Klevgrand REAMP interface is pretty choppy compared to Bram Bos apps which are like butter. Klevgrand Kleverb is better but not butter. 4Pockets effects work well and scale properly. So sweet that Bram Bos Noir is right at home in NS2.
@acedout said:
I've also found that when scrolling the mixer, it's a little too easy to change levels accidentally. And it can get a little 'sticky'. I'm on an iPad 10.5.
I found that if you slide lower, over the track names, this is alleviated. Takes a few times to train your fingers, but I think it is easy to do. Hope that helps.
@blueveek said:
Here’s a bug: ipad external keyboards (including apple’s smart keyboard folio) don’t work in NS2. Much sad.
That's horrible! That's it. No Phase Magnum Distortion and now this. I'm gonna get a refund from the AppStore!
I’m struggling to understand your reaction. This is a genuine bug, indicative of a possible larger issue which is ignoring OS-wide accessibility features.
I think there's a bug involving keyboard sustain pedals. It's the only app I can't get working with my keyboards. I've also tried with a network connection using midi designer from my iPhone. Simple sustain switch (cc64) which works on every other app but this one.
Anyone able to get their sustain pedals to work, either with internal or external instruments?
You may be right @blueveek but I think that seems so far down the list of possible bugs. I first would suspect Apple, but there might be something in the code Matt wrote as I will bet he didn't have the Apple Smart Folio so it would be hard to test if it worked. Maybe it's good you report it. Maybe he can get this possible bug sorted. You've been digging hard to find bugs, so either congratulations and thanks for the help, or maybe...? I dunno. Seems like using a External qwerty keyboard is quite a unusual thing. MIDI Keyboard - yes. Make some music - yes. You need a qwerty keyboard - I get it. But that just sounds super nitpicky. Just sayin'
Carry on. Good find, I guess.
@SlapHappy said:
You may be right @blueveek but I think that seems so far down the list of possible bugs. I first would suspect Apple, but there might be something in the code Matt wrote as I will bet he didn't have the Apple Smart Folio so it would be hard to test if it worked. Maybe it's good you report it.
I suspect it’s simply because NS2 doesn’t use the system provided keyboard. Regardless of the reason, I just reported it
@SlapHappy said:
Maybe he can get this possible bug sorted. You've been digging hard to find bugs, so either congratulations and thanks for the help, or maybe...? I dunno.
“or maybe”?
I could go on forever on how amazing NS2 is. But I’m not going to circlejerk around though, if I’m finding a bug in the process, I report it here.
If that’s unwelcome, I’ll direct my spare time to try and help other communities instead. What a baffling thing to say @SlapHappy.
@blueveek said:
If that’s unwelcome, I’ll direct my spare time to try and help other communities instead. What a baffling thing to say @SlapHappy.
Someone reports a potential bug in a bug thread... I'm struggling to see how this is anything other than useful! I for one welcome your efforts! Cheers.
Maybe it never meant to be implemented in first place since you got software one which pops out when it is needed, I really never used qwerty keyboard with iPad anyway but if someone does then I guess it wouldn't be a trouble to implement or fix it if that is a bug. But me personally I would devote that few lines of code to something more musically related. My 50 pence
@blueveek said:
Here’s a bug: ipad external keyboards (including apple’s smart keyboard folio) don’t work in NS2. Much sad.
That's horrible! That's it. No Phase Magnum Distortion and now this. I'm gonna get a refund from the AppStore!
don’t do this to me i started to laugh loudly and I almost woke up my son ... And you can imagine what would then do Mrs. to me, with her skills...
Do y’all really think this is a reasonable reaction to a real bug report? Could really put off people actually trying to help.
I’d really like for you to help. I think your tone on a lot of threads has been a bit too strong. But I’ve already started to ignore your posts. You seem like a really intelligent guy and I think you might have some good ideas for NS2. Can I please ask that you try to be a bit less hard-edged with your critiques? I’m not saying what you posted about the keyboard was hard edged. To me that just came off as a bit reduculous after some of your other posts. There was a lot of crazy effort put into this app. No one is requesting a circle jerk. But it seems like your requests and bug reports are a bit slamming toward the app. Damn. Give it a day or two and learn the app and how it works. But yes, a few kind words would help all to know that you actually like the app. So far to me you seem like a pot-stirrer. I hope that I am wrong and you just don’t realize how you have come off in other threads. A bit of politeness really makes posts sound like helpful critique rather than slamming the app. So, yeah, my post was a bit over the top. Your previous posts just made this one nitpicky thing seem hilarious. No offense intended. Please do help out. Just help us to know where you are coming from.
Anyway why we just don't piss off for couple of weeks so Matt can chill after six years of hard work and we can enjoy lovely time with ns2 and come back whinging about bugs after new year? I mean there isn't any major one is it? And we all waiting for holiday aren't we ?:DDD
@SlapHappy said:
You may be right @blueveek but I think that seems so far down the list of possible bugs. I first would suspect Apple, but there might be something in the code Matt wrote as I will bet he didn't have the Apple Smart Folio so it would be hard to test if it worked. Maybe it's good you report it. Maybe he can get this possible bug sorted. You've been digging hard to find bugs, so either congratulations and thanks for the help, or maybe...? I dunno. Seems like using a External qwerty keyboard is quite a unusual thing. MIDI Keyboard - yes. Make some music - yes. You need a qwerty keyboard - I get it. But that just sounds super nitpicky. Just sayin'
Carry on. Good find, I guess.
@Cray23 said:
Anyway why we just don't piss off for couple of weeks so Matt can chill after six years of hard work and we can enjoy lovely time with ns2 and come back whinging about bugs after new year? I mean there isn't any major one is it? And we all waiting for holiday aren't we ?:DDD
Can’t have a ‘no bugs!’ thread and all bathe in it and then sob when people report bugs. Not a good look. I’d be a little embarrassed about those kind of reactions if I was the dev looking at the community...
@Cray23 said:
Anyway why we just don't piss off for couple of weeks so Matt can chill after six years of hard work and we can enjoy lovely time with ns2 and come back whinging about bugs after new year? I mean there isn't any major one is it? And we all waiting for holiday aren't we ?:DDD
Can’t have a ‘no bugs!’ thread and all bathe in it and then sob when people report bugs. Not a good look. I’d be a little embarrassed about those kind of reactions if I was the dev looking at the community...
Agreed. I don’t think anyone is suggesting that. Blueveek just called me on my over-reaction to his post. I posted my impressions, and hopefully he won’t take offense at what I said and will see it as I was trying to clear some air a bit. Keep it as possitive a vibe as possible while pointing out bugs or feature requests. We don’t want to break Matt’s spirits. He’s been in a bubble for a long time and could use some positive encouragement to keep coding for us. So he doesn’t consider getting a real job.
@blueveek said:
Here’s a bug: ipad external keyboards (including apple’s smart keyboard folio) don’t work in NS2. Much sad.
That's horrible! That's it. No Phase Magnum Distortion and now this. I'm gonna get a refund from the AppStore!
don’t do this to me i started to laugh loudly and I almost woke up my son ... And you can imagine what would then do Mrs. to me, with her skills...
Do y’all really think this is a reasonable reaction to a real bug report? Could really put off people actually trying to help.
I think you’re running against 2 currents of resistance here:
1) Nanostudio 2 is an app that a lot of people have been awaiting for a long time, now. They are just happy that it’s finally here and you’re “raining on the parade” so to speak.
2) the “bug” that you have cited could be considered as more of simply a missing/ignored feature, rather than a bug. Some would consider a bug as an unintended event or action WITHIN THE APP (caps in place of italics, sorry) which impedes or cripples the intended event in the app. The fact that NS2 doesn’t support the external keyboard typing may not be considered as a bug by some because midi control is still functional and the absence of keyboard typing doesn’t otherwise impede events taking place WITHIN THE APPLICATION (again, not shouting, just bad at italics).
In short, they are being a bit snide, and you might be a touch nit-picky.
still it's awesome.. such complex app and expept of 2-3 minor things (pitch sutomation in slate, small scrolling issue and incopatibility with external keyboyard which we didn't have for testing).. and singke crash related most probsbly just tomcrashed AU plugin if i good remember
most developers of such complex apps can just dream about such stable app after initual release. Matt great job (and beta testers too, legendary dreamteam )
@blueveek don't take yourself too seriously, smile is healthy.. of course everybody is appreciating each reported bug which fix helps make app even more awesome. Specially this one, because nobody in beta team, neither Matt i think, have external keyboyard. So good work.
@SlapHappy said:
I’d really like for you to help. I think your tone on a lot of threads has been a bit too strong. But I’ve already started to ignore your posts.
@SlapHappy said:
Please do help out. Just help us to know where you are coming from.
I’m not going to justify what I’m doing just to please some old timers. My feedback is coming from a place of love, no reason to prove that to anyone.
I’m also not going to prefix every bug or surpising behavior I find with saying how great NS2 is. We all know NS2 is a phenomenal piece of software.
@kleptolia said:
In short, they are being a bit snide, and you might be a touch nit-picky.
Bug reports can be subjective, I agree. Deciding whether or not something is “nitpicky” is also subjective.
Perhaps we need some guidelines for this thread then, carefully describing what consitutes a “real bug”. If “unintended or surprising behavior”, “accessory foobar isn’t working”, and “AUs behaving weirdly” aren’t real bugs, then all we’re left with is crashes.
We don’t want to break Matt’s spirits. He’s been in a bubble for a long time and could use some positive encouragement to keep coding for us. So he doesn’t consider getting a real job.
Well... a doubt a few bugs will worry him. He's just released the number one selling app in the Music section of the app store (At least it was last night). A few of us seem to have seen the thread title and thought this was a place to report potential bugs - people have waited ages for this, they want to help out. Make a thread title called 'show your appreciation for a job well done' and I'll post several times there as well.
By the way... lol I STILL can't get any darn sustain pedal to work with this and I'm gagging to get on to make some music with this beauty while I have a spare evening. Can't believe no one has plugged a proper keyboard into this. With all the quality sounds it would be a sin not to!
We don’t want to break Matt’s spirits. He’s been in a bubble for a long time and could use some positive encouragement to keep coding for us. So he doesn’t consider getting a real job.
Well... a doubt a few bugs will worry him. He's just released the number one selling app in the Music section of the app store (At least it was last night). A few of us seem to have seen the thread title and thought this was a place to report potential bugs - people have waited ages for this, they want to help out. Make a thread title called 'show your appreciation for a job well done' and I'll post several times there as well.
By the way... lol I STILL can't get any darn sustain pedal to work with this and I'm gagging to get on to make some music with this beauty while I have a spare evening. Can't believe no one has plugged a proper keyboard into this. With all the quality sounds it would be a sin not to!
Some odd assumptions going on here. Worst thing for anyone concerned for Matt would be for people to ‘create’ a bubble of sycophancy. Which for a lot of people is the vibe early on here. It’s an app, it’s a daw. Will be old news in a few months. Long term people helping him to make it a great one that appeals to all kinds of producers and sells with longevity will probably be the thing that would help ‘persuade him not to get a real job’. Legit market research after a long private beta.
Thanks for the vid, very helpful - this is definitely a new one on me but I'm sure we can get to the bottom of it. I'll collect a bit more data if possible:
Have you noticed any pattern behind it, eg. do you have a particular project which always does it or is it more general than that?
I first noticed while exploring the demo projects.
What's the chance of his happening? 1 in 100, 1 in 10, or more often than that?
I can reproduce it reliably, but after a bit more investigation, seems to result from a particular sequence:
must have more than 9 instruments loaded
reach the right scroll limit with two fingers on the screen
Often this causes one finger scrolling to become unresponsive (only scrolling, all other controls still work), which is probably why I thought two finger scrolling was required. From this point, scrolling with two fingers causes the juddering.
If I stick to using one finger to scroll or flick left/right over track names, it’s fine.
Are you also playing via an external MIDI controller when this happens?
No, just the app.
If you've got a project which reliably reproduces this I'll be interested in getting my hands on it - I want to get those naughty gremlins flushed out as number 1 priority before adding anything new!
Honestly, just take a well earned break! The app is great!
@SlapHappy said:
I’d really like for you to help. I think your tone on a lot of threads has been a bit too strong. But I’ve already started to ignore your posts.
@SlapHappy said:
Please do help out. Just help us to know where you are coming from.
I’m not going to justify what I’m doing just to please some old timers. My feedback is coming from a place of love, no reason to prove that to anyone.
I’m also not going to prefix every bug or surpising behavior I find with saying how great NS2 is. We all know NS2 is a phenomenal piece of software.
@kleptolia said:
In short, they are being a bit snide, and you might be a touch nit-picky.
Bug reports can be subjective, I agree. Deciding whether or not something is “nitpicky” is also subjective.
Perhaps we need some guidelines for this thread then, carefully describing what consitutes a “real bug”. If “unintended or surprising behavior”, “accessory foobar isn’t working”, and “AUs behaving weirdly” aren’t real bugs, then all we’re left with is crashes.
I agree that the audio units situation could be considered a bug. It’s a good find.
And whether the keyboard typing functionality is a bug or not, I’m sure the dev is glad to be made aware of it.
He will likely fix it in time. Or not.
If the problem is big enough, or if the weight of problems you mentioned (no per-pad fx, keyboard typing, weird AU behavior) is heavy enough, you may still be within the window to ask Apple for a refund.
I’m pretty sure Beatmaker 3 has most of that stuff. It’s a really powerful iOS DAW. I got it when it was free (one weekend JACKPOT! (Again, italics)). I was really excited, but just couldn’t get into it.
Nanostudio seems to appeal to those who want to lay down tracks and ideas quickly, without worry about how much reverb is on a single pedaled high hat, or whether or not they are wearing underwear.
Beatmaker seems like it’s aimed at the men and women who own 30-40 different midi controllers and spend around 5 hours a day on forums discussing how they can hook all them to the app, simultaneously. (Hint. Use USB hubs. Lots of them!)
Meanwhile, Sunvox users are wearing capes and seriously debating whether or not alchemy has already been accomplished.
@SlapHappy said:
I’d really like for you to help. I think your tone on a lot of threads has been a bit too strong. But I’ve already started to ignore your posts.
@SlapHappy said:
Please do help out. Just help us to know where you are coming from.
I’m not going to justify what I’m doing just to please some old timers. My feedback is coming from a place of love, no reason to prove that to anyone.
I’m also not going to prefix every bug or surpising behavior I find with saying how great NS2 is. We all know NS2 is a phenomenal piece of software.
@kleptolia said:
In short, they are being a bit snide, and you might be a touch nit-picky.
Bug reports can be subjective, I agree. Deciding whether or not something is “nitpicky” is also subjective.
Perhaps we need some guidelines for this thread then, carefully describing what consitutes a “real bug”. If “unintended or surprising behavior”, “accessory foobar isn’t working”, and “AUs behaving weirdly” aren’t real bugs, then all we’re left with is crashes.
I agree that the audio units situation could be considered a bug. It’s a good find.
And whether the keyboard typing functionality is a bug or not, I’m sure the dev is glad to be made aware of it.
He will likely fix it in time. Or not.
If the problem is big enough, or if the weight of problems you mentioned (no per-pad fx, keyboard typing, weird AU behavior) is heavy enough, you may still be within the window to ask Apple for a refund.
I’m pretty sure Beatmaker 3 has most of that stuff. It’s a really powerful iOS DAW. I got it when it was free (one weekend JACKPOT! (Again, italics)). I was really excited, but just couldn’t get into it.
Nanostudio seems to appeal to those who want to lay down tracks and ideas quickly, without worry about how much reverb is on a single pedaled high hat, or whether or not they are wearing underwear.
Beatmaker seems like it’s aimed at the men and women who own 30-40 different midi controllers and spend around 5 hours a day on forums discussing how they can hook all them to the app, simultaneously. (Hint. Use USB hubs. Lots of them!)
Meanwhile, Sunvox users are wearing capes and seriously debating whether or not alchemy has already been accomplished.
Pretty sure both apps are aimed at musicians. Hilarious these odd categories of musician/producer types that are being thrown around. These ones are bm3! These ones are ns2! Pretty sure neither dev would want to limit their audience/market like that...
Klevgrand REAMP interface is pretty choppy compared to Bram Bos apps which are like butter. Klevgrand Kleverb is better but not butter. 4Pockets effects work well and scale properly. So sweet that Bram Bos Noir is right at home in NS2.
All AU instruments scale properly because they don’t have to scale at all. NS2 gives them the default size of 1024x335 points. So no surprises there.
AUfx scale improperly because they’re offered the square format. If NS2 gave them the default size of 1024x335 points they’d scale well there too.
I found that if you slide lower, over the track names, this is alleviated. Takes a few times to train your fingers, but I think it is easy to do. Hope that helps.
Here’s a bug: ipad external keyboards (including apple’s smart keyboard folio) don’t work in NS2. Much sad.
EDIT: I’m not talking keyboard shortcuts, basic functionality (like editing project names) ignores external input.
That's horrible! That's it. No Phase Magnum Distortion and now this. I'm gonna get a refund from the AppStore!
You mean you can’t type with the keyboard?
I’m struggling to understand your reaction. This is a genuine bug, indicative of a possible larger issue which is ignoring OS-wide accessibility features.
Ok, that probably shouldn’t happen, thanks!
I think there's a bug involving keyboard sustain pedals. It's the only app I can't get working with my keyboards. I've also tried with a network connection using midi designer from my iPhone. Simple sustain switch (cc64) which works on every other app but this one.
Anyone able to get their sustain pedals to work, either with internal or external instruments?
You may be right @blueveek but I think that seems so far down the list of possible bugs. I first would suspect Apple, but there might be something in the code Matt wrote as I will bet he didn't have the Apple Smart Folio so it would be hard to test if it worked. Maybe it's good you report it. Maybe he can get this possible bug sorted. You've been digging hard to find bugs, so either congratulations and thanks for the help, or maybe...? I dunno. Seems like using a External qwerty keyboard is quite a unusual thing. MIDI Keyboard - yes. Make some music - yes. You need a qwerty keyboard - I get it. But that just sounds super nitpicky. Just sayin'
Carry on. Good find, I guess.
I suspect it’s simply because NS2 doesn’t use the system provided keyboard. Regardless of the reason, I just reported it
“or maybe”?
I could go on forever on how amazing NS2 is. But I’m not going to circlejerk around though, if I’m finding a bug in the process, I report it here.
If that’s unwelcome, I’ll direct my spare time to try and help other communities instead. What a baffling thing to say @SlapHappy.
Even without being a programmer, this seems like a likely candidate.
don’t do this to me
i started to laugh loudly and I almost woke up my son ... And you can imagine what would then do Mrs. to me, with her skills...
Someone reports a potential bug in a bug thread... I'm struggling to see how this is anything other than useful! I for one welcome your efforts! Cheers.
Do y’all really think this is a reasonable reaction to a real bug report? Could really put off people actually trying to help.
Maybe it never meant to be implemented in first place since you got software one which pops out when it is needed, I really never used qwerty keyboard with iPad anyway but if someone does then I guess it wouldn't be a trouble to implement or fix it if that is a bug. But me personally I would devote that few lines of code to something more musically related. My 50 pence
I’d really like for you to help. I think your tone on a lot of threads has been a bit too strong. But I’ve already started to ignore your posts. You seem like a really intelligent guy and I think you might have some good ideas for NS2. Can I please ask that you try to be a bit less hard-edged with your critiques? I’m not saying what you posted about the keyboard was hard edged. To me that just came off as a bit reduculous after some of your other posts. There was a lot of crazy effort put into this app. No one is requesting a circle jerk. But it seems like your requests and bug reports are a bit slamming toward the app. Damn. Give it a day or two and learn the app and how it works. But yes, a few kind words would help all to know that you actually like the app. So far to me you seem like a pot-stirrer. I hope that I am wrong and you just don’t realize how you have come off in other threads. A bit of politeness really makes posts sound like helpful critique rather than slamming the app. So, yeah, my post was a bit over the top. Your previous posts just made this one nitpicky thing seem hilarious. No offense intended. Please do help out. Just help us to know where you are coming from.
Anyway why we just don't piss off for couple of weeks so Matt can chill after six years of hard work and we can enjoy lovely time with ns2 and come back whinging about bugs after new year? I mean there isn't any major one is it? And we all waiting for holiday aren't we ?:DDD
Nice attitude.
Can’t have a ‘no bugs!’ thread and all bathe in it and then sob when people report bugs. Not a good look. I’d be a little embarrassed about those kind of reactions if I was the dev looking at the community...
Agreed. I don’t think anyone is suggesting that. Blueveek just called me on my over-reaction to his post. I posted my impressions, and hopefully he won’t take offense at what I said and will see it as I was trying to clear some air a bit. Keep it as possitive a vibe as possible while pointing out bugs or feature requests. We don’t want to break Matt’s spirits. He’s been in a bubble for a long time and could use some positive encouragement to keep coding for us. So he doesn’t consider getting a real job.
I think you’re running against 2 currents of resistance here:
1) Nanostudio 2 is an app that a lot of people have been awaiting for a long time, now. They are just happy that it’s finally here and you’re “raining on the parade” so to speak.
2) the “bug” that you have cited could be considered as more of simply a missing/ignored feature, rather than a bug. Some would consider a bug as an unintended event or action WITHIN THE APP (caps in place of italics, sorry) which impedes or cripples the intended event in the app. The fact that NS2 doesn’t support the external keyboard typing may not be considered as a bug by some because midi control is still functional and the absence of keyboard typing doesn’t otherwise impede events taking place WITHIN THE APPLICATION (again, not shouting, just bad at italics).
In short, they are being a bit snide, and you might be a touch nit-picky.
still it's awesome.. such complex app and expept of 2-3 minor things (pitch sutomation in slate, small scrolling issue and incopatibility with external keyboyard which we didn't have for testing).. and singke crash related most probsbly just tomcrashed AU plugin if i good remember
most developers of such complex apps can just dream about such stable app after initual release. Matt great job (and beta testers too, legendary dreamteam
@blueveek don't take yourself too seriously, smile is healthy.. of course everybody is appreciating each reported bug which fix helps make app even more awesome. Specially this one, because nobody in beta team, neither Matt i think, have external keyboyard. So good work.
I’m not going to justify what I’m doing just to please some old timers. My feedback is coming from a place of love, no reason to prove that to anyone.
I’m also not going to prefix every bug or surpising behavior I find with saying how great NS2 is. We all know NS2 is a phenomenal piece of software.
Bug reports can be subjective, I agree. Deciding whether or not something is “nitpicky” is also subjective.
Perhaps we need some guidelines for this thread then, carefully describing what consitutes a “real bug”. If “unintended or surprising behavior”, “accessory foobar isn’t working”, and “AUs behaving weirdly” aren’t real bugs, then all we’re left with is crashes.
We don’t want to break Matt’s spirits. He’s been in a bubble for a long time and could use some positive encouragement to keep coding for us. So he doesn’t consider getting a real job.
Well... a doubt a few bugs will worry him. He's just released the number one selling app in the Music section of the app store (At least it was last night). A few of us seem to have seen the thread title and thought this was a place to report potential bugs - people have waited ages for this, they want to help out. Make a thread title called 'show your appreciation for a job well done' and I'll post several times there as well.
By the way... lol I STILL can't get any darn sustain pedal to work with this and I'm gagging to get on to make some music with this beauty while I have a spare evening. Can't believe no one has plugged a proper keyboard into this. With all the quality sounds it would be a sin not to!
Some odd assumptions going on here. Worst thing for anyone concerned for Matt would be for people to ‘create’ a bubble of sycophancy. Which for a lot of people is the vibe early on here. It’s an app, it’s a daw. Will be old news in a few months. Long term people helping him to make it a great one that appeals to all kinds of producers and sells with longevity will probably be the thing that would help ‘persuade him not to get a real job’. Legit market research after a long private beta.
I first noticed while exploring the demo projects.
I can reproduce it reliably, but after a bit more investigation, seems to result from a particular sequence:
Often this causes one finger scrolling to become unresponsive (only scrolling, all other controls still work), which is probably why I thought two finger scrolling was required. From this point, scrolling with two fingers causes the juddering.
If I stick to using one finger to scroll or flick left/right over track names, it’s fine.
No, just the app.
Honestly, just take a well earned break! The app is great!
I agree that the audio units situation could be considered a bug. It’s a good find.
And whether the keyboard typing functionality is a bug or not, I’m sure the dev is glad to be made aware of it.
He will likely fix it in time. Or not.
If the problem is big enough, or if the weight of problems you mentioned (no per-pad fx, keyboard typing, weird AU behavior) is heavy enough, you may still be within the window to ask Apple for a refund.
I’m pretty sure Beatmaker 3 has most of that stuff. It’s a really powerful iOS DAW. I got it when it was free (one weekend JACKPOT! (Again, italics)). I was really excited, but just couldn’t get into it.
Nanostudio seems to appeal to those who want to lay down tracks and ideas quickly, without worry about how much reverb is on a single pedaled high hat, or whether or not they are wearing underwear.
Beatmaker seems like it’s aimed at the men and women who own 30-40 different midi controllers and spend around 5 hours a day on forums discussing how they can hook all them to the app, simultaneously. (Hint. Use USB hubs. Lots of them!)
Meanwhile, Sunvox users are wearing capes and seriously debating whether or not alchemy has already been accomplished.
Pretty sure both apps are aimed at musicians. Hilarious these odd categories of musician/producer types that are being thrown around. These ones are bm3! These ones are ns2! Pretty sure neither dev would want to limit their audience/market like that...