SMALL BUG - Xequence Pads AU (A great addition to NS2)
I just purchased the Xequence Pads app. These are the pads NS2 should have come with in the first place! Very nice! The only (minor) issue I am seeing is when opening an NS2 project sometimes Pads does not open the correct pad map. It’s simple enough to change the map but I would expect it to be in the same state as I left it. I have conveyed this to the Xequence dev. Thanks!
PS - need to be able to map Pads pitch bend and mod to the instrument its controlling. I don’t see any way to do this right now. Forgot to mention. NS2 doesn’t record this internally so that needs to be fixed too.
yeah, it's on the roadmap.. i feel like this is almost more requested feature than audio tracks )
With this app there would be no need to change Slate IMHO.
Btw. i mentioned it on other task - in upcoming update will be fixed issue which causes that midi data are not send from one Midi FX to anotger - after this fix, workaround for recording will be AU plugin Photon which can record data and then send them as midi file into Nanostudio.
I tested it in beta and works like a charm - you record data with Photon, then "open in" nanostudio from photon, it saves midi file to NS's "Inbox" folder, and then you just dragndrop midi file to sequencer track.
To my knowledge direct MIDI recording will be not added in upcoming update (it needs a bit more re-work of internal midi routing implementations in NS and there is sooo much other tasks to do ( , so at least this workaround will be temporary solution until Matt found some time for implementing midi fx recording directly to NS.
OK just go ahead and send me that beta so I can try this out. Thanks