External Auv3 effect automation question
Hi, probably another lame question - how to automate external fx parameters? I am trying to automate Eventide Micropitch used as insert on Obsidian channel. If it is not available directly, Eventide plugins allows midi control, but I also don't know how to add CC#1 (modulation) automation to Obsidian instrument track. Please help!
unfortunately, not possible to automate AUfxs in NS2 ... it's definitely on todo list as high prio task, just not available yet... Also MIDI CCs are not propagated down to FX chain, so no workaround for now..
So only midi notes are propagating? I wonder if AUM can be used for workaround as external instrument...
By default, Nanostudio receives midi on all
channels and on currently selected instrument track. You can see default settings in mixer track detail page:
You can select for some channel "receive midi always" - then it will receive also when no selected..
however, to avoid receiving on other selected channel, you need to change this channel to NOT receiceve from that input
What version of NS2 is that?
Ok, but what about audio output. What is the best way to output every track to different AUM channel for selective applying of effects?
iphone, but ipad has same settings
not possible, for now NS outputs just main stereo out into Audiobus or when NS is used as IAA generator inside AUM..
How come NS2 tracks have a selector for HW output then? Is that a planned feature?
if you have soundcard with multiple outputs, then you can send every channel to different physicall HW output ...
Hardware outputs and IAA outputs are different things. Audiobus/IAA support were added somewhat reluctantly after the initial release, due to outcry from people like me. It wasn’t part of the original plan. It also has been pointed to more than once as one of the sources of missed projections for iPhone and audio track delivery.
So, I doubt that multiple Audiobus/IAA output port support is a priority or even planned. That doesn’t bother me. I see little need or use for it. But I can see why some would hope for it.
Omg! The ours creativity is on the developer hands. So you know when for the update about it coz i have the problems too.. or what’s about on cubase3 ? Yeah I know the price is crazy. So should I move on from nanostudio2? Omg. But i like the nanostudio2. It’s something but they have 1-2-3-4-5 problems.. I really hope they life and serious about the project for next update and fast!
*i don’t know what i said. Sorry my bad English 😁
Use the built-in FX and automate them. They are really good. There are very few things I “absolutely need” AUfx for that can’t be done with NS2 FX. Focus on what you CAN DO with NS2 because there’s SO MUCH!
Any news on Auv3 EF automation? We need it to automate for example: