Slate midi notes
in General chat
Is there a way to make the notes from slate, because I'm using a drum pad, permanent? I see you can change them and save it with a kit but is there a way I can change them to make them default? I'm asking so I don't have to go back and redo all of the kits I have already created and for future kits I intend to add.
Not directly, But if you drum pad has notes in sequence (i mean starting with some note in bottom left pad and then adding to right/top), then you can use transpose deature on mixer track settings..
if they are in complete different layout on your drumoad, then my suggestion wouod be use Midiflow app and define there notes remapping from drumpad to slate layout - it is easy to create such remapping setup in Midiflow
You can save a kit as default by saving it with the name ”Default”. Maybe it would be easier to change the notes on the drum pad?
Stiksi I want to change the notes on the drum pad I have an Alesis VI25 but the editor doesn’t work on the new MacBook software crazy this is I just upgraded last week and just got the VI25 this week smh
Oh, that sucks! Hope there's an update in the works.
That’s probably what I’m gonna do!!!!
midiflow is super powerfull midi router, it can do unimaginable stuff, routing, remapings of notes, controllers, sysexes, sending one midi in to multiple outs or vice versa..
just chceck if you have in settings big background timeout - there is just 30 minutes by default, because in this case you will have it on background most of time, it's good idea to i crease this timeout ...
It occurs to me I've never actually tried Bram's Mozaic in NanoStudio. You could easily create a note remapper in there (or ask someone else to make one for you). Then, I think, once you save that as an MIDI effect chain preset you could load it on a Slate track whenever you wanted to control it from your pads.
Could maybe use as a starter. Should verify this process works in NS though!
If Mozaic would work, then mfxConvert would also, without any need for scripting.
problem is that nanostudio converts all midi notes back to channel 1 when you send them throug midi send to other channel :-(