I gave it 5 stars and a brief but glowing review...based strictly on my personal experience and honest opinion.
App Store reviews are sort of like YouTube comments and open to interpretation. They’re not always a great system for determining how useful an app will be for specific use cases, but if you glean the useful info and consider the perspective of each commenter you may get some useful insights. I’m not sure any comments could really make a total mockery of the stars/review system though since it’s been a dumpster fire for so many years.
Honest feedback is helpful and sometimes hard to come by, so it should be appreciated for what it is no matter the forum. Whether someone agrees with another’s opinion is up to them, and when discussing personal workflow preferences you can’t really define right and wrong. One man’s 5 is another’s 3, and vice versa.
@3sleeves said:
I gave it 5 stars and a brief but glowing review...based strictly on my personal experience and honest opinion.
App Store reviews are sort of like YouTube comments and open to interpretation. They’re not always a great system for determining how useful an app will be for specific use cases, but if you glean the useful info and consider the perspective of each commenter you may get some useful insights. I’m not sure any comments could really make a total mockery of the stars/review system though since it’s been a dumpster fire for so many years.
Honest feedback is helpful and sometimes hard to come by, so it should be appreciated for what it is no matter the forum. Whether someone agrees with another’s opinion is up to them, and when discussing personal workflow preferences you can’t really define right and wrong. One man’s 5 is another’s 3, and vice versa.
I don’t know what to say. I feel like I’m home again. I dished it out for BM3 and over the course of 6 months did not finish one song or experience any kind of creative juice flow. 10 minutes after downloading NS2 it was on like Donky Kong. Having a native keyboard (and a truly bitchin’ one at that) is key. That and the ease of file handeling. That and and and and..
I’m going over to the App Store to leave a review now.
Thank you so much for finishing NS2. You’re perseverance is an inspiration to me.
I just looked at the App Store page for NS1 (you can still get there through the blip interactive website) and what do yo know but the second review on the page is mine titled “review reviewed”. Heh, I feel kind of almost famous.
Thanks again, NS2 is the BOMB!!
It’s encouraging to see NS2 clicking with so many people. I enjoy NS2 for the great features it has and don’t worry about the features that haven’t been added yet. Many great musicians just recorded to tape, or wrote stuff down on paper. We are lucky to have such cool tools as apps like NS2 and a whole bunch of synths & effects apps.
I have 15 years of hardware and software in my studio, synthesizer, effects ... But it's an app for iPad that makes me the most enthusiast in my daily work!
Thank you for your efforts and the quality of the work you've done.
I posted my humble review on the french apple store
Le meilleur sequenceur pour iPad!
Bien qu’il manque encore certaines choses à cette application pour en faire une véritable D.A.W comparable à celles présentes sur le Mac (Piste audio, Time stretch, beat slicing...) son ergonomie et sa stabilité en font la toute meilleure app de création musicale sur le iPad.
Je possède presque toutes les app de création musicale sur mon iPad mais celle-ci sort vraiment du lot! Une UI impeccable et une ergonomie proche de la, perfection.
Si je devais reprocher une seule chose c’est le comportement du transport qui nécessite systématiquement un double tap pour revenir au début du morceau là où toutes les autres DAW proposent par défaut, ou en passant par un setting, la possibilité de retourner immédiatement a la dernière position de départ de la lecture.
I'm a little surprised that, three months into NS2 being on the market, that there are only 74 ratings on the Apple App Store (as of 3/13). Not sure if the rating stats were reset when the latest version was uploaded, but it would help to get more reviews up there!
I feel like I am back to forgotten home now. This application is just amazing! It has excellent Synth with everything kind of synthesis engines I need. It has a sampler and all set of FX I need. I am so glad to work with this interface. Everything is lightning fast. I am a songwriter, and I missed audio tracks in NS2, but I don't want to force anything, because I love this app so much as is. I feel myself like many years ago when I found Fruity Loops and just started to create music. I am impressed and inspired. Thank you for NanoStudio 2. It is not five stars only. It is ten stars instead of five.
I'm sorry, but I can't give it a good review. The obsidian synth is brilliant, but the DAW portion makes me want to tear out my hair. Not the least bit intuitive. So rather than posting a bad review, I will post none at all.
@erok said:
I'm sorry, but I can't give it a good review. The obsidian synth is brilliant, but the DAW portion makes me want to tear out my hair. Not the least bit intuitive. So rather than posting a bad review, I will post none at all.
Spend some time with it. IMHO it’s the best of all of them and I have significant experience (he said even more humbly ). I see so many people say an app sucks when they couldn’t possibly have spent enough time to truly find that out. This forum is a good place to ask questions which you must have. Give it a try!
@erok said:
I'm sorry, but I can't give it a good review. The obsidian synth is brilliant, but the DAW portion makes me want to tear out my hair. Not the least bit intuitive. So rather than posting a bad review, I will post none at all.
Welcome to the forum.
Did you read the manual?
Did you watch the videos?
What DAW have you used in the past?
Do you have a specific question?
If so, we can try to help.
@kleptolia said: @SlapHappy I don’t take offense. I basically agree with what you said.
Nanostudio 2 is a freak show of capability. Focusing on what it doesn’t have (yet!) is a waste of time.
The simplicity of operation and stability more than make up for any concerns that could be brought up.
The function of the file system puts it over BM3, immediately. I have nothing against BM3, but I just never found it as useable and intuitive as Nanostudio.
The only other iOS daw that is as stable and powerful as Nanostudio is Sunvox. But the UI is sometimes an obstacle for me. There is alsmost nothing Sunvox can’t do, but figuring out how to do it is the trick.
NS2 bridges all of the gaps I care about, even without audio tracks.
I'm glad it's not just me. I couldn't figure out SunVox to save my life. I just wanted to make music, but that app makes me feel like I need to be a coder to understand it.
I still have Sunvox on my phone, just out of sentiment and respect for the guy who coded it. Alexander Zolotov has coded some of the most interesting, efficient, and power friendly apps in the App Store. On the other hand, I sadly don’t know hexadecimal math, so getting effects to apply correctly could be challenging....🙃
Is Sunvox the tracker app? I remember trying a deep tracker app that was reminiscent of Buzz tracker and realizing it didn’t make sense on a tablet, but I might try again now that I have a dedicated bt keyboard.
I remember as a young lad, trying to make head or tail of Octamed on the Amiga, but then salvation arrived when I bought the Atari with Cubase.
Still got it
:DDD nice one! Do you still use it? And if yes, what samplers do you use it with? I’m curious. I have one left, emu esi 2000:DDD with whooping 16mb of ram:D and bunch of floppy disks:DDD every now and then I’m thinking “let’s use it to get some different flavoured samples” but it takes ages to do anything on it;) but it does have some pretty decent filters and some unique feature which transforms/blend/modulate two samples into one, again this will take like 20 minutes to execute on samples of just few seconds long:D ohh we came long way since:D funny 😆
@LeeB said:
I remember as a young lad, trying to make head or tail of Octamed on the Amiga, but then salvation arrived when I bought the Atari with Cubase.
Still got it
:DDD nice one! Do you still use it? And if yes, what samplers do you use it with? I’m curious. I have one left, emu esi 2000:DDD with whooping 16mb of ram:D and bunch of floppy disks:DDD every now and then I’m thinking “let’s use it to get some different flavoured samples” but it takes ages to do anything on it;) but it does have some pretty decent filters and some unique feature which transforms/blend/modulate two samples into one, again this will take like 20 minutes to execute on samples of just few seconds long:D ohh we came long way since:D funny 😆
I've got an ESI-2000 too. I bought it off a guy on Craigslist for like 20 bucks! It sounds great but yeah, anything beyond "sample something quick and just play it right now and then forget it forever" is a total bear. I also picked up an Akai S5000 for $40 because, after drooling over it for years at like $3k or whatever, how could I not?! It's much faster to deal with than the ESI. The OS/workflow is way better (tons of buttons, etc) and the previous owner shoved a Compact Flash card reader into the back. Fun to muck around with but still not nearly as fast as just using Obsidian.
I gave it 5 stars and a brief but glowing review...based strictly on my personal experience and honest opinion.
App Store reviews are sort of like YouTube comments and open to interpretation. They’re not always a great system for determining how useful an app will be for specific use cases, but if you glean the useful info and consider the perspective of each commenter you may get some useful insights. I’m not sure any comments could really make a total mockery of the stars/review system though since it’s been a dumpster fire for so many years.
Honest feedback is helpful and sometimes hard to come by, so it should be appreciated for what it is no matter the forum. Whether someone agrees with another’s opinion is up to them, and when discussing personal workflow preferences you can’t really define right and wrong. One man’s 5 is another’s 3, and vice versa.
That’s just like, my opinion, man.

Agreed. And dumpster fire is accurate.
I think customer reviews, from the AppStore to Yelp, are hopelessly biased toward the negative.
I don’t know what to say. I feel like I’m home again. I dished it out for BM3 and over the course of 6 months did not finish one song or experience any kind of creative juice flow. 10 minutes after downloading NS2 it was on like Donky Kong. Having a native keyboard (and a truly bitchin’ one at that) is key. That and the ease of file handeling. That and and and and..
I’m going over to the App Store to leave a review now.
Thank you so much for finishing NS2. You’re perseverance is an inspiration to me.
I just looked at the App Store page for NS1 (you can still get there through the blip interactive website) and what do yo know but the second review on the page is mine titled “review reviewed”. Heh, I feel kind of almost famous.
Thanks again, NS2 is the BOMB!!
It’s encouraging to see NS2 clicking with so many people. I enjoy NS2 for the great features it has and don’t worry about the features that haven’t been added yet. Many great musicians just recorded to tape, or wrote stuff down on paper. We are lucky to have such cool tools as apps like NS2 and a whole bunch of synths & effects apps.
I have 15 years of hardware and software in my studio, synthesizer, effects ... But it's an app for iPad that makes me the most enthusiast in my daily work!
Thank you for your efforts and the quality of the work you've done.
I posted my humble review on the french apple store
Le meilleur sequenceur pour iPad!
Bien qu’il manque encore certaines choses à cette application pour en faire une véritable D.A.W comparable à celles présentes sur le Mac (Piste audio, Time stretch, beat slicing...) son ergonomie et sa stabilité en font la toute meilleure app de création musicale sur le iPad.
Je possède presque toutes les app de création musicale sur mon iPad mais celle-ci sort vraiment du lot! Une UI impeccable et une ergonomie proche de la, perfection.
Si je devais reprocher une seule chose c’est le comportement du transport qui nécessite systématiquement un double tap pour revenir au début du morceau là où toutes les autres DAW proposent par défaut, ou en passant par un setting, la possibilité de retourner immédiatement a la dernière position de départ de la lecture.
Cette application est brillante, Bravo!
I was just talking with a friend about how its one thing to do what we do best but its another thing to be good at selling it.
I'm a little surprised that, three months into NS2 being on the market, that there are only 74 ratings on the Apple App Store (as of 3/13). Not sure if the rating stats were reset when the latest version was uploaded, but it would help to get more reviews up there!
Nice review! I think that captures the feeling that NS2 users have for the app.
I feel like I am back to forgotten home now. This application is just amazing! It has excellent Synth with everything kind of synthesis engines I need. It has a sampler and all set of FX I need. I am so glad to work with this interface. Everything is lightning fast. I am a songwriter, and I missed audio tracks in NS2, but I don't want to force anything, because I love this app so much as is. I feel myself like many years ago when I found Fruity Loops and just started to create music. I am impressed and inspired. Thank you for NanoStudio 2. It is not five stars only. It is ten stars instead of five.
I'm sorry, but I can't give it a good review. The obsidian synth is brilliant, but the DAW portion makes me want to tear out my hair. Not the least bit intuitive. So rather than posting a bad review, I will post none at all.
Spend some time with it. IMHO it’s the best of all of them and I have significant experience (he said even more humbly
). I see so many people say an app sucks when they couldn’t possibly have spent enough time to truly find that out. This forum is a good place to ask questions which you must have. Give it a try!
Welcome to the forum.
Did you read the manual?
Did you watch the videos?
What DAW have you used in the past?
Do you have a specific question?
If so, we can try to help.
here is a site that shows app reviews from all over the world (flag top left)
https://fnd.io/#/gb/search?mediaType=all&term=blip interactive
(they may not be bang up to date, i can use my ipad to swap countries and maybe see more but thats a bit of tapping..)
I have posted mine under an archaic user name of mine: jargon_co let’s keep up the reviews everybody Blip deserves it!
:DDD nice one! Do you still use it? And if yes, what samplers do you use it with? I’m curious. I have one left, emu esi 2000:DDD with whooping 16mb of ram:D and bunch of floppy disks:DDD every now and then I’m thinking “let’s use it to get some different flavoured samples” but it takes ages to do anything on it;) but it does have some pretty decent filters and some unique feature which transforms/blend/modulate two samples into one, again this will take like 20 minutes to execute on samples of just few seconds long:D ohh we came long way since:D funny 😆
I've got an ESI-2000 too. I bought it off a guy on Craigslist for like 20 bucks! It sounds great but yeah, anything beyond "sample something quick and just play it right now and then forget it forever" is a total bear. I also picked up an Akai S5000 for $40 because, after drooling over it for years at like $3k or whatever, how could I not?! It's much faster to deal with than the ESI. The OS/workflow is way better (tons of buttons, etc) and the previous owner shoved a Compact Flash card reader into the back. Fun to muck around with but still not nearly as fast as just using Obsidian.