Sunrizer AU has clicking issues
I’ve experienced an annoying clickiness with Sunrizer hosted in NS2. Many patches are unusable because of a very audible clicking sound. I’ve used a completely blank project so nothing else is interfering and using the same patch in AUM, stand-alone, and BM3 all fail to reproduce the problem so I’m quite sure it’s something in NS2.
I have a zip below which contains two files. Each file is playing the Sunrizer patch 5 - Da organ which is in the bank ‘Sunrizer 2’ which I believe is stock. This is definitely not the only patch with this issue, though. One file is just playing the patch into AUM with no tweaking. The other is played in NS2 with no parameter tweaking either.
While in NS2 I’ve adjusted every patch parameter to try to find the culprit, thinking it was just an envelope issue or velocity bug but couldn’t find any way to fix it. And since this patch sounds fine in every other app I don’t think it’s a Sunrizer bug.
Also, the problem isn’t post mixdown, it’s an issue while playing the notes live.!xSATUAbL!NfJwCOWrMMALMbpSJcINmUGn2_PH2pU9uCS-NEaGR0k
Another curious aspect of it is that if I open Sunrizer in NS2 and just use any patch, including the default patch (iTar 1) that it always opens with, I can play the onscreen keyboard with no clicking issues. But as soon as I play it from a midi controller or draw in notes and play them the clicking starts.
That's curious indeed. Have you tried a hard reboot of your iPad and then loading NS immediately to see if it's still happening? Are the buffer and sample rate settings the same across NS, AUM and BM3?
confirmimg this issue... it's very strange, until i'm playing in realtime click is not there (no matter if i play Sunrizer's keyboard or NS keyboard), as soon as i record notes and they i play them back, random clicks ant befinning ere there.. also in mixdown...
BUT - i have exactly same issue also in BM3 and Cubasis (althought in Cubasis significantly less, almost none) ! So it's definitely Sunrizer bug.
here recording from NS and BM3 clicksNS.wav?dl=0
and cubasis - almost clean but still there a tiny little bit clicksCubasis.wav?dl=0
in both cases i set biggest possible buffer size, cpu was constantly on low, no peaks, so this is no buffer/cpu overload issue...
I also ran into this issue a month or so ago. I think my work-around was to create samples of the Sunrizer patch in AudioShare, then I created a sample-based Obsidian patch. I was never able to figure out what the issue was. I just assumed it was related to the buggy audio problem of the 2108 iPad Pros. 🙁
No, looks this is definitely Sunrizer AU version issue.. i don't have much faith in fix anytime soon, dev is now hard working on Drambo, so chances for fixing this (and different sample rate issues) are low imho...
Would this be to do with the fx being on by any chance? I used to get clicking noises from the internal fx a couple of years back.
no, it is happening also on init patch witch all FX dosable - it's most noticeable with sine/triangle/FM waveforms
It would be really handy to have a list of problematic AU and their related issues. Date when issues were detected and dates when problems are fixed would be interesting. Is anyone keeping track of this?
Oh, o.k.
@lairdhenn @dendy @SlapHappy hi guys, I did used Sunrizer on few occasions and yes I did get that clicks too, I did come up with workaround inside of Sunrizer thou. It does only work on in mono I believe as it is arpeggiotor dependent. So if you set mode to arp and then create custom arp like in the picture it does get rid of it at least it did for me
I know it’s not perfect but can be usable in some cases:) hope it helps
Also works on short notes only
obviously so yeah rather crippled solution :DDD
I can confirm the same for me.
You can try changing instrument, the click will go, but off course the synth sound will then be from obisidian