Draw Note at 127 Velocity
Is it possible to draw notes in the piano roll at 127 velocity? It sure is a pain having to readjust everything when i record notes at 127 and I can only write them in at 100. Am i missing something?
Is it possible to draw notes in the piano roll at 127 velocity? It sure is a pain having to readjust everything when i record notes at 127 and I can only write them in at 100. Am i missing something?
Not for now, thats reason why i ususally record at velocity 100
Probably option in application settings "default velocity in piano roll" would solve it..
Moving tas to "feature requestes" section
This would be a good fit for the ”Draw” menu.
That is exactly where i thought it would be.
I'm very hopeful that this could get added but in the meantime the best workaround (you probably already know but making sure), if you want to get all your notes to 127, is to double-tap on the background to select all notes and drag them all up at the same time with the left vertical handle.
Or an option to use the last edited note's velocity?
Ooo.. that would be VERY cool !