Support for control change 123 - all notes off
I know it's not the most common way to use NS2, but it does make a good multi-synth engine for external sequencers. However it doesn't seem to support "all notes off" (cc 123), meaning when I try to use my Akai Force to sequence NS2 I can get hung notes if I stop a midi sequence while a note is playing.
The Force sequencer is probably being a bit lazy, by not sending individual note off messages if a sequence is interrupted, but it seems to rely on the "all notes off" message when it stops playing a midi loop.
Alternatively, Akai could licence Obisidian for use on their Force and MPC gear - that would rock!
Totally agree that cc123 would be a good and "proper" thing for NS to support but think you're probably correct about Akai being lazy here. I've used NS as an multi-timbral synth with a variety of external sequencers and can't recall anything like this. Well, at least not anything close to regularly. I reach for the Panic button maybe once every few months.
That's a brilliant idea. MPC is a Windows machine in disguise, right?
Nope, it has ARM cpu inside to my knowledge so i guess it's custom OS. I think i saw somewhere it is coded in C++ using JUCE framework (but not sure with that)
I understand it's a stripped down version of Linux, which most of these things are now. I've also heard JUCE mentioned. I just miss the level of control available in Obsidian - none of the synths available now on the Force have the same depth of control that Obsidian allows (although this may be a design decision by Akai), and Obsidian is so very efficient and reliable.
I'm using a Mozaic script to convert cc123 on any channel to a sequence of notes off messages on the same channel, but this does mean I need to run the incoming midi from the Force through something else before I send it to NS2 (in my case I'm using Apematrix) but it seems to work reliably so far. I was worried that the flood of midi messages may overwhelm NS2 (I'd read on the net that some synths have this problem) but it doesn't seem to, so again nice coding from Blip