Newbie question - loop fades out
in General chat
Hi everyone,
Just a simple question. I have loaded a 3 min wav file into slate. Assigned it to a pad and played it. It the Fades our during playing. Where can I change the setting that it plays till the end?
Also, is there a way NS2 recognizes the length of the sample and automatically adjust the length of the project?
Thanks so much
Best set "trigger mode" to "sustain" and eventually "release" to zero... then draw very long note - it will play loop during while note length.. this solves also ypur project length issue because you need make whole clip wih that length...
Thanks so much , not very convenient but hey, hope the audio import comes soon.
Well, it worked, but it is bit really useful because I can only play the loop from the beginning where it first triggers the note. That makes this pretty useless.
yes this is not mich convenient for such long wavs... i would suggest for this use case Multitrack AU plugin (until real audio tracks will be added
there is other way how to add longer wavs. You can use obsidian instead of slate- and you can avoid issue where you need rewind to beginning of note to hear it play, using Obsidian "sample start automation" feature ... it is not perfect - it works reliably just for lengths up to 16 - 28 bars in my experience - ut in many case it is useable.
here is it described
As far as the person's first question, why set to sustain? You can set as One Shot in slate and move decay to infinity since it defaults as less than infinity. This is what I do for most of my audio files.
That's my personal prefference, i like when it plays only when note/key/pad is pressed, i don't like if it keeps playing after i release pad (which is happening in one shot mode)
I basically never use one shot mode :-) I can see that this mode makes probably sense for fingerdrumming, but for production/editing (at least for me) sustain mode is better
Hey @otis - did you know that you can set the time counter from bars to minutes and seconds (and back again) by double-tapping the counter at the top of the screen? If you know how long the sample is, you can then easily set up some sort of marker at the end of the track.
Other thing I tend to do if I am doing something similar is to "init" the whole Slate kit - open the Slate kit you want the sample (or samples) to be in, tap the hamburger top right, select "KIT" in the middle of the screen then "init".
My ipad is getting old and I have to use this from time to time to effectively "freeze" a track with a CPU-hungry AU (or three) on it to audio... Although in that case the length of the track is already obvious
Yeah. This is exactly the frustrating part of using long samples in Slate. Until audio tracks or other tools become available, I tend to slice long samples up and assign them to several pads to get round this. I generally do it by hand but I imagine ReSlice or similar would make quicker work of it.