Monster and Aliens - 5 free Slate Kits
Hi everyone,
I just bought Nanostudio 2 last week and I like it!
I am studying the best way to make and distribute content for it. Here's the result of my first tests. It's a single zip (24 MB) containing 5 kits of samples taken from my Memory Collection sample packs 03 (Horror Movies) and 05 (Sci-Fi and Aliens). All are from Public Domain movies.
These are not drums or percussion kits, the sounds are of various types: voice/spoken word/dialogs, sfx/foley and music. They are simply mapped in 5 Slate kits (138 samples). All the pads are in "One-shot" mode, the samples play for their entire length. Some samples are a bit long, so try "Sustain" mode to have them play only as long as the pad is pressed or the length of the note in the part. Also don't hesitate to edit the samples or experiment with the various settings offered by the pad, like level, pan, tuning, envelopes, etc.
You can download the zip to your computer, extract it and then use WebDAV to move the kits to Nanostudio 2. Or click on the link from your iPad, it will (should) download it and then offer you the choice to open it with Nanostudio that will install the 5 kits in a single folder. The MC 03 mini kit had been previously released for Nanostudio 1.
I will post more info later. Please let me know if you have any questions, suggestions or problems!
Wow that is pretty great !! Big thanks for sharing !!
I will turn this thread to "announcement" to have it on top, it definitely deserves it !
@zvon Thank you very much for these 👍🏼
Great, thanks a lot!
You're welcome
Wow, really cool samples in there!
Thanks for your effort and sharing.
I could open up the zip file directly on my ipad. Super easy! Thanks! @zvon
Nice! Thanks
Glad that it worked easily!
Have fun with the sounds!
Here are some possible uses for these samples:
The link below will open the MC 05 PDF documentation. On page 3, it offers more "Tips tp get the most of it":
I have begun to make an audio example in Nanostudio 2 but it's not ready yet. In the meantime, there some audio examples on the Memory Collection page:
These are great, I’m using them for Jamuary! Thank you for sharing!!!
If you’re on Instagram or YouTube please share your profile, I’ll shout you out when I post something.
I am a zombie.
Looking forward to your posts! I am not on Instagram but I have a YouTube channel:
@zvon I’ve linked to your page in the description, this is what I made last night with some of those samples:

Thanks again!
Those are really fun kits, I’m enjoying making odd conversations with the vocal samples now😁 There are some good percussive and melodic sounds in there too, might try using a few in Obsidian later.
Thanks for the link, it's a nice soft track. It is indeed fun to mix these samples in odd ways.
Thanks great samples!
You're welcome!
Hi everyone,
Do you everyone else also have AudioShare option greyed out, when importing drum key into Slate? Does it mean that only Dropbox import is allowed?
Exported kits are in the zip format and AudioShare, to my knowledge, cannot export zip files. So yes from NS2 the only import option is Dropbox. But any app that has the "open in" command will offer NanoStudio 2 as a destination but you will have to initiate the process from the app instead of from NS2.
Safari, Google Drive and email will work to my knowledge.
You can export zip from AudioShare. Just select it and don’t unzip when it asks you. Then export as usual. Do it from AS, not from within NS2.
Hi anickt,
Thanks for the tip, didn't know that!