Ability to set "glide" also in polyphonic mode (Obsidian)
The answer to this may be that I’m confusing ‘glide’ and ‘portomento’ but sometimes I like my poly synths to have ‘glide/portomento’ turned on.
An example is Vancovour inside Gadget.
So how come in Obsidean it won’t allow me to use any glide/portomento unless I’m in mono/legato mode?
And any chance of changing this?
Tradition? Vocals, violins, trombones, etc. that use Glide are mono. Early synths were mono. Maybe it’s just tradition?
Can you explain how this would work on a polyphonic glide? How does the synth know which new note it is sliding to per key? Two-handed chords would be gliding in all sorts of directions. Is this for experimental music? Or do you mean like in a keyboard split? Lower section is polyphonic for chord accompaniment while the upper range is mono with glide? That should be doable.
Hm interesting .. i have to try it how it works in vancouver, i'm pretty curious .. normally glide does it's job when you are holding one key and then you press other key - i can't imagine how it should work in polyphonic mode where you don't want glide one note to other but play BOTH - how synth engine doesn't know when you want to "glide" and when you want to play two notes simultaneusly ?
I will later check Vancouver ..
Also see Phoenix and Wolfsburg in Gadget.
They all seem to allow you to hold a chord with one hand and then if you play a single note higher up the keyboard you’ll hear it pitch ramp into that note (but not affect the chord that’s playing).
This is the way I’m used to portomento working in poly synths. I’m sure it’s also like this in other synths.
Polyphonic portamanto is actually quite difficult to achieve. I’ve heard some real clangers in the past trying to make it work correctly.
Ok checked Gadget .. it's actually pretty easy and quite logic
It simply does glide with every new pressed key relative from PREVIOUS pressed key .. I'm pretty surprised how naturally it sounds. Simple but effective
That would be nice addition to Obsidian voicing modes, i agree after i tried it in Gadget.
In terms of needed UI tweaks, i would probably just leave "Glide time" enabled for voicing modes 2+, just by default i would set it to zero (== no glide) - to not break existing factory patches.
Let's see if this one would get one day into Matt's lightyears long task list
Maybe together with MPE native support it would make sense, i suppose with Seaboard this is very often used feature...
Cool. Thanks.