Hello, for the Slate instrument midi assignment I see the way to map features like reverb, effect etc. But I can’t figure out how to map my controller pads, only some of the pads are being recognized and not in the correct assignment. Many thanks in advance for your guidance!
pads are by default mapped to some
notes, but you can change it..
In Slate go to "PAD" tab, then tap at button "SETUP". In "MIDI Note" selector you can choose note for that pad.
But hold in mind that this setting is saved together with bank, it's not global setting, so you will need to change it again for other bank.
Better way is to create custom map for NS2/Slate in your HW controller.. Slate uses bu defauly C2 note for bottom left pad (1) and then notes are increased from left to right always...
pads 5,6,7,8 - e2, f2, f#2, g2
pads 1,2,3,4 - c2, c#2, d2, d#2
Thanks dendy
I am not able to see the notes on my controller. But I've managed to "guess" most and matched them to Nanostudio. However, after disconnecting device, the notes reset to default..uugghhh
what controller do you have ?
You can see what notes the controller is using by recording them into NS. You can zoom out to see all possible notes in the piano roll.
And this would be a perfect candidate for a midi transpose effect. Feature request time!
Finally. A real world example that makes sense to me. MIDI Transpose. OK. I can see it now.