apeFilter problem with midi messages
It looks like Nanostudio 2 passes midi data (note on / off and CC) from the midi track to the AU3 audio plugins. The problem with apeFilter is it has features like: "MIDI Note On/Off messages, for playing Filters Frequency and Filters Peaks Gain". So I can't turn of this frequency shifting with every played note which makes this plugin useless with NS2. Is there any way that comes to your mind to overcome this (otherwise interesting) feature? Maybe it should be configurable (feature request) what audio insert plugin receives from the host.
You could put the effect on a send track. Midi and audio sends are separate. Then you can use the send track’s midi to control the filter.
To my knowledge, these ”note messages as CC data” solutions are meant to overcome the problem with AUv3 effects not working with automation in some (most?) host apps. This is likely a temporary(ish) thing and will disappear once the automation gets sorted.
This will be solved in NS update ... there will be two versions of apefilter available in list - "ApeFilter" and "ApeFilter (MIDI)" - where first one is not receiving midi data, just processing audio, second one is receiving midi data...
Just now i realized how AWESOME is that it shifts whole spectrum based on received note - GAME CHANGER for me !! Thats mindfuckingblowing - for dynamic equalisation "in key" with melody, especially for basslines this is pure gold !!
Also never noticed this is not just simple filter but actually parametric eq with unlimited number of bands ..JUST wow !! Thanks to this thread i discovered this gem
Good to hear that. Greets!
Oh hey that sounds awesome! But will you quit finding awesome AU effects, I just bought the FAC bundle and I really shouldn’t buy more… 🐿
@Stiksi i don't want kill your ideas about not buying more pluginss and saving some money, but do you know that FAC BandIt (multiband FX unit) will be relased very soon ?
how it compares to FabFilter Pro-Q2? I would realy like plugin with instance to instance communication, in the eq case it lets to see conflicting frequencies between many tracks on the one spectrum analyser
to my knowledge this feature is available only in Pro-Q3 which is not available at iOS till yet .. In terms of quality of filters of course Pro-Q is completely different leaguage, it's considered as top class transparent EQ even on desktop, there is basically no better parametric EQ :-)
TBH I’m not super in love with what the FAC effects do, I was expecting much more control. But it could be I’m just using them wrong. I’m pretty stoked about BLEASS reverb hitting the store, though. 😍
I’ll be checking out fabfilter on desktop, though, comparing eq between channels has been on my want list for a long time!
I'm usually hardcore tweaker.. Surprisingly with FAC stuff i somehow don't need tweak almost nothing. Especially FAC Transient - i choose some preset and that's it, magic happens.