Fuge machine as midi insert question
I've noticed that I can load Fuge Machine as midi FX on the midi track. I can set new notes in Fuge Machine that plays in sync with main sequencer. My question is, is there any way to record this output to another midi track for editing, or i need to use external software like Audiobus. Best!
currently it is not possible record output of midi fx, but it's definitely on the todo list
Thanks for fast answer. How does Midi sends work then? It let me select destination track. I thought that when I press record send output should be recorded on another track.
@qbassa, You can send the midi from one track to another. So if you have midi on one track playing a sound and you add a send to another track with a different sound, that track will play the same notes even though there’s nothing on it.
So you can double tracks without actually copying parts from one track to another—which is actually really useful. But yeah no, it doesn’t record the midi coming in.
@qbassa exactly what @bwrobinett said .. midi sends are forwarding just midi notes ...
There is one AU midi plugin which records data and then allows insert them as midi file (using standard Apple "open in" document picker) into Nanostudio - so then you can easy dragndrop midi to sequencer track.
This one : http://www.synthtopia.com/content/2019/02/16/photon-au-ipad-midi-recorder/
But in current NS2 public version it doesn't record data, there is one bug in NS2 - which is already fixed in beta. After upcoming update (no eta, but i hope soon) it will be good workaround for recording MIDI from MidiFX .
Another workaround (not a good one, but it works) is to host Fugue Machine in AUM or AudioBus. With Link enabled it’s possible to get a pretty good recording of the output into NS2.
It's interesting that there are a couple of apps that plug some holes in NS2. I'm OK with the minor workaround. Allows Matt to focus on other things like those audio tracks!
Reminds me of Final Cut Pro X where if FCPX doesn't do something there is a plug-in that does.
@qbassa, Can confirm this works pretty well with Audiobus. Works for StepPolyArp Unit too, which is totally broken in NanoStudio.
yeah, this will be fixed in upcoming update too
Big thanks for all answers!
Perhaps a dumb question: Does Fuge Machine or StepPolyArp not output MIDI Files?
They don’t have any option to save to mid files.
While I have both apps, I’ve not used them. Isn’t it odd that they don’t have MIDI export?
The apps have to generate MIDI in order to trigger other apps, right? Maybe I’m missing something, but they would be more useful apps if they exported MIDI files. I think...
Maybe I’m wrong. Yeah, must be me.
don't think that arpeggiator / step sequencer needs midi export.. it's plugin, it's supposed to work realtime and control synths..
To be honest, i'm still wondering from where comes need of recording output of midi fx plugin - i never did this on desktop (is it even possible, in cubase for example, record output of build-in midi fx into track ?). In my world, i put midi fx on track and that's it.. it controls instrument, and that is it's purpose, why i should record it ? Midi Fx takes almost none CPU power (compared of synths af audio fxs in project, it's just tiny fraction)
I know, different people, different workflows. Just ignore my thoughts above
So is the standard thinking that the host/sequencer records the MIDI, not the MIDI generating Arpeggiator?
it's my way of thinking, i would not say it's standard".. there are many different workflows ...
i see the midi flow like this:
keyboard -> sequencer track -> midi fx -> instrument
that's how i always used midi fx's.. it feels natural for me.. why i should record midi fx back to sequencer track when i can have it still realtime, tweakabke, easy to change if i want ? For audio plugins it makes sense to free CPU, but for midi plugs ? Don't know..
To avoid any missunderstanding - many users wants this, i agree that it's perfectly valid request and it is good idea to add to NS at some point.. i'm just struggling to see any benefit of record midi fx output when i can have it realtime
For me, it’s better to have it recorded to the sequencer track where it can be duplicated to other tracks and then tweaked and altered. Of course this can work can be done in the midi fx itself (saving various versions) but it is not as convenient to me, as I want to see everything on one page.
Yes. Sometimes a midi FX output is a good way to jumpstart something, but is too repetitive or stale if just looped over and over. It’s nice to be able to grab it to a clip for producing variations, or for tweaking. Also, maybe I want to vary the AU midi setup but not loose what I had before, so I print it to a pattern. It’s super quick to build up reusable patterns that way.
Understand... thanks for different point of view
Can I just jump in with a related question?
I can't get it to work that when i press play in ns2 that fugue starts playing. I think i set the right things but it aint working. If i need to place all the settings here just tell me.
@AceRimmer at the moment only syncing method, which Nanostudio supports, is Ableton Link.
MIDI clock / MIDI MMC is on todolist.
I think Ableton Link doesn't start synced app automatically, you need hit play manually, it just sync timing (hope i'm corrent, cannot try it for now).
There is some "Link to MIDI clock" app but i haven't tried it - maybe it works. @number37 i think you mentient in some discussion that it works ? Or it was somebody else ?
I't wasn't me but I tried link to midi clock and that didn't do it. The problem is with long pieces i want to record the notes from the beginning at the beginning. Sure i can listen but with long slow bassline it takes a long time and I cant see when it's nearing the end. And my memory isn't ll that great with such complicated rather unknown pieces.
Maybe i just should do it the other way around, press record in ns2 and then press play in fugue.
Edit: that didn't work, switching to fugue paused ns2, switching back fugue already played a couple of notes.
Do you have background audio enabled in NS2?
It does if Link Start/Stop is implemented in the app. FM has it, NS doesn’t. I think though, if AudioBus support arrives, AudioBus’s transport controls should work, providing Matt implements the same basic features most AudioBus capable apps do.
There are a couple. Midi Link Sync is one. But that doesn’t solve the start problem because it doesn’t support Link Start/Stop either.
Bottom line is NS2 doesn’t yet have a way to start in sync with other apps. The best thing to do is as @AceRimmer says, start recording in NS2, then switch over to FM and press play. This actually works fine as long as background audio is enabled for both apps. I just tried it.
Thanks, this works, FM doesn't have the option but is enabled out of the box i guess or I'm not looking good. Either way it works.
Can "ableton link Start/Stop" be added to todo list?
it is on todo list
just most probably not in upcoming update ... but from withing Audiobus you will be abble to start/stop NS in sync with other apps 
Any sort of ETA on the next update?
Eh, soonish is the latest word on it. I'm afraid there isn't going to be a very satisfactory answer to this but it's coming! Blip is pretty immune to hard deadlines because he likes to do things right the first time, so I'm not even going to guess, sorry. But it will be reported on this forum the moment it drops!
Is the same possible from AUM? Ableton link start/stop was added in last update