Obsidian as external Instrument in Desktop DAW


Can i use the Obsidian as a multi timbral Instrument in my Desktop DAW (Reason 10)? Or even on the iPad in Cubasis?

I am not able to assign different MIDI Channels to separate Tracks in NS2... Any workaround anyone? Maybe i've overseen something...?


  • OK, i should have looked in the mixer section... There it is. ;-)

  • One more thing.... Have anyone tried Studiomux or an other solution to have multiple audio outputs from NS2 to Mac?
    In Studiomux i just can add NS2 one time.

  • NS2 doesn't support multiple outputs at SW level, just main out .. to get multiple outs out of NS you need USB audio interface with multiple outputs (then you can for every track in NS choose different HW output)

  • @dendy said:
    NS2 doesn't support multiple outputs at SW level, just main out .. to get multiple outs out of NS you need USB audio interface with multiple outputs (then you can for every track in NS choose different HW output)

    I think the only one is the iConnect Audio.... Anyone using it with NS2?

  • @pedrokraft said:

    I think the only one is the iConnect Audio.... Anyone using it with NS2?

    As far as I know, you can use most USB audio interfaces with iOS, so there are lots of choices with two or more stereo pairs for output.

  • edited December 2019

    iConnect can route up to 3 stereo 24/96 streams from iPad to desktop computer viac cable as i know (you can connect both ipad and computer to it and route audio between them,it has even iOS app for configuring those routings

  • I use the iConnectAudio4+ and it's pretty great. The config app is the polar opposite of the smoothness of NanoStudio though! Total meh experience but it works.

    You can route digital audio between devices easily. I think it's actually 12 (96k) or 16(44/48k) total channels max but I've never actually tried this because I'm a pretty simple feller.

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