But I understand that won’t be the case with your above trick because it’s just moving the start point when you trigger a new note
yeah, exactly, Rand1/2 simply generates random value from 1..100 (or better to "amount of modulation value) when key is pressed... very handy mod source for randomizing stuff and saving LFO for other use :-)
Does anybody have any comments or suggestions on the patches I uploaded? Are they useable? Are they interesting? Are they garbage? I just want to know what I can do to make stuff that is useful.
@kleptolia and @nkdvkng, here’s a really quick track to try out some of the presets, I hope yours are here! I used slate:living room, 4 obsidians: nv_bell wobble, _chariots Of brass, nv_radio mid lead, _ms_20 bass. A dash of virsyn reverb on the brass, and a sprinkling of Grand Finale. Short and sweet. Thanks for the patches!
@kleptolia said:
Does anybody have any comments or suggestions on the patches I uploaded? Are they useable? Are they interesting? Are they garbage? I just want to know what I can do to make stuff that is useful.
@kleptolia said:
Does anybody have any comments or suggestions on the patches I uploaded? Are they useable? Are they interesting? Are they garbage? I just want to know what I can do to make stuff that is useful.
definitely good work, my favourite are GiantBat and JaggedBill ...
@IanSainsbury 👍! That was really cool. I like what you did with the oil can samples in the living room kit. And those synth patches sound good with it.
@anickt thank you. I’m glad they work for you! I’ll check yours out, when I can pry the iPad away from my wife.
@dendy thanks, man. If there is anything I can do to improve, let me know. And anybody else can do the same. I always want to know how to get better.
There are a lot of good sound creators on this site. Good place to learn stuff.
@dendy said:
a kind of "hidden trick" which i love most in Obsidian (and i'm proud that i discovered it for myself during working in factory stuff) is way how to make Obsidian oscillators "free running" (like on old analog synths, each voice starts with different phase)
It have huge impact for example in combination with Unison, it gives completely different color to sound
Trick is:
use mod source Key > Rand1 (or 2)
for all oscillators types except of sample set mod target "Osc > phase", with default mod amount 100, later you can play with lower values
for sample oscillator use mod destinatiom Osc > Sample start with very low mod amount value (1-4)
try it on one oscillator, with unison set to 2 voices, detune around 20 and stereo 50+
you will immediately hear difference
Another way to achieve a “randomization” on any LFO is by using the already build-in ability of the default “free run” setup on Lfo oscillators.
If you leave the sync to off, set the Rate to 0 Hz and adjust the LFO Level to your preferred ermm... level, the Lfo oscillator starts at a “random” point of the predefined Lfo curve. God, I hope I didn’t get too techy there.
I use this to fake the analog irregularity by simply applying it slightly to the pitch but obviously you know more than I do about analog behavior.
@IanSainsbury said: @kleptolia and @nkdvkng, here’s a really quick track to try out some of the presets, I hope yours are here! I used slate:living room, 4 obsidians: nv_bell wobble, _chariots Of brass, nv_radio mid lead, _ms_20 bass. A dash of virsyn reverb on the brass, and a sprinkling of Grand Finale. Short and sweet. Thanks for the patches!
Thanks for using them.
I should get a share when this hits the charts? Don’t need money, fame will be enough.
@kleptolia said:
Does anybody have any comments or suggestions on the patches I uploaded? Are they useable? Are they interesting? Are they garbage? I just want to know what I can do to make stuff that is useful.
“One man’s garbage is a woman’s treasure” they say? Or something along the lines.
Create whatever you make fun of.
@Zupi: Yes, using random LFO with rate 0 is basically same thing as use "rand1 / rand2" - but advantage of using "rand 1 / rand 2" mod sources is that you save LFO for more fancy stuff, plus it's a bit less taps needed to configure it (for lazy dumbass like me this is major thing )
Btw. another trick to get more "analog feel" is to simulate filter instability with high LFO -> cuttoff modulation .. just set LFO to max (60hz), then set just very very small amount of LFO->cuttof mod (within range 1 - 10) - try set resonance higher and then do cutoff sweep - do you hear that "vibrating" character which it adds to resonance ? in combination with filter drive dope stuff
If i good remember i used this trick for example in 'Liquid resonance" factory patch
@dendy said: @Zupi: Yes, using random LFO with rate 0 is basically same thing as use "rand1 / rand2" - but advantage of using "rand 1 / rand 2" mod sources is that you save LFO for more fancy stuff, plus it's a bit less taps needed to configure it (for lazy dumbass like me this is major thing )
Btw. another trick to get more "analog feel" is to simulate filter instability with high LFO -> cuttoff modulation .. just set LFO to max (60hz), then set just very very small amount of LFO->cuttof mod (within range 1 - 10) - try set resonance higher and then do cutoff sweep - do you hear that "vibrating" character which it adds to resonance ? in combination with filter drive dope stuff
If i good remember i used this trick for example in 'Liquid resonance" factory patch
Your Obsidian tips should be broken out into a separate thread. Very useful.
I’ve been busy IRL so haven’t been making music but plan on going through the patches this weekend and maybe tossing some in this tune I’m working through.
Thank you all very much for contributing with patches. I’m not much of a sound designer so having new sources of inspiration are appreciated greatly
I hope I am missing something but I dont find the button to create another folder.
Yeah, this was discussed during beta phase, would be definitely handy, i'm sure in some point in future it would take a place, just now there is lot other more important stuff (fixing bugs, improving AUfx impementation, iphone version, audiotracks, lot of small things beetween that - poor Matt, he needs to dobple or tripple itself ..)
I would like to make a NS_Forum folder too to collect them in there. Is this possible? Maybe a little feature request
As workaround, for now, i'm using simple method of adding suffix (frm) after patch name .. you can do it as also prefix, bu then you loose ability to search patch by first character of name (because obviously all of them would start with (frm) string ) ... on other side advantage of using prefix is, that they are listed nice together
User self-defined folders. Yes. This is a serious omission in my humble opinion. I forgot that it was discussed at some point, but remembering to remember to remember to mention because this thing goes soooooooooo deeeeeeeeep is something that I must remember to remember to remind myself to err.... remind Matt to reconsider! Dendy, you’re ten years younger than me, and I’ve drunk ten years more absinthe than you!
This patch might serve as a study for those wanting to learn about envelope re-triggering and what it can do in Obsidian.
For this patch I sampled a minor chord from my Cinematica patch and added two layers of re-triggered envelopes for the other two oscillators independent from the main envelope to make an ARP pattern over the top. I’ve also delayed the start point of one of those envelopes to get an off beat rhythm going one one of the oscillators. Along with lfo’s Changing the pitch you can make interesting melodic lines.
What I’d really find useful on this thread is any pointers on how to make interesting Obsidean patches.
Perhaps if someone who made (or has noticed) any of the factory patches that do something a bit different ... they might be able to point this out so people could go and have a look at what’s possible with some interesting routings etc...
Think this is a smashing idea. Could also imagine a bank of "tutorial" patches that might go along with some explanatory text.
What I’d really find useful on this thread is any pointers on how to make interesting Obsidean patches.
Perhaps if someone who made (or has noticed) any of the factory patches that do something a bit different ... they might be able to point this out so people could go and have a look at what’s possible with some interesting routings etc...
Think this is a smashing idea. Could also imagine a bank of "tutorial" patches that might go along with some explanatory text.
Thanks .
I’ve been experimenting using Obsidean as a wavetable synth. Actually works pretty well (have tried with Animoog timbres and some Serum wavetables I got from the web). Few clicks if you jump around the wavetable too much, but if you move the start position of the sustain loop around slowly via LFO (or similar) then it sounds pretty good. Lots of other tricks like randomising the start position for each note etc.
@MattFletcher2000 said:
I’ve been experimenting using Obsidean as a wavetable synth. Actually works pretty well (have tried with Animoog timbres and some Serum wavetables I got from the web).
@MattFletcher2000 Would you be so kind as to make a little demo up on how you did this? I've got an EricaSynth eurorack Black Wavetable osc, and I'd love to get some of those timbres out of that and into NS2.
@MattFletcher2000 said:
I’ve been experimenting using Obsidean as a wavetable synth. Actually works pretty well (have tried with Animoog timbres and some Serum wavetables I got from the web).
@MattFletcher2000 Would you be so kind as to make a little demo up on how you did this? I've got an EricaSynth eurorack Black Wavetable osc, and I'd love to get some of those timbres out of that and into NS2.
I haven’t realistically got any time to make video demo or anything. But I can explain / help on here.
Basically, the principle is that Obsidean will loop a very small section of a wave file. And let you change on the fly exactly which section it is looping. And that’s what a wavetable synth also does.
To get it to sound any good you really need to be working with a wavetable wav file that’s properly created as a number of single cycle wave forms. (Although for a more glitchy effect the wave file can contain absolutely anything).
The more ‘wavetable’-like Animoog timbre files are 16 x single cycle waveforms.
Each waveform is exactly 1024 samples (Obsidean calls this ‘frames’). There are 16 of them laid out in the file so the entire file is 1024x16 samples long which is about a third of a second in total.
In Obsidean all you need to do is load up the file into a sample osc (set it have its root note at F1, since that’s the pitch of all these wavetables) then go into edit mode on the sample and carefully make sure that the sustain loop is set to be the first 1024 samples only.
You then need to set up Obsidean in the mod matrix to be able to move the sustain loop around the sample, trigging different parts of the wavetable. This is like modulating ‘position’ if you were actually using a proper Obsidean wavetable osc. You can do this however you like (eg assign to an LFO, or an envelope etc). I have found that anything other than slow modulations of the sample loop start position will cause glitches unfortunately. But if you set the LFO speed low it’s ok.
Finally, in the mod matrix you have to set the ‘sample start position’ to 100, the end of the entire sample (use the ‘constant’ parameter in the mod matrix - see Dendy’s note on this above). This might not always be neccesary but I think it ensures that the sample never starts playing from before the sample loop start point, wherever that point is. Ie it always assumes you want to be looping within the sustain when you trigger the sample.
I don’t know how your wavetables are formatted. But basically I’d have a look at them, work out where the single cycle waveform loop ends (probably something like 512, 1024, 2048 samples or multiples like that) and set up the sustain duration to be exactly that.
My method above works with some Serum wavetables I found online. Because they are formatted in this way.
Finally, in the mod matrix you have to set the ‘sample start position’ to 100, the end of the entire sample (use the ‘constant’ parameter in the mod matrix - see Dendy’s note on this above). This might not always be neccesary but I think it ensures that the sample never starts playing from before the sample loop start point,
Now i'm thinking about this, there is lot simpler solution Basically just map BOTH - sample start and loop start - to same macro kbob and as default set sample loop at beginning of sample (eg. first wavetable loop in file) - this way as you turn kbob, both sample start and loop start are moving together, and sample loop length remains same
Finally, in the mod matrix you have to set the ‘sample start position’ to 100, the end of the entire sample (use the ‘constant’ parameter in the mod matrix - see Dendy’s note on this above). This might not always be neccesary but I think it ensures that the sample never starts playing from before the sample loop start point,
Now i'm thinking about this, there is lot simpler solution Basically just map BOTH - sample start and loop start - to same macro kbob and as default set sample loop at beginning of sample (eg. first wavetable loop in file) - this way as you turn kbob, both sample start and loop start are moving together, and sample loop length remains same
Ok. Thanks. Might try this.
Actually loop start is normally assigned to a slow moving LFO rather than a macro. But the same would work.
It’s no big deal setting up sample start to be constant at 100 though. And once it’s done it’s done.
Actually loop start is normally assigned to a slow moving LFO rather than a macro. But the same would work.
yeah doesn't matter what is mod source, basic rule is to assign both loop start and sample start to same mod source and set initially loop to beginning of sample - just tried it and it works like charm
i need discuss with matt if it is possible somehow reduce those click when sample start is modulated .. i understand why is it problem but lets face truth, Matt is genius of DSP coding, maybe he will do some magic
yeah, exactly, Rand1/2 simply generates random value from 1..100 (or better to "amount of modulation value) when key is pressed... very handy mod source for randomizing stuff and saving LFO for other use :-)
Does anybody have any comments or suggestions on the patches I uploaded? Are they useable? Are they interesting? Are they garbage? I just want to know what I can do to make stuff that is useful.
@kleptolia will check them today evening (which is approx 8 hours from now in my timezone
) and let you know 
@kleptolia and @nkdvkng, here’s a really quick track to try out some of the presets, I hope yours are here! I used slate:living room, 4 obsidians: nv_bell wobble, _chariots Of brass, nv_radio mid lead, _ms_20 bass. A dash of virsyn reverb on the brass, and a sprinkling of Grand Finale. Short and sweet. Thanks for the patches!
I like all of them. Thanks!
Here’s a few I made recently. Nothing too clever but hopefully useful.
@IanSainsbury that was a great little exploration with the patches! I got to hear a ton of them in one tune! Thanks
definitely good work, my favourite are GiantBat and JaggedBill ...
@IanSainsbury 👍! That was really cool. I like what you did with the oil can samples in the living room kit. And those synth patches sound good with it.
@anickt thank you. I’m glad they work for you! I’ll check yours out, when I can pry the iPad away from my wife.
@dendy thanks, man. If there is anything I can do to improve, let me know. And anybody else can do the same. I always want to know how to get better.
There are a lot of good sound creators on this site. Good place to learn stuff.
Another way to achieve a “randomization” on any LFO is by using the already build-in ability of the default “free run” setup on Lfo oscillators.
If you leave the sync to off, set the Rate to 0 Hz and adjust the LFO Level to your preferred ermm... level, the Lfo oscillator starts at a “random” point of the predefined Lfo curve. God, I hope I didn’t get too techy there.
I use this to fake the analog irregularity by simply applying it slightly to the pitch but obviously you know more than I do about analog behavior.
Thanks for using them.
I should get a share when this hits the charts? Don’t need money, fame will be enough.
“One man’s garbage is a woman’s treasure” they say? Or something along the lines.
Create whatever you make fun of.
Which takes me to... some Organ style sounds.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/th6sc412to0phsn/Organ donor.zip?dl=0
@Zupi: Yes, using random LFO with rate 0 is basically same thing as use "rand1 / rand2" - but advantage of using "rand 1 / rand 2" mod sources is that you save LFO for more fancy stuff, plus it's a bit less taps needed to configure it (for lazy dumbass like me this is major thing
Btw. another trick to get more "analog feel" is to simulate filter instability with high LFO -> cuttoff modulation .. just set LFO to max (60hz), then set just very very small amount of LFO->cuttof mod (within range 1 - 10) - try set resonance higher and then do cutoff sweep - do you hear that "vibrating" character which it adds to resonance ? in combination with filter drive dope stuff
If i good remember i used this trick for example in 'Liquid resonance" factory patch
Thanks! Haven’t got so deep on analyzing. I have a simpler brain you know, not to mention the cheap monitors. I’ll try it ASAP.
Your Obsidian tips should be broken out into a separate thread. Very useful.
A big cinematic string/pad patch that may be of use to some
Here are three patches I made this afternoon. All lush proggy kind of pads.
I’ve been busy IRL so haven’t been making music but plan on going through the patches this weekend and maybe tossing some in this tune I’m working through.
Thank you all very much for contributing with patches. I’m not much of a sound designer so having new sources of inspiration are appreciated greatly
jaws.on.floor. Excellent, hat off !!! Most epic pad i ever heard from Obsidian, should be included to factory in next release !!!
Very nice ! Saving to my library, thanks for sharing !
User self-defined folders. Yes. This is a serious omission in my humble opinion. I forgot that it was discussed at some point, but remembering to remember to remember to mention because this thing goes soooooooooo deeeeeeeeep is something that I must remember to remember to remind myself to err.... remind Matt to reconsider! Dendy, you’re ten years younger than me, and I’ve drunk ten years more absinthe than you!
Another huge Pad with one of the oscillators being a sampled Voca Keys running through a particle reverb.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/n8npn1c8y9yr5gg/Analogue Fanfare.zip?dl=0
This patch might serve as a study for those wanting to learn about envelope re-triggering and what it can do in Obsidian.
For this patch I sampled a minor chord from my Cinematica patch and added two layers of re-triggered envelopes for the other two oscillators independent from the main envelope to make an ARP pattern over the top. I’ve also delayed the start point of one of those envelopes to get an off beat rhythm going one one of the oscillators. Along with lfo’s Changing the pitch you can make interesting melodic lines.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/4d0g5cwrj29thgs/Minor Pad Arp.zip?dl=0
Think this is a smashing idea. Could also imagine a bank of "tutorial" patches that might go along with some explanatory text.
I’ve been experimenting using Obsidean as a wavetable synth. Actually works pretty well (have tried with Animoog timbres and some Serum wavetables I got from the web). Few clicks if you jump around the wavetable too much, but if you move the start position of the sustain loop around slowly via LFO (or similar) then it sounds pretty good. Lots of other tricks like randomising the start position for each note etc.
@MattFletcher2000 Would you be so kind as to make a little demo up on how you did this? I've got an EricaSynth eurorack Black Wavetable osc, and I'd love to get some of those timbres out of that and into NS2.
I haven’t realistically got any time to make video demo or anything. But I can explain / help on here.
Basically, the principle is that Obsidean will loop a very small section of a wave file. And let you change on the fly exactly which section it is looping. And that’s what a wavetable synth also does.
To get it to sound any good you really need to be working with a wavetable wav file that’s properly created as a number of single cycle wave forms. (Although for a more glitchy effect the wave file can contain absolutely anything).
The more ‘wavetable’-like Animoog timbre files are 16 x single cycle waveforms.
Each waveform is exactly 1024 samples (Obsidean calls this ‘frames’). There are 16 of them laid out in the file so the entire file is 1024x16 samples long which is about a third of a second in total.
In Obsidean all you need to do is load up the file into a sample osc (set it have its root note at F1, since that’s the pitch of all these wavetables) then go into edit mode on the sample and carefully make sure that the sustain loop is set to be the first 1024 samples only.
You then need to set up Obsidean in the mod matrix to be able to move the sustain loop around the sample, trigging different parts of the wavetable. This is like modulating ‘position’ if you were actually using a proper Obsidean wavetable osc. You can do this however you like (eg assign to an LFO, or an envelope etc). I have found that anything other than slow modulations of the sample loop start position will cause glitches unfortunately. But if you set the LFO speed low it’s ok.
Finally, in the mod matrix you have to set the ‘sample start position’ to 100, the end of the entire sample (use the ‘constant’ parameter in the mod matrix - see Dendy’s note on this above). This might not always be neccesary but I think it ensures that the sample never starts playing from before the sample loop start point, wherever that point is. Ie it always assumes you want to be looping within the sustain when you trigger the sample.
I don’t know how your wavetables are formatted. But basically I’d have a look at them, work out where the single cycle waveform loop ends (probably something like 512, 1024, 2048 samples or multiples like that) and set up the sustain duration to be exactly that.
My method above works with some Serum wavetables I found online. Because they are formatted in this way.
Good luck!
Now i'm thinking about this, there is lot simpler solution
Basically just map BOTH - sample start and loop start - to same macro kbob and as default set sample loop at beginning of sample (eg. first wavetable loop in file) - this way as you turn kbob, both sample start and loop start are moving together, and sample loop length remains same 
Ok. Thanks. Might try this.
Actually loop start is normally assigned to a slow moving LFO rather than a macro. But the same would work.
It’s no big deal setting up sample start to be constant at 100 though. And once it’s done it’s done.
yeah doesn't matter what is mod source, basic rule is to assign both loop start and sample start to same mod source and set initially loop to beginning of sample - just tried it and it works like charm
i need discuss with matt if it is possible somehow reduce those click when sample start is modulated .. i understand why is it problem but lets face truth, Matt is genius of DSP coding, maybe he will do some magic