[Feature Request] Kill all sound on Stop
Caustic kills all audio when you double-tap stop. That’s really handy during arranging if you have a long sample playing or long reverb/delay tails. Can something like that be added to NS2?
Caustic kills all audio when you double-tap stop. That’s really handy during arranging if you have a long sample playing or long reverb/delay tails. Can something like that be added to NS2?
How do you imagine this implemented? It cuts of the tails of FX & release so everything just stops?
What is the advantage of this? Is this for Obsidian or Slate? Maybe you are wanting triggered audio clips in Slate to stop?
It’s for the overall output when working on sections of songs that may have a “long” sample or echo/reverb tails. It makes for a more fluid workflow when working on sections of an arrangement. One of the few apps that approaches the workflow of NS2 is Caustic which is where I got used to this action and while it may seem a “trivial” feature it’s something I run into quite regularly.
Yeah, like a panic button for audio. I've been wanting something like this as well. But double tap on stop is already used so it has to be another gesture.
Any reason why it can’t just happen on stop? I tend to work during playback (looping a section or full song playback) so if I stop playback it’s because I don’t want anything playing. Maybe it seems like a trivial thing but it’s one of those little workflow things that contribute to the overall user experience. The other thing Caustic has is a Save button available at all times. I like having that option to “Save as I go” although hopping over to Project and hitting Save isn’t too bad.
Good question. I will guess that there are issues relating to the as yet undeveloped Audio Tracks that will factor into this. Perhaps when that IAP is available this will have been resolved. In the mean time, I think, unless I am missing something, you could just use long samples in Slate with the Pads on Sustain instead of Trigger mode. You didn't specify your workflow, so I am making a guess here. What I do is set Audio Clips on pads with the sustain mode and use really long notes in the piano roll (1 measure, 4 measure, 16 measure, whatever). In that mode the long samples will stop when the transport Stop button is pressed. Hope that helps. Did I totally misunderstand your workflow usage of samples?
@SlapHappy thanks for your reply. It’s not just samples but that’s part of it. Also delays reverbs etc. I just want everything to STOP when I hit Stop.
Say I’m doing a Frippertronics kind of thing with a 10 second delay. When I hit Stop that delay is going to continue until I go into the AU (Tap Delay in this case) and kill it. That’s an extreme example but the idea applies to any place I’m using longer delays or reverbs.
This is mainly for live situations where preserving the tails is important. Now that we have actual infinite decay on samples, I think there’s more demand for a complete ”kill all sound” option. But you can get samples to stop immediately on stop by setting their trigger mode to ”sustain” in pad settings. There’s no easy way to do this with effects.
NS automatically saves your project as you go, so you won’t actually lose progress if you forget, as long as you save before switching projects. The manual save is mostly there for us OCD savers. 😀 And as a handy ”get back to the last manual save state” tool.
not exactly what you want, but after you hit "stop" you can tap in top bar on time, and there is red button "panic" whic stops all tails end running releases immediately
probably there should be added option in app settings "on playback stop" with options "preserve tails" and "cut tails"
Thanks @dendy I never thought to try the panic button probably because I’ve never needed it in the context of what a panic button is typically used for (stuck MIDI). I’ll give it a try.
panic in NS does both - it fixes stucked midi and stops also audio
and what do you think about idea of possibilit to change stop button behaviour using app settings ? Or panic button is sufficient solution foe you ?
Let me give panic button a try. It may be sufficient. Thanks
No it doesn’t. Put a long delay on a track and try to stop it with the panic button. Not gonna work.
For me, that's not an extreme example at all. I use a lot lot lot lot of long delays.
I don't like adding things to the options menus but "render tails on stop" feels like a solid contender—think the only time you really want it to work the way it currently does is when you're performing live. I'm a nerdy homebody though.
hm, i tested it just with long release ... ok obviously i don't know everything
Could the 'Panic' button be MIDI-learnable, maybe? I heard, the transport control elements are considered to get, too, in the next update?