@LeeB I figured out a solution I deleted iFretless Sax and then redownloaded it, opened NS2 went to one of my songs with iFretless Sax ,opened it click to see if it loaded and voila! I didn’t have any user presets within Sax( not sure if that’s possible) so it was safe to delete it Happy conclusion to this issue just hope…
Or maybe buy a clarinet( practice for 30 years and lay an audio track down then😉😁) Thanks again🎼
@LeeB unfortunately it didn’t work🙁 I found the time now! I did a refresh of my iPad to clear the ram Opened up both songs that have Sax, made another auV3 track, duplicated the music in the Sax track and moved it to the new auV3 instrument, then I deleted the Sax track That new auV3 worked fine. Then I reversed the…
Thanks LeeB I will give it a try a little later( got some non music chores to do🙁😂) When I load iFretless Sax I don’t even get the loading editor startup? When I load any other iFretless app I get the loading editor startup and those apps are fine! Very strange I’ll let you know how it worked🙏🏻🎧
I can access the settings within iFretless Sax but when I press to change the clarinet to some other preset it doesn’t bring up the preset menu( I was curious to try this as an experiment)
I should also add that iFretless Sax does fully work as a stand-alone app, I just checked
Sure hope to see audio tracks soon👍
My pleasure Richard I’m not on audiobus forum and I don’t wish to be rude so I’d like to thank you here for your most excellent soundpack floatation mutations that I did download from your link. Thanks for your work on that, we are so lucky to have such gifted sound designers amongst us who are generous too!👍🎼
Excellent Richard! That brings out the dynamics much better, nice crisp driving drums! I like it and the guitar seems slightly crisper too. Would liked to have heard dendys ’ mix for comparison but it’s been removed, Great work and congrats 😀🎹🎼🎧 Thanks for letting us listen and critique
As @dendy recommended look at the reverb first and then assess the compression you may not have to touch it then😉 No don’t touch the vocals! The blend and effects are very good, it was just the bigger picture I was referring to how each main element jives with everything else. Still want to hear just a bit more guitar…
Interesting noises expertly put out though for those animals
Cool song Richard! I’ve given it a thorough listen and just a few of my cents advice I’d like to hear the drums have that biting quality it has at the beginning of the song to continue throughout, I find it gets a little compressed here and there and slightly gets buried at times. Leave your vocals alone they’re fine. I…
These are great!! Thanks very much @LeeB 🎹😀
Well since you asked nicely ok I guess we can....😉
Ya it’s just not worth it, look at all the trouble Arnold had in that movie💣 Great soundtrack though lol
It’s concubina in Latin so make of that what you like😁A cockubine sounds like a dreaded incident with a fellows’ johnson and a particularly stiff zipper on a new pair of jeans....
That will be great to record at 24 bit 96khz
I once heard someone say “ We’re right where we need to be” Really now, I don’t buy that jazz....where or where are you audio tracks😉
This seems like blatant cheating on your spouse! Come on where’s the loyalty and fidelity? Audio tracks need to be added like yesterday so that we’re not the least bit tempted to stray😁
Ok cheers! 👍🎼
Thank you @rs2000 and @MrBlasche for these patches...they sound absolutely fantastic!! Merry Christmas☃
I can relate to you. Great times in the 1980s with voice, guitar, piano and my Fostex 4 track mixer/recorder Nowadays always trying to find my way back there while still enjoying these amazing apps literally “at our fingertips “😉👍
Perhaps Romeo and Juliet wouldn’t have ended so tragically if each would have had a modern device. They would have been so self absorbed and preoccupied they wouldn’t have even been aware of each other😉
I’m sure while we’re all patiently waiting with calm emotions, level heads and nothing but good intentions towards Matt we could use our time more wisely. Maybe we should sit down more at a piano or keyboard and practice practice practice , pick up your guitar even for a few minutes every day and improve that part that you…