It took a while but now I’m done!! My first NS2 tune!! Dunno why it took so long. Probably something like learning an old dog to sit. Because it took me about six months to get a new work flow even though ns1 is the only other music making tool I’ve ever used...
Made with NS2, Gadget and sunrizer!!

Jeez, that was a trip! You’re clearly getting a lot of oomph out out NS 😀
Cheers @Stiksi !!! But you’re the king of oomph 😃😃😃
Haha, thanks 👊
Cheers @anickt 👍👍👍
Cool track! Love the energy at the end. Blazing hot. Good to see you’ve got your bearings with NS2 and are back in full swing. There are some other old-timers that I still haven’t seen come round. Mr Jinxpadlock and Kitejan come to mind. A few others as well. It might take a while for some to get through the challenges of daily life and the learning curve of the new NS2 workflows, but it’s nice to see a new track from you.
very interesting music.. i would call it "electro psychedelic jazz"
.. very trippy (in good way) 

Really cool tune! Did you use an app for drums? Really nice!
Thanks a mill mate! Yeah, I really don’t know why it felt so hard getting in to NS2?? I mostly use the sequencer and that’s basically the same as NS1. Though it was the small things that was hard: how to load a syntloop I made in slate... how to put that bus effect on that same slate. Etc, etc..
But it’s the old Murtaugh feeling we middle aged men get when you have to learn something new: ‘I’m getting to old for this shit!’ 😃😃
I’m friends w jinx on Facebook, so I’ll ask him if there’s some techno coming from his side. 🙂🙂
Thank you kind sir. 🙂
I approve with the genre-name 👍👍👍
Thanks mate!!
It’s a mix between slate, downloaded ‘Koan Sound-snares’ and chopped up loops. 😃
Cheers @sch
Great tune dude!
Thanks bro!!
I'm BACK....