Timeline scrubbing
The timeline scrubbing and loop markers are the best I’ve ever used. That said, would it be possible to have the playhead jump quantised % beat. Some DJ apps employ this method of jumping to cue points on beat for remixing purposes. I’m not suggesting that NS2 needs to be a DJ app but that extra little pause between touching the playhead and having it move to the measure on beat can go a long way to making NS2 stage performance ready
This is an interesting concept. NS2 is more modeled on 'in studio/composing' methods, but a Live performance aspect might be achieved with some additional features like this. I was always impressed by what ANI was able to do with NS1 as a live looping tool. Let's see what others add to this thread and see what other features would be required to make Live Looping more feasible.
I’d like this added too. Very useful from a performance and resampling angle.
Yes very interested.
To me ‘timeline scrubbing’ is dragging the transport position left and right along the timeline and hearing the midi notes trigger along the way. I have not been able to figure out how to do that in NS2. If it is possible, can someone please tell me the how-to steps? Thanks.
@Tyrone just touch the timeline it will align to your grid setting and play on tap.
This is possible with audio, but hardly possible with midi notes because of nature how they works. You need hit start of note during playback, then event "note on" is sent to corresponding generator (synth, sampler) which starts generate sound based on it AMP envelope (ADSR for example).
When note ends, R (release) phase of envelope is triggered in that generator. After release time, generators stops generating sound.
I don't wan't to say "this is impossible to do in Nanostudio or any other DAW", but i would be extremely surprised if there would be single on DAW, no matter of platform, capable of doing this
It's simply domain of pure audio playback (eg. DJ apps which are playing back audio files)
That's what "timeline scrubbing" is to my ears as well. Alas, no, that's not currently possible.
Moving blocks does snap to grid which is fantastic. I mean to say if I touch the timeline to jump the play head that the play head jumps on beat. Perhaps there’s a quantisation setting somewhere that does that... but I doubt it.
Think lucidmusicinc means same as bm3 and op1. Yeah, good feature.
(Dendy’s post got deleted so this one’s kinda floating here making nonsense now la di da
Yes, i deleted my post, because after i posted it i realised how you mentioned it
What you want, is that after tap on timeline, playhead will not jump instantly but based on quantisation. So for example if set quantisation is 1 BAR, then if you tap, it will really jump only after current played bar ends.
Something like if you in Ableton Live hit play on pattern, it doesn't start play immediately but only with next beat.
Agree that this will be great functionality for live performance. Like really great, most probably game changer for use of NS2 live on stage.
Not for producting, so propably extra switch will be good for this - For example in "Grid" menu, above "SNAP" button, is place for extra button "sync playhead jump" (or something like that). Sounds like nothing too much complicated for implementation - but i may be wrong (at least UI proposal is there, @Blip Interactive :-))
I would add to this thread that it would be nice to see the actual time elapsed in the timeline. The number of measures is there which is very useful but of course if you’re ampiming for a 4-6 minute song you want to know visually where you’re big drops need to go etc.
If you double tap the song position indicator you can toggle the display between bars/beats and minutes/seconds. Is that what you mean?
This thing:

Maybe ns2 could auto-calculate each ‘big drop point!’ based on song length and automatically add markers?
But time elapsed can be calculated just if you have defined some "end time". What should be "end time" in this case ? Time of end of last clip (part) in project ? End of loop selection ?
Yeah, that was planned, as first phase before big red button "MAKE_INSTANT_HIT" will be added

And super sweet gifs. Naturally. https://giphy.com/gifs/concert-hardwell-robbert-van-de-corput-7OvFWODc0wYjS
Haha yeah big drop riiiiiiiiiight > HERE!! haha!
IAP ‘Drop maker button with Accompanying Hysteria inducing visuals’ and Matt can retire early. Hit feature right there guyz. Expect to see it on my desk by morning
Cool it’s there. I sort of thought it would have been there. One Hit Wonderland here I come!!!