uncharted nobody
Week two of a friendly work challenge to create a song based simply on a given title (this one randomly generated by a website). This is a very different style from my usual (but per my new usual, all done in NS2 on my iPhone).
Week two of a friendly work challenge to create a song based simply on a given title (this one randomly generated by a website). This is a very different style from my usual (but per my new usual, all done in NS2 on my iPhone).
Nice delicate playing on this melancholy song. I like the change up towards the end. Well done.
Great work!
I really like the idea of using random titles as a source of inspiration. I've used this a few years ago to find new drawing ideas, and it helped me come with really new, fresh creations.
Sounds also like something that could be great for the nanostudio community.
I'd love to see some new challenge on a regular interval, where everyone could post their creations. Maybe make it low pressure, to encourage free flow of ideas.
@dendy what do you think?
@peanut_gallery lovely track !! It would be amazing to turn this from "track" into actual "song" by adding some nice satin female voice... maybe try this platform ? https://vocalizr.com/
I think it has serious radio potential with proper vocals !!
@Tales_from_within Sounds like a pretty good idea
Will think about it a bit more ..
Very nice! Quite enjoyed this one
Thank you everyone for the kind words! And thank you @dendy for the link to vocalizr. Will definitely check that out!
coincidently (or good google adwords targeting) this jumped to my eyes on YT