Calling it what it is
One day I started messing around with drums and synths and effects in NS2 and this track just sort of happened. I hadn't given it too much thought until I realized my verse chords were straight up from "Praise You." Much other improvisation and and twists and turns and experimentation was done on top of / from it, so this track is: "Praise You - Theme and Variation: aka Party In Your Room"
Auv3 accomplices in NS2 include DigiStix, Mela Synth, Module Pro (Auv3 now!!!), SynthMaster Player, Electribe Wave, bs-16i, Cyclop, VoiceSynth,Undulator and Yukawa.
@peanut_gallery well done! I would never guess that if you never mentioned that chords are from Prise you ( I like fatBoySlim, especially older stuff) I do enjoy your music, it has pretty much always great positive vibe;) keep them coming;)