More LFOs and Key Randx values please, for more sound modulation options
I've been having huge fun with making sounds more dynamic (both more natural and more synthetically modulated), but would like "more"!
I'd like more like up to 10 LFOs and up to 5 or 6 Key Randx values.
I frequently run out of LFOs, especially when I'm trying to build in some sort of polyrhythmic pulsing into the sound as well as some analogue goodness. With a few LFOs I can get complex synchronized modulations a bit like Massive provides with a "performer"... but it takes about 4 LFOs at least to make an interesting rhythm.
I also like using (Key) Rand1 and Rand2 to bring in (or take out) some dynamics - for example use a low level of Rand1 to add some emphasis to a high-hat sound (by increasing Amp envelope level and Amp envelope release) and a little bit of Rand2 to reduce a low pass filter slightly and suddenly a 4/4 highat pattern sounds a lot more "real".... but I'd also like another Rand3 to add a little Amp envelope delay (making the beat a little late) just like I really play....
I am assuming that each Rand (currently Rand1 and Rand2) are only generated once per Key, though - i.e. if I use Rand1 twice in the patch I will get the same value each time... I have tested and I think this is what is happening.
One more thing in the same category: I love being able to Multiply a modulator in the mod matrix by a control object like a knob or the pad since that lets me "dial in" an amount of modulation, but could I please multiply it by an LFO or envelope as an option? That would, for example, allow me to multiply an LFO by another LFO running a syncronised square wave to "gate" a modulation....
Oh and one more one more thing... if you deliver all these then I'll probably end up hitting the limit of the mod matrix (24?) so I guess extending that might be ideal if possible and all the above are delivered.
I guess I might be the only one out there like this though - do many others want the same thing? Or is this my fetish? Would the people making patches want more? No point opening the code for just me, especially if there might be performance penalties for these (one thing I love about Nanostudio is that it's always been efficient code).
Of course, if you make these changes I'll never actually get around to making a track....
I like all your ideas, i have same fetish :-))) I think most of users just rarely hit hose limits, but for us hardcore sound designers (i guess you're same sort of freak like me reading your requests
) it's not that complicated :-)))
From various CPU optimisation + UI related issues some limits are set like now, but that doesn't mean in future they cannot be increased ...
more mod matrix slots were already requested also by other users (including me during developement
) i reached sometimes limits when i was workimg on factory presets
more randX sources would be
cool (btw they are generated per-voice rather rhan per key, which means if you use unison then every unison voice receive different value - great for affecting overall unison sound, if you use rand > osc phase mod)
Idea of being able to use any mod source as multiplier not just macro knobs

So in general - im with you with those requests/dreams
) On other side i'm also with Matt because i understand many reason why he decided for current limits, but i hope one day there will be time and way to push boundries :-)))
“Please sir, can I have some more!”
More is better. Those ideas sound fun. I’ll bet there aren’t a lot of users running into those limits, at least not yet. I bet Cib will be on your side as soon as the iPhone version is out. Most will probably want Audio Tracks first, but after that...? It will be interesting to see if those requests are possible. I’d like to see Obsidian’s powers grow to superhero level. That’d be great!
Maybe one day we could use the three outputs from the FM oscillator as discreet modulation sources.
Sync and cross-mod between oscillators like my old Korg Mono/Poly would be cool.
Thanks people
I must admit I too want audio tracks first.
One of the reasons I was bold enough to suggest this is that, to a lot of users this is "under the covers" and so doesn't complicate the UI. It's so important to make the app accessible enough for people to get past the initial hurdle of figuring out how to make a basic track - especially people who haven't already tried other DAWs.
Although I really want to see NS as a whole stay efficient so it still runs on a wide range of h/w without overloading CPU, partly so that I can keep using mine for years and partly since I hope it means more sales
which keeps NS alive.
@dendy thanks for the info on the Rand being per voice.... I just went into another virtual universe making Dr Who sounds using Rand1 to modulate the amount of each voice sent to FM3 in a FM osc with 4 unison voices in stereo....
I'm now ready to make any spaceship noises I'll ever need.
That is highly unlikely - it would mean rewrire whole Obsidian modulation routing graph to support audio rate signals. Which woukd mean:
I know. It wasn't a feature request or suggestion. Just fantasizing in public.
Now, adding 5 MIDI LFOs to the MIDI Instrument on the other hand...
I didn’t want to point it out, and I won’t judge, but I am glad you realize you are doing it.