FEATURE REQUEST: Multi-take recording
I’d love to see true multi-take recording in NanoStudio! You can kinda sorta do multiple takes by setting the midi record mode to “create” but you have to hit stop and then start recording again, otherwise what you play while looping over a section still gets merged into the same single part.
The only iOS DAW I know of that seems to implement this well is GarageBand. You can sorta kanda make it work in BeatMaker 3 or Cubasis, but not nearly as well (not sure about Auria—don’t own that one).
In GarageBand when you enable multi-take recording, you can loop over a section and it puts each pass in a single region. Then, you can tap in the upper left corner to select which take you want to use.
It’s fabulous for quickly trying out different ideas, especially if you often like to play your parts in directly rather than using the midi editor.
I do love this in Samplitude on desktop. Just loop and jam away then flip through the takes; lovely.
Great request - that would be nice.
i'm pretty sure this is lan ed together with audio tracks where it makes deep sense - i think then it will be added also for midi clips (just my personal assumptions but think they are very realistic
Sweeeet, Fingers crossed!