AUv3 MIDI tools going cheap
I don’t know if this is of any interest to anyone, but here is a suite of AUv3 MIDI tools for use in DAW's such as NS2 etc at an introductory price of 99p (99¢). The price is going up by 80% on the 1st of Feb, so perhaps worth a punt?
not working in NS2 at the moment...
bought knowing they will!
This is why they’re cheap I guess. Because they SUCK in NS2!!
That’s the spirit. I will wait too, then if nothing has happened in two weeks time, I’ll troll the developer.... no. Wait...
A slightly more accurate wording would be to say NS2 is not compatible with these kinds of MIDI audio units. They work fine in every other popular host, such as AUM, apeMatrix, Cubasis and BM3, even Audiobus.
The problem here is very likely the same one that affects other plugins such as StepPolyArp, discussed here.
Rest assured that I'm happy to collaborate with @Blip Interactive on this and make any changes to the plugins if needed to make them work. But as far as I can tell, at the moment it's impossible to do anything before NS2 is updated.
yeah i believe @drez made good decision and sooner or later problem will be fixed.. looks like very nice set of tools, looking forward for using midi monitor, would be handy tool for testing midi plugins ! Good work !
just to summarize issues i found, maybe you get sime ideas - looks like 3 basic independent issues to me..,
instrument doesn't load at all, it stay stucked in "loading" state (wondering if it should be some kind of issue that your plugin implements just midi streams not audio and NS is waiting for audio stream ? Just my random thought)
MIDI route - after loaded, UI disappears (it blinks for a while) and audio engine starts dropping heavily - when plugin removed, audio is again ok
midi monitor doesn't show any data, Latch does nothig - didn't try rest - but this looks like it should be theoretically same root issue like with SPA
Thanks for testing things out @dendy.
For the "Route" units (both instrument and effect), your hypothesis is interesting, and I'll do some more digging on my end.
For the other units, they expect MIDI data to come in from the host via
realtime event list head, and also advertise their output to the host viaMIDIOutputNames
(Matt will know what I'm talking about).Ns2 doesn’t work with a bunch of 3rd party stuff atm. Vibe around here is ‘so what, obsidian is sooo efficient, just don’t use other plugins and employ workarounds’. No one seems to feel urgent, short changed or vocally pissed about the compatibility issues so I doubt it’ll get fixed any time soon.
Your apps are great in bm3 btw. Nice work
Great stuff @blueveek. Thanks for clearing that up. I really look forward to using your software. I already use AUM so they’ll get plenty of use there.
Good news, I've confirmed with @Blip Interactive that everything will work fine in a future release of NS2.
I've also already released a new version of MIDI Tools on the App Store that anticipates for that future version of NS2, so everything goes smoothly.
Thanks everyone for your patience.
Done. No brainer. Thanks, Tom I love deals like this.
Good work
Confirming MIDI route (both instr. / fx) is not crashing anymore, looking forward to Matt’s part of job.
I want ask one thing. Curious how MIDI route works. I was expecting that if i put MIDI Route FX on channel 1 (destination set to network session1, channel 1), channel 2 (set input "network session1, channel 1") would play - but that is not the case .. I tried change destination to "Cubasis" but wit no success..
What i'm doing wrong ?
(of course i tried it in Cubasis, i guess in NS it would work only after Matt's update)
If you haven't seen it, here's a quick video showing how MIDI Route (instrument version) works:
Check the second half of the video for routing from one track to another, into the same app.
This setup should translate identically to other DAWs too, such as Cubasis. To be clear, NS2 is still unable to make use of the effect version, but the instrument version works properly.
If you're still having trouble (e.g. with Cubasis), send me a PM, we'll get to the bottom of it.
EDIT: a few further clarifications below.
I recommend using MIDI Bus for in-app routing, because that will work specifically with AUv3 MIDI, and doesn't require applications to advertise themselves as a MIDI destination.
However, MIDI Route will work fine as long as the targeted destination is actually advertising itself as a destination using Core Midi (not AUv3 MIDI) on iOS. NS2 doesn't seem to do that at the moment.
ok thanks, will check video try it in cubasis ..
Works fine in Cubasis from what I've tried.
Simplest possible setup:
Using Route to route midi from one track to another:
Now the notes on track A are routed to track B.
Using Bus to route midi from one track to another (preferred):
Now the notes on track A are routed to track B, without relying on Cubasis advertising itself as a MIDI destination.
Let me know if you need any more help.
Yeah this is what i did but it refuses to play, no sound from track B
very strange
Track A / B configuration (there is default piano cubasis patch on track b)
You wold not believe, butt without success too
OOOh i found what is problem."REC TO TRACK" button on B channel, should be disabled
) It's like if it is enabled, Cubasis is NOT passing notes from MIDI FX into instrument but directly to track, if its disabled, Cubasis is NOT passing notes to track but to instrument 
It's the Cubasis way how to record MIDI going out of MIDI FX into track. A bit strange way, hope Matt will come with some more smart "buttonless" solution
Anyway - your plugins works seamlessly !
Instrument mode of MIDI Route doesn't need to deal with the "REC TO TRACK" shenanigans.
No, that button works just for MIDI Bus plugins .... MIDI Route still doesn't work no matter if i use it as FX or Instrument in track A - track B doesn't receive nothing .. Tried also Route instrument / fx set to "network session 1" and "all ports" and then set as input port "network session 1" in GrooveRider - but it did not received anything from Route runnnin in Cubasis - it looks like Cubasis is somehow blocking MIDI Route output no matter if it is used as instrument or FX ..
Btw. do you have any "official forum" somewhere ? Maybe that AB thread ? I think it would be good for you to discuss such things not related to NS there, to save your time explaining it again if somebody else would have same troubles like me
Ok this was just some issue with GrooveRider most probably user error
- tried standalone Dixie and it works, MIDI Route from Cubasis sends notes to standalone running Dixie
Ok then i think it's solved.. for internal routing within host - MIDI Bus, for external apps MIDI Route .. all cleared. Thanks
Everything works perfectly well with Route as far as I can tell. Here's a video demonstrating that:

I 100% agree with regards to moving this conversation over to the AB forums
Check my lasts post ;-) It works.. user error
@blueveek can I ask for another MIDI plugin request? Sevish built this rather groovy little MIDI scaler tool to process incoming MIDI inputs to output:
"MidiNoteScaler is a MIDI effect. You specify a source EDO and an output EDO, and it will change the MIDI note number of all incoming note messages.
Example use case: you have a MIDI sequence in 12-EDO, and your synth is tuned to 19-EDO. Put MidiNoteScaler in the chain before the synth. Set input to 12, output to 19. Now when you play the sequence, you will hear something very similar to the original 12-EDO music but each note is tuned to the nearest note from 19-EDO."
Something like this would be an incredibly useful tool for those (like me and many others) who wish to explore microtonal tunings within an app like NS2. Matt has considered the possibility of adding Scala and Tun support to Obsidian at some point in the future, but until that time arrives, something similar to this would be extremely handy- even just to mess around with simple keyboard mapping.
Eeek! Forgot to add the link....
edit 2: btw it's not a VST, just a Pd vanilla patch that uses Camomile as a VST wrapper.