SynthJacker: Auto Sampler app



  • edited April 2019

    Hey @dendy & @coniferprod is there any sneaky way to make synthjacker record IAA synths? My main use case with NS would be to multisample the synths I can’t load into NS, so this would make the app an instabuy. 😀

  • edited April 2019

    only using external audio interface loopback :) old good cables, connect audio and midi output into input :))

    but i believe virtual MIDI ports and audiobus support is on @coniferprod roadmap, that would be nice solution for IAA synths ..

  • @dendy said:
    only using external audio interface loopback :) old good cables, connect audio and midi output into input :))

    but i believe virtual MIDI ports and audiobus support is on roadmap, that would be nice solution for IAA synths ..

    Sure would! I don’t have an iPad capable audio interface so I’m going to have to do this the old fashioned way.

  • @Stiksi said:
    Hey @dendy & @coniferprod is there any sneaky way to make synthjacker record IAA synths? My main use case with NS would be to multisample the synths I can’t load into NS, so this would make the app an instabuy. 😀

    Hello, at the moment not directly -- as @dendy mentioned, there is a loopback method documented by richardyot on the AudioBus forum (thread).

    I would put it like this: I'm not saying that SynthJacker will never get IAA and/or Audiobus support, but right now it seems a little distant -- there's a lot to be done on the external synth and instrument Audio Unit v3 side of things before that, with limited resources.

  • @coniferprod said:

    Hello, at the moment not directly -- as @dendy mentioned, there is a loopback method documented by richardyot on the AudioBus forum (thread).

    I would put it like this: I'm not saying that SynthJacker will never get IAA and/or Audiobus support, but right now it seems a little distant -- there's a lot to be done on the external synth and instrument Audio Unit v3 side of things before that, with limited resources.

    Absolutely, I totally get limited resources and personally, I don’t see myself building a large multisample collection, so I’m fine 🙂 thanks for clearing this up, much appreciated!

  • @coniferprod said:

    Hello, at the moment not directly -- as @dendy mentioned, there is a loopback method documented by richardyot on the AudioBus forum (thread).

    I would put it like this: I'm not saying that SynthJacker will never get IAA and/or Audiobus support, but right now it seems a little distant -- there's a lot to be done on the external synth and instrument Audio Unit v3 side of things before that, with limited resources.

    When sampling Auv3s the normalise function isn't working for me, I've got the option checked in the prefs but the samples don't end up being normalised.

  • edited April 2019

    checked it.. they are normalized but not to value you set in Synthjacker settings - it looks like they are normalized to lower value.. i set normalize level to 0dB, but they are normalized to something bellow, i guess it's -1dB (judging just by eye in NS audio editor)

  • @dendy said:
    checked it.. they are normalized but not to value you set in Synthjacker settings - it looks like they are normalized to lower value.. i set normalize level to 0dB, but they are normalized to something bellow, i guess it's -1dB (judging just by eye in NS audio editor)

    Same here. I let the dev know. It’s really the only thing I’d like to see fixed. The rest is fine.

  • Let this be the thread where I announce the latest version of SynthJacker, the autosampler for iPad musicians, and quite handy for Nanostudio 2 users:

  • nice to see ypu are still improvimg app :+1:

  • nice to see ypu are still improvimg app :+1:

    Sure! It isn't even version 1.0 yet ;) Lots to do.

  • Fantastic news! Keep up the great work.

  • Guys I have an old Korg Trinity Synth that I don’t use anymore but I would love to sample some of my favorite presets. Would you recommend sampling it with effects?

  • edited June 2019

    I also just realized that my Trinity’s digital output is hard coded set at 48 kHz; would SynthJacker be able to auto convert the samples to 44.1 kHz?

    Is, my analog outs are broken.

  • I also just realized that my Trinity’s digital output is hard coded set at 48 kHz; would SynthJacker be able to auto convert the samples to 44.1 kHz?

    How are you planning to connect the Trinity to your iOS device? Do you have an audio interface with a digital input (like Zoom U-44)?

  • My suggestion would sample it without delay / reverb - that's what i usually do, anything i sample (no matter if it is HW or SW) i'm trying to hold on sampled material without delay/reverb so it is better usable in future with various delays / reberb based on context of track where i want to use it ..

    If you have plan used your sampled material in NS2, then there is no problem if samples will be sampled at 48kHz - you don't need take a care about sample rate - NS2 always plays correctly samples no matter which sample rate / bit rate they have (NS supports samples up to 32bit / 96 khz)

  • I was thinking of sending the digi out to my old XP pc which has a digital input soundcard but on my iPad I only have the UCA222. It has analog in and outs and a digital out but no digital in.

    @coniferprod said:

    How are you planning to connect the Trinity to your iOS device? Do you have an audio interface with a digital input (like Zoom U-44)?

  • Thanks Dendi, might have to do this.

    @dendy said:
    My suggestion would sample it without delay / reverb - that's what i usually do, anything i sample (no matter if it is HW or SW) i'm trying to hold on sampled material without del

    ay/reverb so it is better usable in future with various delays / reberb based on context of track where i want to use it ..

    If you have plan used your sampled material in NS2, then there is no problem if samples will be sampled at 48kHz - you don't need take a care about sample rate - NS2 always plays correctly samples no matter which sample rate / bit rate they have (NS supports samples up to 32bit / 96 khz)

  • I was thinking of sending the digi out to my old XP pc which has a digital input soundcard but on my iPad I only have the UCA222. It has analog in and outs and a digital out but no digital in.

    OK, if I got this right, then it is already analog when it hits the UCA222, so the sample rate will be whatever its USB uses by default (maybe it's configurable?). Tell me how it goes; you can examine the results in the Files app. If you copy them over to a Mac, use the afinfo utility. On a PC, maybe Audacity or somesuch.

  • Yeah I forgot that the analong signal recorded doesn’t have anything to do with the 48khz B)

    But it would be so cool to keep it all digitally crisp as the sound of the Trinity at 48khz is amazing 😉

    @coniferprod said:

    OK, if I got this right, then it is already analog when it hits the UCA222, so the sample rate will be whatever its USB uses by default (maybe it's configurable?). Tell me how it goes; you can examine the results in the Files app. If you copy them over to a Mac, use the afinfo utility. On a PC, maybe Audacity or somesuch.

  • New SynthJacker demo video: how to autosample AUv3 instrument Audio Units on iOS

  • edited July 2019

    @coniferprod said:
    New SynthJacker demo video: how to autosample AUv3 instrument Audio Units on iOS

    I absolutely love SynthJacker!

    a little request for future updates: aside from making the sample length longer, could you please make the controls slideable (as in dragging up and down) rather than having to tap increments? I spent hours yesterday sampling some hardware and changing this manually for each patch was the main bottleneck in the process.

    Same goes for the popup lists for selecting note ranges too. Not a huge deal, but it would really streamline things imho.

    thanks again for making this wonderful tool!

  • @palm said:
    I absolutely love SynthJacker!

    :3 Thanks, that’s so nice to hear!

    a little request for future updates: aside from making the sample length longer, could you please make the controls slideable (as in dragging up and down) rather than having to tap increments? I spent hours yesterday sampling some hardware and changing this manually for each patch was the main bottleneck in the process.

    Hopefully your sampling session turned out to be a successful one! Originally some of the controls were actually sliders, but it was quite difficult to set the times accurately. The increment buttons were better for that. Also, I didn’t have a suitable rotary dial control, so the increments stayed.

    I think you could work around this by creating a couple of sequence presets, and then copying the closest matching ones into new ones, so that you’d have less increment tapping to do for each. Just swipe a sequnce preset from the right and select Copy.

    Same goes for the popup lists for selecting note ranges too. Not a huge deal, but it would really streamline things imho.

    Yes, the note lists can be a little clumsy, especially if you have a very long range. Hopefully it’s not that bad with ranges of just a few octaves. But definitely that’s something for me to think about. Maybe sequence presets might help here too?

    thanks again for making this wonderful tool!

    Thank you for supporting the development of SynthJacker! Hope it continues to serve you well. Any operational problems —> send e-mail from the bottom of the Settings screen and I’ll try to help, or forum post for a wider audience (the Audiobus forum is also SJ-aware).

  • Cool cool, I haven't been keeping up with things but think this may be a Synthjacker weekend.

    It looks like stereo recording from audio device has been worked out! I recall there was an issue with gaps at the beginning of samples...(?) I take it that has been resolved / there is a solution?

  • @coniferprod
    The increment buttons were better for that. Also, I didn’t have a suitable rotary dial control, so the increments stayed.

    I think idea is just tapping number itself and then drag up / down ... so you don't need to change UI of +/- incremental buttons, you just add drag action to number itself, drag up increments value, drag down decrements values ...

    Isn't this possible some easy way with this control element ?

  • @Audiogus said:
    It looks like stereo recording from audio device has been worked out! I recall there was an issue with gaps at the beginning of samples...(?) I take it that has been resolved / there is a solution?

    Yes, it is now possible to select either a single mono input or a stereo pair if the audio interface supports it (like 1, 2, 3, or 4 as mono, or 1+2, 3+4 as stereo).

    The gap thing is mostly resolved by the trimming options. There is some latency which will cause a drift with very long sampling sequences, but it can be tackled by planning the note timings carefully, and using trim start + end.

  • edited July 2019

    @dendy said:
    I think idea is just tapping number itself and then drag up / down ... so you don't need to change UI of +/- incremental buttons, you just add drag action to number itself, drag up increments value, drag down decrements values ...

    Isn't this possible some easy way with this control element ?

    I don’t know at the moment, I need to look into that. I’m using a form library (Eureka), which has saved me a ton of work, but it may also need some customization even if the underlying iOS UI components support it. Nevertheless, that could be a good usability improvement.

  • edited July 2019

    @dendy said:

    I think idea is just tapping number itself and then drag up / down ... so you don't need to change UI of +/- incremental buttons, you just add drag action to number itself, drag up increments value, drag down decrements values ...

    Isn't this possible some easy way with this control element ?

    yeah, that's exactly what I had imagined. Still able to tap left and right for single increments, but drag up and down to sweep through values.

    anyhow, not a big deal. Good idea @coniferprod for making a few different presets to switch between.

    being able to import and automap to NS2 so seamlessly is a dream. Took me a few hours to do what otherwise would've taken an entire weekend!

  • @palm said:
    Still able to tap left and right for single increments, but drag up and down to sweep through values.

    Actually, you can tap and hold the plus and minus buttons of an increment button.

    being able to import and automap to NS2 so seamlessly is a dream. Took me a few hours to do what otherwise would've taken an entire weekend!

    Awesome! Thanks for sharing.

  • It's the SynthJacker September Equinox Half-Price Flash Sale! From now through Monday 23 Sep, get SynthJacker for 50% off from the App Store. New update coming soon, too!

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