I’ve seen it referenced elsewhere but never saw any confirmation as to whether it’s a bug or an incomplete feature:
When I assign mixer send faders to CC, those assignments are always lost upon reloading the project (after saving with the assignments, of course). This is a bummer since my main template and workflow relies on mapping two sends for 8 channels, something I have to do every time I reload or create a project. I assume this is not how it’s supposed to work, right?
Edit: turns out mixer volume assignments don’t save either — on reload they all go back to CC7 (I assume the same is true for pan - cc10 - but didn’t test).
@Drumex said:
Apologies for any redundant requests but first some bugs I noticed (or user error).
Not needed to apologize ! Every bug report is important and appreciated, it helps to make app better which is benefitial for all of us :-)
Sampler issues:
When I load a sample in an oscillator, sometimes the amp envelope will no longer work with the oscillator. It’s seems random at this point.
Is it not possible to retrigger a sample with out hitting the keys again for arp functions? I’ve tried to retrigger a sample by assigning a LFO to the amp envelope retrigger and this does not work like it does on a normal oscillator.
Can you share example patch with manifestation of this bug ? And please create for this issue new thread, i feel it will lead to more discussions and clarifications, so definitely better to have this one as separate thread
Another issue is when I have a slate kit with more than 16 pads I won’t see the pancaked pads above with colored boxes making me think there’s nothing there. It’s not a big deal but when you share kits with your partners they could easily get the impression there’s nothing to see and bypass the sounds.
Hm, i see color boxes for all pads where is done sample loaded, can you please share screen where you don't see it like that ?
Feature requests:
Auto Beat: Please bring this back. I can only imagine how much fun it would be with the single velocity pad!
It's on todo list
Waveshaper available in the synth fx rack. This became an important work flow feature for me using Nano and didn’t realize how important it was until I dove in on Nano 2. It just makes life so much easier having it right there as you adjust the synth parameters because it can be very important to the timbre of the sound your making. Having to go to the mixer and go back to synth is kind of demoralizing at times.
There is waveshaper in Obsididian Any filter slot can be switched to "WS" mode which is waveshaper :-) So you have multiple options - you can switch first two filters to "serial" mode, and then you can choose if you want send voices first to waveshaper and then to normal filter or first to normal filter and thrn to eaveshsper.
Of course you can use as waveshaper also third "global" filter.
Main difference between first two filter slots and third one is, that first two are applied individually on each voice and then voices are mixed together, third filter slot is applied after that, on all mixed voices together.
Which (of course only if you play polyphonic patch) especially for waveshaper makes big difference
Sampler issues:
When I load a sample in an oscillator, sometimes the amp envelope will no longer work with the oscillator. It’s seems random at this point.
Is it not possible to retrigger a sample with out hitting the keys again for arp functions? I’ve tried to retrigger a sample by assigning a LFO to the amp envelope retrigger and this does not work like it does on a normal oscillator.
Both of those behaviors may likely occur when the sample is in one shot mode.
Amp envelope defines the volume of a currently playing oscillator, so if the sample is not playing anymore, because it reached the end, no sound will obviously produced.
The same applies for the second issue. If the sample reaches the end, the amp retrigger feature has no sound to amplify.
To my restrictive knowledge, there is no sample retrigger feature to restart the sample along with the amp retrigger to achieve what you seek but probably Dendy will have more info about that.
@Zupi oh yeah that makes sense ! I was expecting that @Drumex does have defined sustain loop... of course not looped sample plays just once and done...
@Zupi said:
Fingers crossed, as the sampler oscillator is initially set in loop mode.
Loop points are saved inside sample, so it's good chance he used sample with no loop points set :-) Without loop points whole sample is looped, and if sample contains silence at the end, unexpected behaviour is possible when retriggering amp
Waveshaper available in the synth fx rack. This became an important work flow feature for me using Nano and didn’t realize how important it was until I dove in on Nano 2. It just makes life so much easier having it right there as you adjust the synth parameters because it can be very important to the timbre of the sound your making. Having to go to the mixer and go back to synth is kind of demoralizing at times.
There is waveshaper in Obsididian Any filter slot can be switched to "WS" mode which is waveshaper :-) So you have multiple options - you can switch first two filters to "serial" mode, and then you can choose if you want send voices first to waveshaper and then to normal filter or first to normal filter and thrn to eaveshsper.
Of course you can use as waveshaper also third "global" filter.
Main difference between first two filter slots and third one is, that first two are applied individually on each voice and then voices are mixed together, third filter slot is applied after that, on all mixed voices together.
Which (of course only if you play polyphonic patch) especially for waveshaper makes big difference
In different words: if you select the WS in the third 'global' filter slot, it will work exactly like it did in Eden—as a global effect on the synth. The new bit here is that we can now apply it per voice (+ new routing capabilities) via Filter slots 1 and 2.
Pssst... The 'Sine' and 'Tri' modes are 'hollow' and 'zingy' renamed.
I guess this is a good place to report Tera synth by Virsyn even after many refreshes in manage Au’s is still displaying no presets or sounds. Ok who’s to blame for this😇?
I was able to catch the slate color boxes glitch in reverse. This time instead of a pad not showing a color box that’s pancaked, it shows a colored box for an empty pad. It seems random and doesn’t happen all the time.
After reading this thread and looking through the existing categories, I’m still little confused just where feature requests and bug reports should go. Should we putting them in the Support category? Or...?
@bwrobinett for now just create new thread for every feature request or bug report .. it's nice to mark it at beginning of title with something like "FEATURE" or "BUG" in general discussion
when we will finally add more categories, we will for sure sort all old tasks ..
I absolutely love Nanostudio 2. Even with version 1 i realized this was the first DAW in which you can actually build arrangments in an enjoyable way. And it still is.
Currently this is my wishlist for future versions.
Looking forward seeing Nanostudio 2 develop even more!
default midi maps for internal effects
( eq ) when using 'when track selected'
I would like to map the built in eq to a midi controller
view Current channelstrip in song mode ( like in cubasis )
A channelstrip eq/compressor/expander like in Auria or Cubase
Audio tracks.
Quickly rename tracks in song view
seems only possible from mixer view
Duplicate tracks
Trim /edit audio directly in slate pad (while playing)
two finger tap to undo. 3 finger tap to redo.
Love this feature in some drawing apps and its so easy to get used to without being in the way of other tools in most cases.
toggle draw/select tool with apple pencil 2 double tap or dedicated switch button.
I would love to see a dedicated button to switch to current selected part in the midi editor.
Currently a lot of double tapping and switching back and forth.
Just having a dedicated button viewing current selected part in the main UI would be a welcome feature.
Less taps for most used functions is always a win
Built in recorder
I think this can be moved to Slate.
Sampling directly in a slate slot from other tracks, auv3, audiobus , AUM, or inter audio apps would be a great feature i think
Drawing and selecting.
Sometimes I wish the pen tool would stay active when going in and out of a window.
I understand why the default behaviour is like this but it could be nice to lock a specific tool to a default.
I think the iPad version should not be limited because of the iphone version. That would be a shame.
Making it iPad only wouldn't be an issue for the serious users ( i think )
Maybe it's an idea to have some people here give an administration role to manage the forum, this way we can all make life easier for the developer.
Finally a big thank you to the developer for this piece of iOS audio art, which it truly is in many ways.
@TPJ said:
I would love to see a dedicated button to switch to current selected part in the midi editor.
Currently a lot of double tapping and switching back and forth.
Just having a dedicated button viewing current selected part in the main UI would be a welcome feature.
I'm a little confused on this one. Would you mind explaining it a bit further?
two finger tap to undo. 3 finger tap to redo.
Love this feature in some drawing apps and its so easy to get used to without being in the way of other tools in most cases.
Love this idea. I'd suggest the two finger circle gesture used in some apps though. Counter clockwise for undo, clockwise for redo.
A channelstrip eq/compressor/expander like in Auria or Cubase
You can kind of do this now by adding these effects to a set of tracks and then saving the project as a template. Next time you create a project, select your template (top right) and everything will be as if it shipped that way.
Well, almost. Any new tracks you add will not have these set on them. That said, you can save those three as an effects chain and load them up on a track in a flash. About as quickly as you can enable the individual sections on the Auria channel strip anyway.
There has been talk of 'track templates' in the future. If that happens, this sort of thing would be a prime use case.
I think the iPad version should not be limited because of the iphone version. That would be a shame.
Making it iPad only wouldn't be an issue for the serious users ( i think )
Personally, I'm 100% OK with having a few iPad-only features but, based on user feedback/requests I've seen, your second assumption isn't true.
@dendy said: @bwrobinett for now just create new thread for every feature request or bug report .. it's nice to mark it at beginning of title with something like "FEATURE" or "BUG" in general discussion
when we will finally add more categories, we will for sure sort all old tasks ..
Will get the categories added this week. :pinkyswear:
two finger tap to undo. 3 finger tap to redo.
Love this feature in some drawing apps and its so easy to get used to without being in the way of other tools in most cases.
Love this idea. I'd suggest the two finger circle gesture used in some apps though. Counter clockwise for undo, clockwise for redo.
This would likely clash with moving around in the timeline, which is also done with two fingers. Personally, I would turn the gesture undo off, it’s too easy to trigger by accident. This is also what I do in all drawing apps, but I can see people using the tap version if there’s a small animation added which would tell the user an undo has happened.
Drawing and selecting.
Sometimes I wish the pen tool would stay active when going in and out of a window.
I understand why the default behaviour is like this but it could be nice to lock a specific tool to a default.
I like this idea ! It can work this way :
long press on tool - small "lock" icon appears in corner and now tool is locked
Drawing and selecting.
Sometimes I wish the pen tool would stay active when going in and out of a window.
I understand why the default behaviour is like this but it could be nice to lock a specific tool to a default.
I like this idea ! It can work this way :
long press on tool - small "lock" icon appears in corner and now tool is locked
again long press on toll - removes lock
I don’t think it’s necessary to go that far. It’s probably only the menus that have something to do with notes, like Grid, Zoom and possibly Duplicate. Those could easily default to not exiting draw mode.
Drawing and selecting.
Sometimes I wish the pen tool would stay active when going in and out of a window.
I understand why the default behaviour is like this but it could be nice to lock a specific tool to a default.
I like this idea ! It can work this way :
long press on tool - small "lock" icon appears in corner and now tool is locked
again long press on toll - removes lock
Thank you! That would be great!
I don't know how hard it is to code but i can dream right? 😊
It would be great to have user control of single tap and double tap functions within the tools.
This way every user can choose what function is the most important on single tap or double tap.
Another example:
Adding a track is currently done by press hold + , then select track type.
This is ofcourse great. But i add AU tracks 9 out of 10. Different for every user.
So a preference setting for single tap + ( user selected default track type ) would be great functionality.
To me personally small details like this double the speed and pleasure of interacting with any software in general.
I have had RSI in the past and i always try to prevent long presses as they cause strain more. These are small things that can have huge impact on user interaction.
And one of the many reasons why NS2 is so exceptional amazing good is because the creator knows this and thinks its very important and im very grateful for it.
Ofcourse building templates and presets is a good starting point for saving time but i always think about doing more with less button taps when interacting with software. And for creativity it can be better to build from scratch. Unexpected stuff tends to happen more.
Currently i've setup Patterning midi only into NS2 triggering 6 Slate kits and 2 Obsidians.
Patterning is synced with ableton link.
I jam sequence in Patterning.
Switch Slate sounds by turning a knob on my midi controller ( note up or down)
Automate any parameter from patterning.
When im happy i record the midi in NS2 and still have full control. Works fantastic!
two finger tap to undo. 3 finger tap to redo.
Love this feature in some drawing apps and its so easy to get used to without being in the way of other tools in most cases.
Love this idea. I'd suggest the two finger circle gesture used in some apps though. Counter clockwise for undo, clockwise for redo.
This would likely clash with moving around in the timeline, which is also done with two fingers. Personally, I would turn the gesture undo off, it’s too easy to trigger by accident. This is also what I do in all drawing apps, but I can see people using the tap version if there’s a small animation added which would tell the user an undo has happened.
A rotating gesture for undo or redo would be a recipe for repetitive strain injuries in my opinion😂
This is used very often and has to be a single or double tap. Its like escape or enter. Has to be quick for muscle memory.
I’ve seen it referenced elsewhere but never saw any confirmation as to whether it’s a bug or an incomplete feature:
When I assign mixer send faders to CC, those assignments are always lost upon reloading the project (after saving with the assignments, of course). This is a bummer since my main template and workflow relies on mapping two sends for 8 channels, something I have to do every time I reload or create a project. I assume this is not how it’s supposed to work, right?
Edit: turns out mixer volume assignments don’t save either — on reload they all go back to CC7 (I assume the same is true for pan - cc10 - but didn’t test).
@legsmechanical wow, good catch !! Another example of beta testers sloppy work
... Reported to Matt.
Not needed to apologize ! Every bug report is important and appreciated, it helps to make app better which is benefitial for all of us :-)
This is very strange.. never had any issue, here is example patch with LFO5>Amp env retriggering, works like a breeze..
Can you share example patch with manifestation of this bug ? And please create for this issue new thread, i feel it will lead to more discussions and clarifications, so definitely better to have this one as separate thread
Hm, i see color boxes for all pads where is done sample loaded, can you please share screen where you don't see it like that ?
It's on todo list
There is waveshaper in Obsididian
Any filter slot can be switched to "WS" mode which is waveshaper :-) So you have multiple options - you can switch first two filters to "serial" mode, and then you can choose if you want send voices first to waveshaper and then to normal filter or first to normal filter and thrn to eaveshsper.
Of course you can use as waveshaper also third "global" filter.
Main difference between first two filter slots and third one is, that first two are applied individually on each voice and then voices are mixed together, third filter slot is applied after that, on all mixed voices together.
Which (of course only if you play polyphonic patch) especially for waveshaper makes big difference
Both of those behaviors may likely occur when the sample is in one shot mode.
Amp envelope defines the volume of a currently playing oscillator, so if the sample is not playing anymore, because it reached the end, no sound will obviously produced.
The same applies for the second issue. If the sample reaches the end, the amp retrigger feature has no sound to amplify.

To my restrictive knowledge, there is no sample retrigger feature to restart the sample along with the amp retrigger to achieve what you seek but probably Dendy will have more info about that.
Just a wild guess.
@Zupi oh yeah that makes sense ! I was expecting that @Drumex does have defined sustain loop... of course not looped sample plays just once and done...
good point !
Fingers crossed, as the sampler oscillator is initially set in loop mode.
Loop points are saved inside sample, so it's good chance he used sample with no loop points set :-) Without loop points whole sample is looped, and if sample contains silence at the end, unexpected behaviour is possible when retriggering amp
After some long though, does anyone else believe that we need and a sample retrigger feature at the patchbay?
I kinda do...
I’m guessing we’ll eventually get a full midi arp effect.
In different words: if you select the WS in the third 'global' filter slot, it will work exactly like it did in Eden—as a global effect on the synth. The new bit here is that we can now apply it per voice (+ new routing capabilities) via Filter slots 1 and 2.
Pssst... The 'Sine' and 'Tri' modes are 'hollow' and 'zingy' renamed.
I guess this is a good place to report Tera synth by Virsyn even after many refreshes in manage Au’s is still displaying no presets or sounds. Ok who’s to blame for this😇?
@Arpseechord You need run it first as standalone, then it worls ok also as plugin...
Just tried now and it worked like a charm thanks very much dendy😀👍🏻🎼
I was able to catch the slate color boxes glitch in reverse. This time instead of a pad not showing a color box that’s pancaked, it shows a colored box for an empty pad. It seems random and doesn’t happen all the time.

After reading this thread and looking through the existing categories, I’m still little confused just where feature requests and bug reports should go. Should we putting them in the Support category? Or...?
@bwrobinett for now just create new thread for every feature request or bug report .. it's nice to mark it at beginning of title with something like "FEATURE" or "BUG" in general discussion
when we will finally add more categories, we will for sure sort all old tasks ..
@dendy, Cool. Thanks!
When we do finally get audio tracks that there with a freeze track option
Feature requests
I absolutely love Nanostudio 2. Even with version 1 i realized this was the first DAW in which you can actually build arrangments in an enjoyable way. And it still is.
Currently this is my wishlist for future versions.
Looking forward seeing Nanostudio 2 develop even more!
default midi maps for internal effects
( eq ) when using 'when track selected'
I would like to map the built in eq to a midi controller
view Current channelstrip in song mode ( like in cubasis )
A channelstrip eq/compressor/expander like in Auria or Cubase
Audio tracks.
Quickly rename tracks in song view
seems only possible from mixer view
Duplicate tracks
Trim /edit audio directly in slate pad (while playing)
two finger tap to undo. 3 finger tap to redo.
Love this feature in some drawing apps and its so easy to get used to without being in the way of other tools in most cases.
toggle draw/select tool with apple pencil 2 double tap or dedicated switch button.
I would love to see a dedicated button to switch to current selected part in the midi editor.
Currently a lot of double tapping and switching back and forth.
Just having a dedicated button viewing current selected part in the main UI would be a welcome feature.
Less taps for most used functions is always a win
Built in recorder
I think this can be moved to Slate.
Sampling directly in a slate slot from other tracks, auv3, audiobus , AUM, or inter audio apps would be a great feature i think
Drawing and selecting.
Sometimes I wish the pen tool would stay active when going in and out of a window.
I understand why the default behaviour is like this but it could be nice to lock a specific tool to a default.
I think the iPad version should not be limited because of the iphone version. That would be a shame.
Making it iPad only wouldn't be an issue for the serious users ( i think )
Maybe it's an idea to have some people here give an administration role to manage the forum, this way we can all make life easier for the developer.
Finally a big thank you to the developer for this piece of iOS audio art, which it truly is in many ways.
Thank you!
I'm a little confused on this one. Would you mind explaining it a bit further?
Love this idea. I'd suggest the two finger circle gesture used in some apps though. Counter clockwise for undo, clockwise for redo.
You can kind of do this now by adding these effects to a set of tracks and then saving the project as a template. Next time you create a project, select your template (top right) and everything will be as if it shipped that way.
Well, almost.
Any new tracks you add will not have these set on them. That said, you can save those three as an effects chain and load them up on a track in a flash. About as quickly as you can enable the individual sections on the Auria channel strip anyway. 
There has been talk of 'track templates' in the future. If that happens, this sort of thing would be a prime use case.
Personally, I'm 100% OK with having a few iPad-only features but, based on user feedback/requests I've seen, your second assumption isn't true.
Will get the categories added this week. :pinkyswear:
This would likely clash with moving around in the timeline, which is also done with two fingers. Personally, I would turn the gesture undo off, it’s too easy to trigger by accident. This is also what I do in all drawing apps, but I can see people using the tap version if there’s a small animation added which would tell the user an undo has happened.
I like this idea ! It can work this way :
I don’t think it’s necessary to go that far. It’s probably only the menus that have something to do with notes, like Grid, Zoom and possibly Duplicate. Those could easily default to not exiting draw mode.
Would love to be able to fade the tracks
there are many ways how to do fade ...
in case you want to fade multiple tracks, my suggestion would be
this way you need just one automation fade for all those tracks
Excellent post @dendy
Thank you! That would be great!
I don't know how hard it is to code but i can dream right? 😊
It would be great to have user control of single tap and double tap functions within the tools.
This way every user can choose what function is the most important on single tap or double tap.
Another example:
Adding a track is currently done by press hold + , then select track type.
This is ofcourse great. But i add AU tracks 9 out of 10. Different for every user.
So a preference setting for single tap + ( user selected default track type ) would be great functionality.
To me personally small details like this double the speed and pleasure of interacting with any software in general.
I have had RSI in the past and i always try to prevent long presses as they cause strain more. These are small things that can have huge impact on user interaction.
And one of the many reasons why NS2 is so exceptional amazing good is because the creator knows this and thinks its very important and im very grateful for it.
Ofcourse building templates and presets is a good starting point for saving time but i always think about doing more with less button taps when interacting with software. And for creativity it can be better to build from scratch. Unexpected stuff tends to happen more.
Currently i've setup Patterning midi only into NS2 triggering 6 Slate kits and 2 Obsidians.
Patterning is synced with ableton link.
I jam sequence in Patterning.
Switch Slate sounds by turning a knob on my midi controller ( note up or down)
Automate any parameter from patterning.
When im happy i record the midi in NS2 and still have full control. Works fantastic!
A rotating gesture for undo or redo would be a recipe for repetitive strain injuries in my opinion😂
This is used very often and has to be a single or double tap. Its like escape or enter. Has to be quick for muscle memory.