Is it possible to resampling like in Nano 1
I can’t find how to record down stuff to the pads to free up channels etc.
Is it possible to resampling like in Nano 1
I can’t find how to record down stuff to the pads to free up channels etc.
not that exactly.. you can solo tracks
you want to resample, eventually set song loop. So far same like in NS1.
Now, go to Settings > Project > Mixdown, choose type "soloed tracks", ecentually adjust other parameters based on your taste and the do mixdown
now go back to Slate or Obsidian sample
oscillator and load that mixdowned file
from "mixdowns directory"
In some point in future (probably together with audio tracks) will be maybe added feature to select clips in sequencer and render them directly from there without needs go to mixdown screen.. but for now mixdown screen is only way
Cheers dendy
Thats not a bad way of doing it, in fact it’s how I build my sample collection in ableton
OT: In ableton you can also freeze the track (which converts it to audio) and drag onto an audio track. Super fast and efficient.
in reaper you even don't need drag it, you see both in same clip on same track, just midi part is greyed out (something like if you in NS put two clips on same track, just one is midi abd other audio). Tracks there can hol on both audionand midi.
i'm pretty sure in some phase in future Matt will do it very similiar way :-) I can almos see it in mu head
This is ok if you want to freeze the audio in the track ( for that track ) but if I’m building sample libraries to use later I like to export via mix down. Keeps it all neat for naming and folders etc.
Yeah, freezing creates awful filenames.
Yeah... personal favourite “dragged sample 000001”
BTW, after you've done a mixdown you'll see it listed in Mixdowns -> Previous.
If you want to edit it, double tap on the file and it'll open the sample editor. After you've done your edits, do a save or 'save as' to the Library.
Ahh cool thanks 😎
I’ve been bouncing everything out as a mix down and bringing it back into Obsidian it certainly giving me loads more processing power back, It’s a bit of a chore if your in the zone!
I was initially bringing samples back into slate but realised you can’t add external effects to each pad.
Options for Resampling selected tracks (or pads) and loop brackets duration straight to a Slate pad would make a lot of sense. Very awkward processes currently.