Bi-directional macro knobs?

Right now macro knobs default to far left (0%) and I can bind it to a destination either positively or negatively, correct? What would you think of a macro knob that defaults to the center and could tweak the destination parameter both ways...upwards from the base value if I turn it to the right, and downwards to the left? Or is there a way to do this already?


  • edited December 2018

    just set modulated parameter to
    most left position and then save patch with macro set to 50 (with mod amount +100) :-)

    it will do exactly this thing :-)

  • Yes, what dendy said, this technique was used quite a bit when putting together the factory presets. It really is super useful!

  • @dendy said:
    just set modulated parameter to
    most left position and then save patch with macro set to 50 (with mod amount +100) :-)

    it will do exactly this thing :-)

    Except that double-tapping a macro knob resets it to zero, not to where it was saved. And I may not want the parameter itself to be based at 50, but at say 33 or 79. So to undo tweaks to the original patch I’d have to reload or guesstimate. Which isn’t so bad, I suppose. πŸ™‚ If macros were changed so that double-tapping reset them to their saved value, that would work even better.

    Another workaround is to use two macro knobs, one set to +100 and the other set to -100. Then I can tweak a parameter in both directions, and resetting the macros will still go back to my original patch. But...awkward!πŸ™‚

  • @Shabudua said: πŸ™‚ If macros were changed so that double-tapping reset them to their saved value, that would work even better.

    Solid idea πŸ‘

  • If macros were changed so that double-tapping reset them to their saved value, that would work even better.

    +1 !

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