AU issues. Loading editor
Been using NS2 since about March or April. Just a hobbyist. Nothing deep, extensive or complicated.
Never had this issue until this week or so (though, to be fair I’ve not had the opportunity to mess about with any music stuff for more than a month so if an update borked something somewhere during the interim I wouldn’t know until now of course).
I keep seeing this with a few AUs (so far). And here it stays. The instrument, not the project.
This is happening with D1, FM Player 2, and as you see Viking. Though not with, say, Kauldron or OB-Xd. D1 and FM Player work fine in stand alone mode.
Deleting the instrument or entire track, restarting NS will not bring it back. Not even restarting the iPad. It seems....seems...that once one decides to go stays that way. Even loading that same synth in a totally different project after is a no-go.
iPad 6th gen/2018. iOS 13.2.3
I had that problem with Viking once. Restarting my iPad fixed it though.
Works on my iPhone 6 and iPad Air 1. Both are on 12.4.2 however.
Come to think of it, it was on my iPhone on iOS 13 where I had the issue. My Air 2 on iOS 12.3.1 was fine. Viking didn’t want to load up with a preset in a project I transferred from the iPad. I removed it, re-added it, then loaded the preset to get it working on the iPhone.
audiokit synths issues are known, as i know they are working ond audiokit update for fixing these issues (saw mentioned it somewhere at AB forums but really don't know more about it)
until then, unfortunately their synths are not useable in NS... There are more problems with AK synths - multiple instances are crashing also in other hosts... we just need wait and hope they will fix it
never had such issue with viking aˇ- always been super stable for me. i would suggest to locate crashlog and send it to Viking dev.
crashlogs are located in ios settings, under "Privacy > Analytics > Analytics data"
In that list locate file with plugin name and datetime of when in crashed. Tap file, in top right corner you can see share icon (like in screenshot bellow).
Send that file to dev of plugin

I’ve had this same problem with various AUs, can’t remember them all, but most recently Rozeta XOX. Sometimes reloading the song fixes it for me.
what device and iOS version ?
iPad 2017, various iOS versions. Sorry I haven’t kept track. 😖
Ok, in case you will experience something, let us know, it's good t gather more information. Based on my experience - most of AU related issue which happened last 3-4 months needed fix in plugin - so it is always good to send message also to plugin dev.
Of course - one never know ... this is complicated area, boundary between host and plugin is blury and iOS itself is not helping by it's poor documentation or practice to shut down plugin randomly if there is risk of low memory...
For each crash it is good to gather this info:
More info we have, better chance to squash bug
Btw. In my exprience iOS13 helped a LOT in terms of stability compared to iOS12.
I’m seeing this with NFM. Oddly NPD doesn’t have the same issue
My experience exactly, just now.
iPad 2017, iOS13.2.5
Reloading NFM and restarting NS2 don’t help, but after loading a different plugin in its place and playing it for a while, NFM loads OK again.
It only happens occasionally.
44.1khz, buffer high
Sometimes i actually see the editor screen for a split second before it switches to the “Loading NFM Editor...” message.
I have the impression that a lot of AUv3 plugins (especially AUfx) are more reliable in other hosts than in NS2. I know Blip’s stance is that it’s usually caused by shabby coding in the plugin, and that may well be true. But it makes me wonder...what magic are other hosts using that makes them less sensitive to shabby coding, and could NS2 use that magic too? 🙂
I'm also experiencing this in several plug ins including (but not limited to) Synthscaper LE, Zeeon, Viking Synth, Voice Synth, Synth Master One and, starting yesterday, Magellan 2, on my iPhone 8+ running ios 13.3.1.
Once that stall and hang happens, nothing can help bring back the plugin back to life except re-loading the project (hoping I remembered to save my progress last time). Re-loading the project always solves the problems for me,
BTW Creating new instances of an offending plugin seems to work fine.
It seems Nanostudio2 never shuts down in the background . So after I launch several apps and reopen NS2, there is no app loading screen but also all plugins seem to just die.
I suspect that you can save the project even after any AUs have stalled and it will all still save correctly - do anyone know if this is the case? If it is, then any changes wouldn't be lost.
I'm not sure how saving of AU states is achieved, but I suspect that it is through the AU sending state information to the host at the time of the change, rather than only at the time of a save.
This would mean that it would always be safe to just save the project and reload it, as a workaround, even if the AU has hung or crashed.
Oh great idea! Yes, I just now tried saving and loading a project with “stuck” plugins and they all came back to life. So.. thank you!
I’m glad that you found a workaround! If you encounter problems that won’t go away, you can load a previous version of the project from here:
And if something’s not working right, it’s always a good idea to save to a new file just as a precaution.