Which was planned first, iPhone support, or Audio Tracks?
I know this is a completely stupid question no doubt, lol. However, while Matt did post his plans in the old forum, I can't for the life of me remember which was supposed to come in Spring and which in June. After conducting a forum search, I still can't find the answer. Can someone help me out here please? Thank you.
All I recall reading was audio tracks = summer
iPhone support was always going to be first with Audio tracks to follow later on
No dates were carve in stone for he want of hammer and chisel.
Any confirmation that the iPhone version will be compatible with the SE?
Audiokit SynthOne just went universal but won’t work on the SE screen size, but the the processor is more than capable.
@3sleeves i think until isOS11 running on SE, then NS2 will do too .. But good you mentioned it, we will pay speciall attention on this during testing
IPhone... meh...I want my audio tracks now, waaah! (There I said it)
@Cinebient ^^ .. fight starts in 3... 2... 1....
I don’t want to start a war. How much for an iphone that is the equvilant of an ipad 5?
Not sure what iPhone = what iPad, the the iPhone 6+ screen is same as iPhone 8, and both are super for NS2. If I didn’t already have one, I’d get a used 6+ just for music, which means mostly NS2 & synths apps. Quick search revealed 6+ go for $99+ Used $150-200+ Refurbished. 8+ start at $450 Refurbished.
iPad 5 == iPad model 2017 .. A9 CPU ... same CPU is in iPhone SE
I have an SE, if I can fit a build on it, I can test that one.
I’m the opposite. (Although audiotracks will be nice too).
Different strokes for different folks, I guess.
I have a 4s. If i can upgrade for cheap/free my tune may change.
Respect! That is hardcore ✊
With the prices they charge for data here they better give me a damn phone!
iPhone 4 | NS1
I like how you’ve texturized the screen.
I have something similar (iPhone 5) I use to run Alchemy on. The screen barely works at all now, sadly.
Hey what do you know? Thanks for the tip!
Do you know that Slate can open TRG kits ?
btw i made this album with that thing
a bit of sunrizer, nlog, nord lead 2 and novation supernova sampling, but at least 70% of sounds Eden.
I really wish audiotracks was first. Freezing pesky bug riddled or ram limited au’s would be nice. Also being able to record an entire song with vocals in NS2 would be nice
Me Too!! I just feel like so much has settled down for me on iOS with lots of great stuff out now (AUs, sequencers, grooveboxes etc) and that good multitrack audio editing is all that remains. MMmm boyee, sure hope it nails it.
Does recording audio into Slate not work for your workflow?
No. Maybe it ‘could’ but I wouldn’t even waste the time/energy to try honestly (no offense, and I’m not trying to minimize your question). My background is a full service studio owner running pro tools, so, predictable workflows and with minimal crashes are my objective since people are paying me for ‘time’. I kind of kept that same mindset on iOS. NS2 pulled me in because it’s so good with never crashing and being very intuitive and quick. When I’m speaking on wishing there were audio tracks and certain other features in NS2 it’s from a desktop daw workflow perspective (as anti-iOS as that might sound) because I’d like to enventually do away with all the bulky equipment and be able to replace that with iPads on the road, touring etc. NS2 with all its promised future features is a huge step forwards that. However It would also require fabfilter, waves, native instruments, and the like to get onboard with the Auv3 format
Yes I agree. I’m also concerned that iOS users have a price locked mentality and there might not be enough meat on the bone for big developers for the effort. $30 is a ‘big purchase’ for audio on iOS so I can see why they ignore the platform. Audio developers need better revenue streams for the effort. Adding to that, iOS seems like a thankless platform. As an example, Just the outcry from users for @Blip Interactive dropping the price like $10 would scare me as a developer. First complaints about it being $30 then complaints that he had a 30% off sale. This is pennies in the pro audio world! You can literally make professional tracks with no other tools. I would love to have been a pre-teen or teen with these tools. Anyways, I hope the exciting iOS audio releases continue, @Blip Interactive is able to make a future generation securing fortune from this incredible app, and that we get some of the bigger players to help ‘legitimize’the platform and persuade more users (read: more money) to make the migration
This, exactly !!! When i think how much i paid for desktop daws and plugins, ios prices are just ridiculous... when i see people crying that FabFilter Q2 costs too much, it's like wtf ?! Man look at that EQ, it's holy grail, it should costs at least twice as much.
So as Nanostudio. Devs need pay bills, feed family - if ios app developement would not fulfill their needs they will change job.
Ya, the iOS complaining makes me cringe, all things considered. On desktop you sacrifice vacation sized budgets buying plugins, but the idea is that it’s cheaper and more efficient than buying the hardware that a lot of plugs are modeled after. I paid over 1000$ for the fabfilter bundle for desktop. Compare that to iOS where I also bought all the auria pro versions on Fabfilter and then the Auv3 pro q2 for less than $150. I remember spending years on buying waves gold, then upgrading to platinum etc to finally get waves mercury and probably spent well over $5000 on them when it was all said and done. But those tools got me to the finish line and to me was no different than needing a crane to build a skyscraper. It’s an investment. I’m grateful to have cheaply available tools on iOS but not to the point of putting the developers I like out of business or having to get a real job while the app is there hobby.
What dendy & T4H said.
Except that I get by just fine with audio in Slate since I’m not running a studio or recording live instruments or performances.
I am not doing those things either but for me audio tracks and having a visual waveform are super sweet and efficient for sound design. For building kits for Slate and samples for Obsidian etc. They are also invaluable for me in the mixing / audio commitment stage where all midi is bounced out to audio and then it is sculpted and edited; slicing and stretching bits in ways that can’t be done with midi and fx automation. Even starting a track from scratch with just audio bits, abstract chunks of foley like sound collage style. Ahhh, I love it! BM3 really is a close haven to my olde desktop daw audio chop paradigm with its sampler and ability to manicure audio bits but the timeline is nowhere near NS2 level flow. Anyway, fingers crossed it does not end up like Gadget... ‘Plop! Heres yer audio track... NEXT!’
I also am looking forward to Audio Tracks, but I think since I had a different background (primarily hardware workstations) I have much more of a simple MIDI sequencing workflow. I can see that for people who edit, slice & sculpt audio, that having the visual waveforms that audio tracks provide would be a more comfortable environment. Old Habits Die Hard (which wasn’t as good as the others since Bruce Willis wasn’t in it). Ironically I think once Audio Tracks come out I will probably not use them too much and stick with Slate for most of my audio. Maybe then I can be in the sequel Old Habits Really Die Hard. 😜