Last project reload question / request
Is it possible to stop NS2 loading the last project save and if not would this be possible for a choice of future update?
Is it possible to stop NS2 loading the last project save and if not would this be possible for a choice of future update?
As always, at best with a toggle to have both behaviors.
Could you explain why you want this?
I don't understand either. Can you not load previous versions of a project?
Autosave never affects you last manual save... you can choose if you want load last autosaved, last manually saved (eg. by tapon save button) or even previous manually saved version !
Reason why by default app after start loads last autosaved version
So it’s better to follow Apple rules now, than face complications in furure. We know how unpredictable is Apple.
without dialogue is that this kind of behaviour is preffered in Apples rules for apps - and if it is something preffered, in any moment of future it can turn to be“mandatory” for app approval
Anyway you can always go to “load” menu and in left file info panel choose which exactly version you want to load (by tapping at that small arrow near corresponding version)
It seems, you did not read.
This is not about the saving.
It is about the automatic loading!
As always, too much automatism, is automatically too much
If I recall correctly this is per Apple’s app guidelines, so Matt has limited room to maneuver.
Yes, I can explain:
I make an awful lot of projects over time and switch between them during the day. Over time some will grow and have an awful lot of AU apps involved.
If NS2 loads the last used project, it has to go through the process of loading all the AU apps involved and this is often pointless (as I shall be changing projects straight away), or not healthy for the iPad (I often find that after a while of switching apps and having so many apps opening over time it’s more likely to cause issues).
Auto loading of a project just isn’t what I would like for the way I work (lots of short sessions with many many projects).
Hope this explains my feelings on the matter
It’s one button press. You’re really complaining about one button press? You’d have to press that button anyway even if it didn’t load anything automatically.
It’s not about the amount of button presses. Read my clarification post above
Nice explanation @Fruitbat1919 That is the sort of post that helps people who are not working that way to get their heads around why a request is made. Sorry if some of us are a bit slow on understanding. While there may be a way to deal with from Matt's end via coding, can you just create a blank Default project with no AUv3? Then you would have a fresh start with each new project.
Or am I still missing something...?
If that is the case, then it would be nice to have the option to have it automatically open a chosen project (such as a blank project) instead.
Having a blank project load would be great (or the choice of one of the ones I’ve set up myself)
NS reloads the last state on app startup like all iOS apps, which can become cumbersome if there are a ton of slow loading AU devices. I don’t know how strict Apple’s guidelines are, maybe it’s possible to have a toggle for loading AUs on startup, I don’t know.
Forgot to add, that this isn’t possible is it? NS2 always loads the last used project doesn’t it?
We must have been posting at the same time. Anyway, mine was directed at @tja, not you. Your reasoning I can understand.
BM3 doesn’t automatically load the last project, it gives you a choice at startup
Yes, and there are other Apps showing this more sane behavior.
To mention just some: AudioBus, AUM, SunVox,... and so on.
Automatic load is not required, as it seems.
Good thing!
AutoLoad is the ugly brother of AutoSave.
For both, there are better solutions, which are in use in several iOS Apps!
Pleaseeeee add both to nanostudio 2
Neither does Procreate or Affinity’s apps either, come to think of it. Maybe I’m totally wrong or at least there’s leeway.
Often things get lost in translation on the net lol. I always remember having to clarify everything when I used to be a mental health nurse!
I hope people don’t think I’m whinging, just trying to let the powers that be know there may be an alternative option that can help some - NS2 already is very user friendly in many ways
I think you make some good points and there may be a way to adjust the code to accomodate your request. In the meantime, as an imperfect workaround, can you create a Default project that is set up the way you want it, then before finishing a session and closing down NS2, just load the Default so that when you start up again you are starting fresh. Yes, this is awkward in that it requires extra steps, but as a temporay workaround, could this handle your situation?
I’m already sort of doing that. It’s not always easy as my brain forgets to do certain things in an orderly manner
I suffer from head pains often and as such my head acts up.
Yeah course I can cope with it as it’s just a silly first world problem that won’t harm me. Always looking at the most productive options as making things easy for my brain has become part of my life lol
Getting dressed in the morning must be rough. Are you one of those guys like Superman that forget underwear goes on before tights?
Sorry ... I just couldn’t resist. I’m totally kidding. I get ya’.
Na, I tend to “accidentally” put my wife’s skimpies on instead