the appropriate patch name and write in the notepad in the save screen which pack and patch.

    It blows that I'd have to do that. It IS akin to the medieval days of interapp audio (2015) with apps that lacked state saving. Beathawk DOES have really great sounds in it and would be the perfect compliment to Nanostudio 2.

    Henceforth why I'm asking for such a sample pack. Or at least hopefully track freezing/quick bouncing will become a thing once audio tracks are added in Nanostudio 2.

  • @jwmmakerofmusic said:
    Henceforth why I'm asking for such a sample pack. Or at least hopefully track freezing/quick bouncing will become a thing once audio tracks are added in Nanostudio 2.

    How to you get BeatHawk to audio clips now? Slate? Audioshare?

  • @SlapHappy said:

    How to you get BeatHawk to audio clips now? Slate? Audioshare?

    If a sound isn't available to me in Obsidian from one of the packs/factory presets already, I will load the AU, program the notes (making sure not to close NS2), and then bounce to wav using "song loop" rather than "entire song". From the Mixdowns folder, I move the audio file into one of my "Project Specific" folders under the library. That means I can load it into Slate, set the pad to "sustain", and trigger it with an extended MIDI note. This is how I do it. I tried to program my notes in Beathawk standalone, and the note editor is a pain in the arse to see in bright light if, say, inspiration strikes me while I'm at the park or someplace similar. So, I migrated more of that workflow into NS2.

  • Better way is to play sample in Obsidian with sample offset automation - it then works nice also when you decide to change BPM of song - in some reasonable BPM range it works almost like timestretch :)

    here is example video where simple drumloop is triggered from Obsidian, using sequence of 16th notes and sample start autiomation, and then there is increased tempo of song to show how this loop plays still "in sync" with project tempo


    With that approach you can also load multiple loops to different keys (let's say C0 - one loop, C#0 - another loop, D0 - another one) and then in piano roll combine together various parts of those loops in sync with tempo.

    here is described this concept more in detail, with screenshots

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