[Feature Request] Increase UI contrast
Under certain lighting conditions the grids in NS2 can be difficult to see. A way to increase contrast would be useful. Thanks
Under certain lighting conditions the grids in NS2 can be difficult to see. A way to increase contrast would be useful. Thanks
@Stiksi will definitely agree with you :-))) He was official beta team Contrast Complainer since beginning :-))))
Haha, word! 👍 I even made a plaque. I’ll be sure to let Matt know!

With so many complainers, I don’t wonder why it took Matt so much time.
Yes, my bad, sorry.
But honestly, sometimes I wonder if app developers have their screens at 100% all the time to avoid falling asleep on the job.
Uhm. Regarding me .. YES! :-D
Isn’t this handled primarily by the iPad? Brightness level can be adjusted. Not sure if there is an actual Contrast control. Looking... nope. The old TVs from way back in the 50s had contrast controls. Nice one Apple. ‘Take away controls’ must be company motto.
I wouldn’t want to have to adjust my iPad only for NS2. Everything else is fine. It’s just tough to see the grid in NS2 under certain lighting conditions. If I turn up the brightness then other apps are too bright. Beathawk was the same way and they changed it during one of the beta cycles.
Oh. I forgot that there are other apps. My bad. 😊
NS2 contrast controls would be nice.
Just to bump this request - After spending some time using other apps and then using NS2 I feel the interface is a little too dark and low contrast. All other apps are just right and then switching to NS2 would require turning up brightness but then other apps are significantly too bright. Don’t see this with AUM for instance.
Is it still the grid or are there other problematic areas?
The grid is the main culprit.
Ok, thanks! Which apps were you using at the same time?
And to anyone reading the thread, what percentage of time are you approximately using NS in dim light conditions? Are there other situations than dim lighting in which it’s difficult to use NS?
I’m building a case to move this up the ladder. I have also clarified the thread’s title so people who are having issues will more easily find it.
It’s not relative to any other specific apps really. It’s relative to having the brightness level on my iPad be fine for everything else but not for the grids in NS2. Its also not really in dim light levels but in brighter ambient light where you need to turn up the brightness to see the screen. At a useful setting overall, NS2 grid is hard to discern. When turning up brightness to be able to see grid, other apps are too bright.
Yes, that’s my experience also.
I’m a developer and we have to make sure our web applications meet certain accessibility requirements—one of those is contrast. The guidelines we use are for the web, but I would think they could be used as a pretty decent guide for iOS (or desktop) apps a well.
A guide: https://webaim.org/articles/contrast/
A contrast checker: https://webaim.org/resources/contrastchecker/
We use these guidelines at the day job as well. It's good stuff but probably important to consider that the testing tool is aimed at text (which has different ratio requirements than graphics).
+1 from me. I find this a problem with the grid quite regularly. I also find it a problem with the midi loops and midi notes when I'm drawing in track and clip automation - it's nice that they are dimmed-but-there, but I have trouble finding the points I want.... Cheers!
I love most things about NS2, especially the sequencer and piano roll, however I do find that when editing notes in the piano roll the contrast of the finer division grid lines is very hard to work with, the lines are barely visible. It looks pretty, but IMO it's not functional, especially if you have the grid set to finer divisions of 1/32 or more:
If you want to move a note by four increments for example, it's really hard to do this quickly because of the poor visibility of the grid.
Personally I would like the option to reverse out the grid lines, so that they are white on dark rather than black on very dark grey.
@richardyot There’s an existing thread about this. I’m merging these comments into it.
A little background so you know what’s been happening: I’ve been arguing this case for a couple years now, so I really hope there’s more light at the end of the tunnel. But there’s no word from Matt yet.
To anyone else reading, if you want this to happen, please comment and I will keep Matt updated on the popularity of this request.
+1 for better contrast on the grid lines. Though I have to admit it’s better than some others such as Stagelight and Atom.
I agree, and some of the textual elements of the UI could use more contrast as well. Alphanumerals that are gray or dark-colored on black (or darker gray) could easily stand some brightening. For instance, the note numbers down the left of the screenshot above are hard for me to read unless I max out the brightness on my iPad.