Sample Speeds in NanoStudio 1
in NS1
Hey everyone.
I'm new here, but I've messed around with NS1 for a while now. I'm trying to load samples for the keyboard, but I noticed that it seems like NanoStudio speeds/slows the sample as you move up and down the keyboard. Is there any way to fix this? Makes the sampling tool on the keyboard almost useless for most projects (imho).
It doesn’t do pitch shifting or time stretching if that’s what you’re after, none of the apps from that era do, really. Speeding up and slowing down is the ”normal” way of pitching samples. You can play melodic instruments on it but it’s also not a multisampling keyboard like Obsidian is.
I’m moving this thread to the NS1 category.
Welcome @Crandallonius !!
Eden synth only allows 1 sample per preset, so sometimes a sample will be OK stretched out for an octave, but if the sample is evolving in any way it is likely not to work so well.
In NS1 I prefer to place samples in a TRG kit. You can create some really sweet samples by using all 16 pads to cover 2 octaves, if you don’t leave the scale for chromatic notes, or use more than one TRG kit if you need more notes (which is trickier to play the parts live). A MIDI controller comes in handy for this. Let us know if you have any ‘specific use’ questions and we’ll try to throw out some tips as best we can.