Syntronik AU issue in NS2
Apologies if someone has already mentioned this:
Obviously I am sending this to the developer of Syntronik too.
Syntronik has an issue when switching to full screen in NS2.
In other apps Syntronik resizes it’s synth knob view to fit into the available window. In NS2, it remains too large to use while the keyboard is on show
If you then try to use the full screen mode, you often get this:
Sometimes it will load, but then it locks keys or just locks up with a distorted noise made. If you then it lets you choose to go back to keys mode, the loading screen and noise comes back
I’m using an Air2 with the latest iOS version
I’ve not experienced this issue on other platforms, but have had issues before with Syntronik in other apps.
I will inform the devs of Syntronik, but thought you might like to know.
This is the only AU I’ve had lock up in NS2
I have done the usual restarting of my iPad etc.
Good to know and thanks for reporting to Syntronik’s devs too! I’m sure you know this but just on the off change: you can scroll the AU view in the viewport to get around these types of issues. Just touch a knobless area and drag.
That’s what I thought too, but the view doesn’t move at all with Syntronik in NS2. Tried sliding my finger all over the screen but the view doesn’t move
Ok, that’s clearly misbehaving.
It’s the only AU synth app I’ve had problems with so far in NS2, so that ain’t bad going
Thanks for the report. Difficult for me to work this one out as NS2 doesn't do anything special as far as I know. I haven't heard anything from Syntronik yet but I suspect they'll have a much better chance of figuring out what's going on from their end. If I hear back from them and there's something I need to do then I will of course do it.
Damn... this was one of the apps I was looking forward to using when I finally get round to sequencing in ns2
I’m not having much luck so far! Haha
I would not recommend it now. I used to use Syntronik a lot, but there is one major problem with the app imo - there is no easy way to have an off app backup of all the sounds you make, so if you have to reload your app, all your time making those tweaks and sounds is for nothing!
That’s all the more reason to use it before such a doomsday
But thanks for heads up, will possibly make me think twice before throwing heavy sound design time at it in future